Risk part 2

Risk part 2

virginia takes southern US states

>France pushes back yellow

>German Puppet State
Invade the Virginians

Look Virginia, you can't win this war. If you surrender now we will promis not to attack you and let you keep the land you have but if you continue this your as good as dead

>German Puppet States
Roll Again Against the Virginians

never! roll for virginia

Continue to fight the French to the bitter end!

>Happy Birthday Hitler
Push to take the Southern Virginians

Verry well. But remember you have sealed your fait


Yellow's muff is cabbage.

>Happy Birthday Hitler
Not much left to do but destroy the Virginians lol

Shouldn't have invaded. 2nd Gettysburg for the Virginians

Go back to your filthy country you stale baguette


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

change goyland to alaska and move east

Almost annihilated the Yellownese there, France


You've always been a weak race reliant on the blue cats
Now that their gone you will be defeated easily

>German Puppet State
Retake the South East

Virginia surrender now and we'll let you keep your home state

>German Puppet State
2nd Roll Attack on the Virginians

Sue for Peace, Virginia


I continue my onslaught bitch

>worth 6 million dollars

Virginia surrenders can we keep our state like you promised?

>Happy Birthday Hitler

*watches the Virginians*

Continue to fight the french

>Happy Birthday Hitler
Virginian Peace Accepted and the lands of West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana are returned to the Virginian peoples.

Waiting on the German Puppet Bros to confirm

>German Puppet State

Out of respect of the Communist Canadian borders, the Germans agree.

Lands North of Virginia can remain virginian

alaska pushes east!

roll to for more canadaian land


Fight back against the Alaskans
>communist Canada

DUBS! Alaska strikes with an unprecedented invasion of Communist Canada

Second roll to attack the Alaskans
>communist Canada

This comment wasn't Alaska actually. Just reporting the news and drama while waiting on OP


Alaske marches east!

Hitler to invade commies

We must reclaim Canada
>communist Canada

The stalemate between France and the Yellow empire is quite stunning. Our children shall tell of the tale of these brave men.

Not Hitler


rolling for natural disaster

>Happy Birthday Hitler
I suspect this is the work of the Virginians

Remaining passive but the German Puppet Bros should finish the Virginians

I kind of got tired of attacking them
If France is reading this I guess well sign a peace treaty

could be the Alaskans. Should be contest a border with the Canadians to assure the destruction of the Virginians?



>German Puppet State

Immediately shred peace treaty

Destroy the Virginians

Alaska roll for more canada regardless of nation


Second roll to invade Alaska

Roll to defend

do dubs get me a natural disaster? if not reroll

>Happy Birthday Hitler

Invade the Yellow, secure the Cuban isles and expand from Colombia to corner the Yellow in the East


Some nigga pretending to be Hitler

damnit it will be done

Look I'm gonna go to bed now so I'm not gonna be playing but I will only give up my land to the German puppet state anyone else im going to war

>German Puppet State
Cease Activities in Virginia so long as Virginia respect the United Reichs

Cuba storms governors palace and declares autonomy!

>German Puppet State
Accepts the treaty. I understand your wishes of your peoples. Fear not, the Yellow are worthy men of German blood.

I'm so confused what's going on?
I thought we agreed to peace

>German Puppet State

Invade the French! IT IS DESTINY

Some nigga claiming that I, Hitler, invaded the Canadians. The United German Reich respects their autonomy. Always have.

alaska moves east!!!

>Happy Birthday Hitler

Suppress the Cuban revolt

The United German Reich must be continuous!

cuba libre! we will fight


Reclaim the Canadan land from the Alaskans
>communist Canada

>German Puppet State

Assist the Higher Reich in their suppression of Cuba, force Cuban refugees to flee north to Canada

Communist Canada is asking for help in reclaiming Canada
>communist canada

Roll for alaska!!!

France recieves cuban refugees to aid in the fight!
we will reclaim brazil

>Happy Birthday Hitler

Considering intervention, awaiting the results of the Cuban revolution and relations with the French

rolling for a disaster

Be patient, Commie bros.


Please hurry happy birthday hitler, your our only hope
>communist canada

An earthquake hits california!! the world is in shock

cuba moves north into HBH

>Happy Birthday Hitler
sends military aid to Canada, sends an army from Washington state into Alaskan territory.

Invasion of Alaska Begins



>German Puppet State
Invades France

This is Destiny

reclame Canada from the Alaskans
>communist Canada

Second roll
>communist Canada

>Happy Birthday Hitler

Sends second army into Alaska to relieve the Canadian Communist Party


cuban guerilla pushes further into HBH controlled jungles

>German Puppet State
Seconds second invasion of France

Must Holocaust the (((Cuban))) exiles

attack the germans

2nd roll


>Happy Birthday Hitler
Suppress the Cuban state. The gas chambers await! Invade!

dubs for genocide

>German Puppet State
Invade France

we will conquer north america

france to invade the germans

>German Puppet State
Retaliate against the French, circumvent the maginot line!

Continue to reclaim Canada
>communist Canada