Hey Sup Forumsaggots

Hey Sup Forumsaggots.
Time to play a game, rpg style, first reply wins.

You wake up in a dark place, not exactly sure of where you are.
You feel yourself and your immediate surroundings.
You're not trapped, and it seems that there is something in the corner of the room, judging by the light that escapes the thin cracks of the aging walls.

Look in the corner
>any chance you were in the rp thread last night?

You feel your way around the dimly lit room.
Reaching the corner, you find find a stick with some moist cloth wrapped around its end.
It smells strongly of an oil used to cast fire.
You remember that you have with you some flint and steel.

>Yes, but as a player.

Set the stick on fire.
> I was op

i cast magic missle

You set fire to the torch, illuminating your surroundings.
It's a dungeon room, and you're not the only one in it.
You cast your eyes to a opening the size of a large goblin.
What looks back at you cannot be described.
It rears its head and charges you, darting back and forth.
>Nice. Glad you took the time to make a thread worth following. Really liked the game. Thought it might be worth trying out. Take over if you like, I remember you promising to keep the thread going.

Beat the goblin with the torch
> oh god no. kinda tired. I will probably do a thread a week

You flail your torch at the goblin, but it's too fast.
It dodges, but a chink in the ground forces it to lose balance.
Just as you notice this, the glimmer of light from a small dagger catches your eye. Now's your chance!

stab it in the throat

Hey user. Just make a random D&D campaign on roll20.net. It's free, easy to setup, and just grab random pre-made characters for people to choose from. That way you can DM a game and not this thread bullshit.

don't advertise your shit cunt

You grab the dagger and turn around, plunging it into the creature's exposed neck.
It writhes in agony as it turns around to face you, revealing its pitch black eyes.
As it falls, it casts its glance at the door at the head of the room.
It seems like you could also go through the goblin's exposed opening.

i take the torch and light this poster on fire

loot the goblin's corpse


Looking around, you find an estranged piece of large parchment attached to the wall of some young fellows erotically revealing their penises to each other.
On the bottom is inscribed, "user is fag"?

bump for goblin loot

I fap in that corner

That piece of parchment excites you.
You feel a sensation in your lower abdomen, a feeling you don't remember having before.
Going to the corner, you whip out your diamond 5.5 inch package and writhe it madly, banging it into the walls for pleasure.

After finishing, you remember your current situation:
The door or the opening?


this guy needs to spend more time with a dictionary to cut down on malapropisms.

You go to the goblin.
Reaching down, you find a whopping 10 gold!
You have with you:
A dagger
A torch, now slowly dying out.

I go through the opening

My shit? xD Dude, since you're out of the loop. roll20 is one of the biggest communities and best platforms for online board games.

I watch as fire burns me over the internet. I sit and say ow, ow, ow. It burns. Please, God. Make it stop. The guy online burned me, from a shit thread. I have fecal burns, Lord. Please save me.

You enter the opening, revealing an almost literal hellhole.
The goblin's deck wreaks of feces, human flesh, and vomit.
You exit through a door at the other end of which the outside world is clearly visible.

Go out the door

You go through the door and into a vast clearing.
In the distance, you spot a village and smoke bellowing from its depths, if you go quickly, you might have time to help if something's gone awry.

Sprint over to the village.
>so this thread is nice
>but you're shoehorning us into the option you >pick a little bit

You sprint your ass off getting to the village.
A group of goblins are ransacking the place.
Men, women, and children evacuate in a screaming mess.
Noticing you, a goblin stops to look at you.
He seems threatened. And angry.
In his hand, he has a torch.
What do you do?
>duly noted

It's his story let him tell it. If you don't like it then fuck off. Go to /qst/ where there are a bunch of threads just like what you're wanting. Stop trying to ruin this one because it's not constructed the way you want it.

Stab him, take the torch, and shove it down his throat

dude, calm down. It's constructive criticism. He's not complaining about it, so you shouldn't either

No you're one of the faggots like all the others over at /qst/. We don't run these in Sup Forums to be like the threads in /qst/ If that's what you're looking for then go to quest and stop bitching.

You charge the feral being.
Your dagger slips between his ribs, and he yells something fierce.
As he falls to his knees, you take his torch and wrench it down the sorry bastard's throat.
He screams right before exploding all over you and the vicinity.
A madam of ripe age spots your godly being.
She seems distressed.

Seriously. Calm down.

go talk to her

You approach the girl.
She tells you that her boyfriend is stuck in the burning house to your left.
Tears stream down her face as she turns to face it.

go rescue him

You tell her to not worry.
You burst through the doors of the house, finding yourself in an inferno.
You see a man laying on the ground before you, below the shroud of smoke.
He's clutching another woman. They're both half naked.

burn them, drag their lifeless corpses out to her feet

hey let's bump

You throw them into a nearby spot of concentrated fire from the depths of hell, and their flesh sears.
After a few minutes, you drag their bodies out to the damsel.
Her eyes lock onto you, then the bodies.
She sees her boyfriend and breaks down, falling to her knees above his corpse.
She looks at you.
What do you say?

He cheated on you.

You tell her, and she can't believe it.
She notices the body of the woman and continues to bawl, somewhat coming to her senses.
As she's bent down, you notice her ample cleavage.
Some distance away, a giant orc stomps among the goblins, approaching a group of children trapped in a corner.

I suck the orc's dick

You look at the girl, then at the orc.
Something you didn't notice before jumps out at you.
The orc is hard, probably for those kids.
>tfw when pic related
You push the damsel over, running to the beast.
Powersliding in front of it, you grab his cock by the shaft.
He grunts. Probably didn't even notice. Time to make an impression.
You plunge his wang into your mouth, realizing that you're not even a third of the way in.
You remember the parchment back in the dungeon room.
He finishes, falling to his knees.

Sit on his cock.

You try, but it seems that he's pooped.
He gets up, remembering his hunger for children.

fuck his throat

You attempt climbing the beast's body to reach his throat, but he pushes you off.
You land to the ground with a thud.
He starts heading for the kids, now hysterical with fear.

stab him in the skull

Tired of being rejected, you grab your dagger and power-leap, plunging your weapon into the orc's skull.
He falls slowly, the life leaving his corpse.
The gods, now impressed with your recent bravery, decide to keep their eye on you.
The town hall is being ravaged by the feral goblins, and the local mage is struggling to hold them off. How can you help?

go mutilate the goblins, then suck the mage's cock

>op needs to abandon ship!
>user, take over!

>not feeling up to another thread