Heres a story I posted some time ago on a thread but was deleted:

Heres a story I posted some time ago on a thread but was deleted:

>Be me
>Be 21
>Be a decent looking black guy (Not a nigger)
>Start junior year of college
>Make a new friend along with some previous friends
>Become closer friends with her throughout the semester
>Go over her dorm to chill and she does the same in my dorm
>Start devloping feelings for her like a dumbass

Next semester rolls by:
>Start texting and hanging out like usual
>Bring her to the movies one night
>Make a move on her and she declines me
>Feelings get burned like a KKK rally
>Drop her off and she texts me about what happened
>Opened my feelimgs for her
>She kindly declines it and wishes to stay as friends
>Start beong a as whole to her for weeks
>Sadly we have a class together
>Start being an asshole (Not texting her, or nodding to her to shut her up)
>Doesn't get the hint that I don't want anything to do with her anymore
>Now everything she does starts to annoy the living shit out of me

A few weeks go by:
>Still texts me and bothers the fuck out of me
>Hang out with a new chick for a weekend
>Smoked a bowl and she gives me a handjob (wasn't in the mood for a bj)
>Tell my friend about me hanging with her but don't say any details about it
>She develops a bitchy tone with me
>Suggests that I ask her to get food and shit instead of her
>Not jumping to conclusions but pretty sure she's jealous
>Expects me to stay close friends with her
>Also expects me to hang onto her

Some suggestions Sup Forums
Feel free to post and stories like this

Other urls found in this thread:

Continue to make her jealous. Give her the details next time, made up or not. Tell her what she doesn't want to hear.

Bro I just always moved on when I got shut down. I don't like playing those stupid games. I think you get an A for sincerity, but you should have said it in person instead of text. Then you should have said that it is hard to be friends with her while you have feelings so she needs to give you some space if she's not interested. This would be better than just being an a-hole and more sincere. Now it seems like you're more interested in making her jealous than you are moving on. Maybe instead of telling her hook up details you should just come clean about how hard it is to be around her while you have feelings for her, ask her for some space, and focus on getting your head straight.


you clearly don't like her anymore move on fag

What's worse is that now everything she says or does around me, annoys me. My feelings for her dropped like a bad habit.

We're in a class together however, I'm actually interested in a pawg in our class. I'm a pussy and I don't know how to approach her without my annoying "best friend" being there.

I thought about just saying fuck it one morning and asking her if she wants to hang out. I'm not trying to make her jealous but I'm not sure how she'd take it if I hang with another girl in our class.

It does not matter what she thinks at this point. Is there a chance she will make a show if she sees you with the girl in your class?

it's straight forward. She thinks she can do better but worries she can't. You, according to chris rock, are a dick in a jar.

>Not a nigger
Fuck off nigger. All black guys are niggers just like all mexicans are wetbacks. Only beta white boys say theres a difference between saying nigger and black to justify themselves using it. Dont be a fucking bitch.

Even if it happened, OP can just tell the bitch to shut up and fuck off.

Doubt it. She's the type of person to pretend to be okay with it. And then text me about the situation.

Just happened last night, really bothered me cause she knows I don't want anything to do with her:
>Class is over
>Oppurtunity for extra credit to visit a museum
>She suggests we go together
>My brain knows she wants me to drive cause shes more lazy than a sloth
>I think about it but I may not do it
>Stare at pawg and think about sexual thoughts
>Before I know it class is over
>Friend and I have small talk but we go our separate ways.
>Get a text from her asking if I can bring her food cause shes really hungry.
>Make up excuse
>Think about pawg in class and how much she should sit on my face.

What I thought about doing is asking the pawg if she wants to go to the museum instead. MAYBE. Ill ask annoying friend to come along.

>black guy
>not a nigger

I wouldnt have the balls to tell her to fuck off. Perhaps in a nice way. I may tell her to give me space but I fell she would take it the wrong way. Or she would accept it and let me be.


'Cause you never know'

In terms of Sup Forums,

I refer to the idea of a nigger (You know exactly what I'm talking about) being someone who talks ghetto, says nigga in every sentence (if it is a sentence), sags pants lower than your life span, ratchet hair, loves 2k games, etc.
We will all die.

That's what I would like to believe one day.

Btw, she doesn't have the greatest sense of humor or personality.
Sometimes I feel she talks just to hear herself, not sure.

Ok first of all this lady is a cunt and you're an idiot. After she rejected you, there should have been distance between you, feelings don't just disappear(in your case they turned to anger). But she likes the attention so she pretended that nothing happened (but in the back of her mind kept thinking you liked her and it made her feel so much better about herself) and you didn't cut all ties with her for some reason? Probably didn't want to seem like a dick, but trust me you're not. Anw, now she sees that you are approaching someone else and even if she doesn't like you, the other lady threatens the attention she gets and it fucks with her head("He doesn't like me any more? But why, aren't my tits big enough?"), so she acts like a bitch. You can 1.exploit this jealousy and loss of confidence of hers until you get sex, no functional relationship can come of this 2.act oblivious and do whatever you want with the second lady, that you realise how much of an asshole she is just distance yourself from her. Either way have fun and stop being mad about her, women like her are never worth it, find one who's worth it.

Thanks user, I may just ask this pawg girl from class to hang instead. She seems like the type to block me from talking to her or try to embarrass me.

I try to distance myself from her, trust me. I know I'm not trying hard enough. At some point I'll have to tell her to give me some space.

good. pawg seems like an improved prospect

Bro, i say just ignore her. She'll come after you, don't talk to her at all. Girls go ballistic over rejection. But telling her details is wicked beta and she will catch on to your shinanigans and ultimately find you more unattractive

Hate to say it pleb but she doesn't like you. It seems your friend likes the idea of keeping you around to make herself feel better, knowing that you like her gives her power makes her feel less insecure about herself. Either that Or she just wants a friend and she fails to see that you're just like any other guy who was only interested in her because you wanted to stuff her tight ass

>Heres a story I posted some time ago on a thread but was deleted:

Welcome newfriend


I like that it looks like oscar the NEDM cat