Whats wrong with this guy

Whats wrong with this guy.

He's a niggerfaggot


He's gay

he's gay

No seriously hes hating on everything and roasting everybody yet nobody tries to get back at him.
Seems like he is so deep in his charakter nothing gets to him.

hes great
now that ethan is sell out
he is /ourguy/

Leafy tried to get back at him and got destroyed. His content cop videos are too good to retaliate against. He lines up his points and backs them up with facts and evidence so you can't do anything about it.

How can you have sympathie for him if hes never out of his charakter and there is no actual human shining through anywhere.
I think thats creepy

We have to find the weakness

why would i give a shit about that? I only care about the content. when you are making shit this good you have to put up with some eccentricities

He's entertaining.

who isthis faggot and why are he trowing alt-right gangsings

So you are telling me hes perfect?

There's no weakness. He literally has no fucks to give. About anything. Or anyone.

nothing, he's pretty goood


Everybody has a weakness.

>he is /ourguy/
no he isnt faggot, he's a beanpole with a target audience of edgy teenagers. Same goes with filthyfaggot and ethan.

He's a homosexual doing his best to manage downs syndrome. I wish him all the best.

Think that all you want. You won't find one.

that meme is dead

Not necessarily. In his video against Tana, he even said how she could have destroyed his whole video. But he only attacks when he knows how they would react.

>target audience of edgy teenagers
>which is the entire demographic of Sup Forums

frank is ok
idubbz is great
ethan is a sellout

he's a tosh.o wanna be which in todays day in age supposedly makes you look like youre hot shit

He's willing to act like a retard in order not to flip burgers.

>was getting demonetized part of your plan?

he's the bad kind of autistic

Thats actually a weakness to me.
Only picking save targets nerver showing any hint of true own personality
just covering himself in layers upon layers of bullshit and clowning around and acting super superior but only when its 100% save
Unlikeable loner.
A bit like ozzymandias in watchmen.
In the end he wins but everybody hates him and hes dead inside.

what have i missed about ethan that you call him a sellout?

He literally caused YouTube to lose sponsors because of his racist videos. His strength is his weakness. He can help kill YouTube itself.

He helped kill YouTube sponsorships along with Pewdiepie. People will turn on him soon.

If your goal is happiness then winning should mean nothing to you.

If your goal is winning then happiness should mean nothing to you.

the tai lopez video
he's a fucken sell out man. Like tai lopez must have fucked ethan in the boi pussy or something cuz he was literally sucking his dick even though it was like very fucking clear that tai lopez is not as rich as he seems

now he's making a fucken podcast which is pretty much code for i am now a safe established youtube channel and im looking to shove 2-4 ads in 1 hour of """content"""

its over. h3h3 is not what it once was

▲ ▲

Not only is there way worse shit on YouTube that definitely contributed more to the loss of advertisers, he doesn't give two shits. Even if everyone starts giving him shit, he'll just throw it right back.
Same to you.


>no weaknesses
>demonetized himself and the rest of youtube due to his retardation

Wrong. No fucks? No money.


>he doesn't give two shits

Cool. Now watch him update less and less with unboxing because YouTube is going back to 2006 YouTube sans advertisers.

So you'd rather have nfkrz styled 10 hour "commentary" crap instead? The bigger a channel gets it's prone to change. It's sad that we lost the edgy IsraelEthan, but that's how life goes.

He is funny.

t. 29yo niggerfaggot here

You might not give any fucks, but judging by the amount of monetized videos he has, I'd say he does.

what caused youtube lost its ads is pewdiepie bruh

It's true tho.

>Even if everyone starts giving him shit, he'll just throw it right back.

How will he throw back advertisers who pull their advertising on his monetized videos tho? Call them Jews?

tiny benis i guess

I am as realistic about this as any other rathional person. I was pretty supportive of ethan when he moved to ny and the format changed but this is not acceptable. this is not even funny anymore. its like instead of using his huge sub count and viewership to create the next dank meme he is just doing thing.

He pretty much single handedly memed dj khaled to the next level
he did the vape nation thing. that was huge.
what has ethan done recently. he's turned. its as simple as that.

So how many more controversial videos will he make now that he can't monetize them?

I'll save you the math. It's zero.

What rebuttal will he give sponsors who decide to not sponsor his racist videos? Call them niggers?

And you find that kind of dont giving a fuck cool? ppl that dont even care if they fuck everything up for everybody else just because they personaly get away with it.
Just curious.

about tai lopez,he was being followed by attorneys and he could get sued if he said anything against tai

>he doesn't give a fuck that he'll be flipping burgers a year later when YouTube becomes wholesome and restricted with its partnership policies

Wow. So edgy.

Have you even seen any of his Content Cop videos? His style of arguing isnt just calling names.

Demonization isn't a weakness because he hasn't let it affect him. No fucks? No money. No money? Still no fucks! He just doesn't care.
Perhaps. But he'll still keep going, even if it's less frequent.
No. They didn't go after him directly, so I doubt he'll even care.
I just respect his mindset of not caring what others think of him.
>wow what a zinger

wow miss the point much
why would ethan go at all?
he fucken goes there and tai is like the house is a lease
thats a fucken huge red flag right there
then this faggot has a fucken leased lambo what kinda rich guy has a leased lambo?
its fucken retarded and you're retarded and fuck off

Tosh.o is fucking garbage. Even early Ian was wittier than that Tosh faggot.

when the jontron shit hit the fan i just stopped liking him as a person. but not as an entertainer. so i'd distance those things and if someone's content goes shit i'd just stop watching.

its getting hard for ethan to make fun of someone because of his popularity now. also he's been dealing with the m@tt h0ss lawsuit which is stressful enough

What's wrong with people who use Sup Forums

yeah exactly. ethan was a cucked liberal from the start but i don't care about that. i only care about the content and i can tolerate some liberal propoganda. but his channel is now just total shit

We'll see what the future brings.

They are most likely underage


Demonetization. He's not being controversial for free, underage b&.

im trying to say that idubbbz didnt start this ad loss like u said. its not his fault if he doesnt make videos if he cant get anything from what he spent a lot of time on

fuck that man. the matt hoss situation has nothing to do with this. It's like falling off a bike and shit..

btw notice how he used up all the SOPA money or whatever and used some other lawyer instead of those other lawyers.
the community just gave him a pass over all that shit

So how many of his Content Cop videos are monetized?

Sounds kind of like a sociopath

youve watch the reading mean comments with my parents video right?

>pointing out spelling mistakes as a legitimate argument tactic
Come on man.

And thats relevant how?

>Perhaps. But he'll still keep going, even if it's less frequent

If it's less frequent, his channel will just die out and he'll be forgotten like the Archfield or that Jaxdude.

Jontron's lack of uploads and tendency to delete videos just made me lose interest. His classic vids will always be among my favorite YouTube videos ever.

>uses the word nigger in his videos
>he didn't cause it

He was part of the problem.

As soon as those content cops become restricted content (like right now), he'll stop doing them. Because he's only incentivized by money.

Cut his sponsors and he goes the way of Bill O'Reilly.

Not necessarily. Other people who upload infrequently such as FilthyFrank and HTB are still very well known.

because he wanted to meet his living memes duh

he didnt said anything nice to him he just didnt shit on him. he shit on dj khaled before and he said it was so awkward and thats why he didnt goof on tai

Darth Traya over here

wsj didnt say anything about him so..

FilthyFrank himself is already going the way of dead YouTubers like DaveDays because of his infrequent uploads and this sponsorship debacle. Compare his popularity before to how infrequent people talk about him now.

he did show dj khaled one of the diss videos
also you could see in the later videos in the series of dj khaled videos that ethan had moved from 'hold me down' rapist and realized that khaled was just playing and shit

You think YouTube's restriction of content won't affect his content? When the video that cause the sponsor boycott used a racial slur?

yea, I've seen all his latest vids, except the podcasts, those are not my cup of tea. He's gotten way too soft

when u worked for something,u want to get something from it.. youtube is his job,so he needs to make money from his videos

If you can't even convey yourself properly, how can you be taken seriously?

thats fucken bullshit.
ethan has patreon money before but he decided not to continue with patreon and instead sell out to advertisers

did u miss something?

i was saying that your statement that he started this shitshow is wrong.. he didnt drag youtube into this storm

Well, he can't get anything from it any longer in light of YouTube's new content policies.

The last time YouTube shifted policies, YouTubers like Pewdiepie and their longer videos were featured more compared to shorter videos with more views.

This policy shift should kill off the likes of Content Cop and Leafy, bringing them back to their previous obscurity just a few years ago.

I don't think he's become all that less popular, and he's only one example. Besides, IDubbz has begun uploading much more frequently in the past few weeks. I don't think his channel will die anytime soon.
If you can't come up with any legitimate tactics in an argument and have to resort to pointing out spelling errors and "underage b&", how can YOU be taken seriously?

im talking about idubbz why are u bringing ethan are u high

>implying he's not part of the movement of "drama" YouTubers that resulted in the suspension and demonetization of YouTubers that naturally progressed into the current restricted content YouTube of today

>Besides, IDubbz has begun uploading much more frequently in the past few weeks.

Of course he is. He's getting less money for views so he's panicking and sacrificing quality for quantity.

>legitimate tactics

Pointing out your illiteracy and inability to convey yourself because you're probably an underaged iDubbz fan is a legitimate argument.

>he didnt drag youtube into this storm

You honestly believe he can still spew out "nigger" videos in light of the fact that it was a "nigger"video that caused YouTube to lose sponsors?

Not him but this is the worse defence for being a grammer nazi I have ever seen. This post is literally a "No I'm right tho"
Grow the fuck up people.

It was a video, containing a nazi joke, dumbass.

i really hope all the advertisers leave youtube and then youtube will become great again and maybe even user supported

>No it is a legitmate argument I promise

Jesus christ

can u talk normal or u need greentext to express your opinions

u need to read a comment before u talk shit about it.. u completely missed my point

i said he didnt start this, doesnt mean he isnt a part of it.but if pewdiepie wasnt caught by wsj,none of this would happen.but now idubbz get affected too because of his borderline content but he didnt start it.

the msg the cucks at wsj sent to advertisers that made them pull out was about ads on a small random youtube channel whose video isnt even racist its a parody

So many autists in this thread

if i want to pay for entertainmant i'd go watch netflix