Fredags taco utgave

Fredags taco utgave

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Alla finska sötisar är mina

>taco fredag

Kulturell appropriering favä

Vi skal have mallemukker til aftensmad favæ. Jeg har selv fanget og plukket den.

Äter ni ens tacos?

har ikke spist tacos i årevis favæ, foretrækker "pandekagerne".

Har du inte råd eller?

Spiser Svensker Taco på Fredag?

De flesta medelklass människor gör det, ja.

nej, 20 kr er for dyrt



Svensker frykter Normannen.

Hej då dig


vad tycker ni om rymd jin?

>Sverige "demokratiskt"

Detta land börjar lika 1984. Detta är vad som sker när riktig yttrandefrihet bildas, då måste yttrandefriheten genast förtryckas. För det är bara eliten och (((opinionsbildarna))) som ska ha den enhetliga makten över opionen.

Interjuv med fabian fjälling och lite annat om fabjan

uthängd utav media, avpixlad och utlagd på hemsidor och publicerad med bild i svenska tidningar. Detta görs mot en människa som ringer och ställer frågor till makthavare och opionsbildare.

Gruppvåldtäkt på 12 årig flicka. Dessa personer censurerar man och använder så kallad vitpixling för att få förövarna att se vita ut.

Jeg er forelsket i Mette Frederiksen

>you will never be Norwegian

>googlar på kärringen
>det är en jävla ful satmara




I still can't believe you guys spend an entire day to tacos and the best you can come up with is this.

Don't knock it til you tried it bud

already did, go to taco bell. Same shit and it is disguising.

I've gotten better shit from taco trucks on street corners than this.

You need those nordic aryan tastebuds to like it.

Scandinavian tex-mex >>> American fast-"""food""" tex mex

>Scandinavian tex-mex >>> American fast-"""food""" tex mex
they look exactly the same as the fast food shitholes I've seen, i have no clue what the difference is.

slutt å mobbe

Good produce

why do you guys use ground beef, it is too dry and tasteless. If it as popular as you say no one thought to sell pre-made taco meat?

I don't know about Norway but at least here ground meat is almost always 50/50 pork and beef.

in Norway 50%beef 50% cod fish

>Finnish "humor"

>Norway in charge of banter

Torsk smaker ikke så dårlig som taco

What about it?

>make a gringa
>doesn't melt the cheese


fyfaen sku onske jeg var autistisk så jeg kunne fått autisme-lonn haha fy faen vet ikke hvor mye e får i måneden men fyfaen hvor chill hadde det ikke verdt å bo hos seg selv og få 10k i måneden eller hva det er?

fick lite sprit idag ändå *_*

relaterad bild


köpte likadan, var den något att ha?

helt okej. trodde den skulle vara mer som en läsk men den smakade rätt mycket gin

Ser riktigt gott ut favä


that looks disgusting

Berätta historian om det här


i see no difference compared to the ones you guys make.


i heard taco bell is the same as dog food on some ranking some time ago. is that correct?

>i heard taco bell is the same as dog food on some ranking some time ago. is that correct?
yup, that is why im a bit surprised you guys eat more or less the exact same thing.

never had taco bell in my life but i agree taco trucks are better

you guys have taco trucks over there?

it's pretty rare but i have found some

im surprised you guys even have mexicans in skyrim.

it's not made by mexicans LOL

we don't have them

are they are run by somalians then?

probably some white trash swede carnival people often but it's still ok

you can easily make the carne asada marinade at home. its actually quite easy and will give you a better taco than the powder taco seasoning packages

i have no clue why they don't do that over there.

chilis, onions, the juice of oranges and limes, soy sauce, sugar, some dry spices like cumin and coriander... place some flap meat in the mixture, marinade for three hours then you have a basic carne asada

Most people are lazy cooks here.

I dont mean to go full on AMERIDUMBs AMIRITE, but just how thick do you have to be to rate all tacos based on how one fast food company makes it?
its like saying ''yo how come u eat burgers in america I had one at macdonalds it was mediocre as fuck''
like damn

What is Taco?
It reminds me Shawarma

>thick do you have to be to rate all tacos based on how one fast food company makes it?
mostly because of how you make them, you guys used almost the exact same ingredients as the ones from the fast food places.

like, what? grounded beef, cheese, some sauce, tomatoes, corn, onions?
you have some sort of hate against this?
also tacos are like pizzas, you can put whatever the fuck you want in or on them
also, are you basing your opinion on how norwegians make tacos after looking at one picture?

>you have some sort of hate against this?
Almost the exact same ingredients as taco bell so yea.
>are you basing your opinion on how norwegians make tacos after looking at one picture?
It seems to be a pretty common one to use ground beef, cheese, and hard shell tortillas.

But like you say, whatever floats your boat but there are much better, easier, tastier ways to make them.

>hard shell tortillas.
99% of norwegians dont hard shell tortillas, but its understandable that you think this since you based your view on norwegian tacos base on a single image
also, how hard is it to comprehend that the type of sauce, type of beef, quality of beef and all that isn't the difference between a ''shit tier taco bell taco'' and a ''fucking normal taco meal''
HONESTLY user, you are saying that the general combination of ground beef, cheese and whatever sause you like is all around disgusting
ground beef, cheese, sause and whatever else you want
is disgusting
I'll say it again, its like saying pizza is disgusting, or hamburgers are disgusting, or pasta or whatever

>you are saying that the general combination of ground beef, cheese and whatever sause you like is all around disgusting
Well depends, if that is the best stuff you guys can get yea it must taste great but I had better. And it is weird because you guys can make your own taco meat and try something different though.

So er tað ballaron

men gekkoron er nú

those are not tacos

those aren't tacos either

Shut up Pablo

make me

Fanon við gekkinon. Okur ballast.

Han er ond

Jeg har lige set the hurt locker
Sikke dog en kedelig film
Den har dog nogle ok scener og generelt god instruering

Tráðurin eitur ikki /nordic/.
Tú hevði eitt arbeiði OP


>kvinder har en seksualitet

Barberaði bollarnir í morgun. Helviti teir eru mjúkir. Vónandi sleppur eitt konufólk at uppliva teir í nátt.

for fanin

Sum kjálkarnar á einum nýföðingi.

Sa någon Tacos?

FY faen

Hvör annar /BALLAST/ her?

ble litt kvalm der men kniven og skjeen var dråpen i glasset for meg..
fyyyf.. nei fy fAAeen..
fy faen..
neii asååå....

akkurát verið í Ebeneezer og spælt ludo :)

Halt uppat við at ballast

Helivtus kristlingar. Fái tykkum úr flöskuni, vínið, blóð harrans.

Tú verður ikki frelstur av einum sjatti av 12,5% Matteus og einari heitari vaflu


et billede af min waifu

Mette Frederiksen > Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen >>> Pernille "Skip" Skipperøkuller

Hva har dere i glasset, gutta?