Got love women's logic

got love women's logic

She has a point, stop being a creep.

Who the fuck sends messages to people?

She has no point. Her actions are inherently sexual and she is marketing them.

If they were truly performed for only herself, they wouldn't be posted on the internet.


I don't think she should have to receive messages from people. She should be allowed to show her body to the nameless masses without really interacting with them. Ugly people can get really creepy when they're horny.

bang on the head 50k Tumblr and was doing mfc and you can buy access to her snapchat .

but she's also very violent a couple of guys asked her if she had kik app and she threatened to kick in nuts

An attention seeking woman with a "I should be able to do whatever I want with no consequences" attitude of a child is also mentally unstable?

Go figure.

just to show how nuts she is

She also doesn't have to put these images onto a public platform that has a built-in messaging system. This bitch be trippin. She's sending really mixed messages.

This stance, I can get behind.

OP, are you pissed off because you got horny and she rejected your advances? Because, yes, she is an attention-seeking whore who cannot understand the consequences of her actions but you sound pretty crazy yourself.

Here guys. I found the cuck mangina.

Maybe she would be interested if you told her you name is chad and you want to take her on a date to Tiffany & Co to get her anything she wants.

technicaly she didn't told you to be sexual with her, it's like im fapping in public and an obese girl sais she wants to help, i'd tell her to fuck off.

>get rejected by some online girl
>she's nuts, amirite guys?
>get told you're acting crazy
>hey guys, look at this cuck mangina!

This hostility is likely the reason you're still single.

>Women's Logic
Dude that don't have sense...

>white knight

What did you say?

>one girl

what an insecure dumbass lmao

But if a guy stands on the pavement with his dick out, she would call the police. "Muh rights and male privilege and shit like that."