So me and my friends are buying 10,000 (10K) crickets to release in a public area...

So me and my friends are buying 10,000 (10K) crickets to release in a public area. We're trying to brainstorm what kind of area would be the funniest. Any ideas Sup Forums?

The one rule we have is that it can't be a place where we are likely to get caught, because we obviously don't want to get caught. So an area with cameras is a no go.

A public bathroom

In a toilett room of any restaurant or puplic anything

Inside a movie theater would freak people out since it is dark, not many would see it coming

Chinese Restaurant. Roach/Cricket battle royale.

The zoo

One time I let a bag of praying mantis eggs hatch in my brothers room.

So a friend and I

1. Place all crickets in a container
2. Open lid in a really crowded movie theatre
3. Wait.
4. Post results

In a mall

fucking great idea

I was thinking dump them in someone's car

I had a very fucked up nightmare about crickets btw

remember to try it at home first to see if they are alive

Supermarket isle. Preferably close to but not in the produce section.
A lot of places have blind spots, especially ethnic foods sections.

How would we get the crickets inside the theater?

Wouldn't Camera's be something to worry about?

that would be fucking gross
Have you considered the ecological impacts of releasing 10 000 crickets into the wild at once OP?

A dumpster near a park

put 5k in your backpack
and 5k in your bf's backpack
go to a matinee featuring your favorite gay porno
release all the crickets once the lights go out
act all surprised and shit
go home and have an orgy with all your buttbuddies

Are you fucking 10?
Youre a POS
Also, wouldnt that cause an autistic shift in nature releasing that many fucking crickets at once? 10,000 is a lot of crickets

>Have you considered the ecological impacts of releasing 10 000 crickets into the wild at once OP?

They are going to recycle a whole lot of cardboard. Them fuckers live eating g cardboard

Release them in your assholes you faggots

in a big park that loads of people go to, or an occupied toilet cubicle

Lage landen

in a hotel

>occupied toilet cubicle
fucking golden
that'll fuck someone's day right up the ass

Nothing is going to happen you fucking autist every year millions and millions come out during mating season

crowded theater is 100% best idea. wait at least 30 minutes into the film. have a couple different people release them in different places. make sure that you do not walk in or out together

I hate you.

depends on where OP lives

>area with no cameras
>its 2017

You are gonna need a time machine to the 80s, son.


Only whites people do shit like this
Getchu some money or pussy

Dress up like Moses, go up to a parking attendent about to give someone a ticket and be all "LET MY PEOPLE GO!", when he refuses release the cricket like it's a plague


10,000 roaches would be a lot funnier.

>white people are boring
>white people do crazy shit
pick one blackboi


we have to keep this thread alive my son,

Yes but how do we get them into the theater?

Nah that would legitimately fuck with some people. Roaches are more traumatic, especially if in a movie theater.


PAINT THEM ALL and release em in your ex's apartment

you know what's funnier than 10,000 roaches?
a box of mosquitoes.

buy a shit ton of mosquitoes and release them in a restaurant bathroom or at hooters

make sure they're all carrying ebola and/or AIDS

Shia's new HWNDU exhibit.

Go to africa and release the mosquitos, so the mosquitos can feed on dying african children

Starbucks gets my vote.

thats a good one


a toy store

Do you want invasive species? Because that's how you get invasive species.

during prayer time ... they cant stop KEK

or better yet release them in a heavily mexican or black populated neighborhood and observe from a distance to see how they overcome it


You know what's funnier than 10,000 mosquitoes?

Hornets, buy a shitton of hornets and release them somewhere.

OP here. I'll do this. I'll put all 10k in my anus and live stream it.

the giant japanese ones too
>this is how people die

Gynacologists office

Movie theater is my #1 vote right now but how would we get them into the theater without drawing attention?

a daycare center

In the lizard house at the zoo. LOL those fat fucking lizards

The ventilation system on top of a building. Definitely movie theater.

In DaddyOFive's house

Outside the main entrance to the CDC.

try to use a back pack, with lunchboxes insidecover the crickets in the lunchboxes

Movie Theater gets my #1 vote

I'm almost 100% sure backpacks aren't allowed in our theater

You're going about this all wrong. Crickets make noise. The theatre is a good idea but getting the crickets in is a problem.,you should be able to buy moths though. As in strange brew, if you release moths in a theatre they will fly toward the light.they'll block the light of the projector and piss off everyone in the theater

you know what's funnier than 10,000 hornets?

throwing a nest of africanized honeybees into a crowded public area (while wearing proper protection of course, can't get yourself stung)

That would be cool

Find a place where they're all open outdoors and shit

Don't do it, asshole.

What are you, 11?

>Implying that's a bad thing, if you pick the right location

i like you


hornets are worse
it goes
giant japanese hornets >> hornets > wasps > africanized honeybees > honeybees > caterpillars > ur mom

You think 3 bros can buy 10k crickets and not get caught?

gg faggot

try to use a few plastic bags, hide them in your pocket, once you buy popcorn. but the crickets inside and release them

>implying i was >implying it was a bad thing

Library, movie theater, church, or go to the ghetto to get a prostitute or drugs and throw hands full of crickets at them and speed off.

An old folks home

Thanks user. Are moths the best idea?


>you know what's funnier than 10,000 hornets?
10,000 scorpions duct taped to pigeons.

Inside Berkley Union

The Plagues of Pepe shall haunt the gentiles!

of course

how much is that gonna cost? I kind of want to do this.

do it in a muslim owned establishment, it'll be on the news as a hate crime

Way to green text...

that looks very comfy

thats a great idea

Dude, release that shit during an Antifa rally.


>buy popcorn
>take popcorn outside of the theater
>put a box of crickets/moths inside
>layer of popcorn overtop
>carry in the "popcorn" like nothing is wrong

only male crickets make noise and only if they feel calm enough to fuck females
>just keep them spooked

going to bed. someone save this pls

please livestream it

Most theaters only have cameras in hallways. Just want in separately and have them in a container in a bag or backpack.
>Source: Worked at an AMC

where are you going to stream it op?



Somewhere where people are trapped, like the subway.

in a place where you guys know there is an asshole that deserves several crickets in their house.

Can confirm. The theaters themselves don't actually have cameras in them and they won't fucking pat you down like PSA. Just walk in there with crickets in a shopping bag or something as most theaters are by malls and don't act sus.