Someone sent me right now an Email with just those numbers inside 258 738

Someone sent me right now an Email with just those numbers inside 258 738
I searched in Google images and this is what I got (pic related)
Do you have an idea of what is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

well I'm ready for a dead thread or some actual intresting shit to go down

what was the email adrress like was it shady looking or legitimate?

It is [email protected]

apparently .de is a domain from Germany

Can someone explain me what is this object?
Looks like some kind of bomb

when clicking on the image it just sends me to a website written in another language, but it looks like an engine of some sorts

I could not find anything related with ""

It's a starter for a car or truck.

looks like a starter

Related pic (or Google says so)

and the numbers?

Yes, they're trying to tell your that you need a starter and a solenoid

Ok, but who and why?
Am I getting trolled?

Well i doubt that Google gives you the right meaning of the numbers, the car starter only pops up because the item number on their Website Contains 738 and 258

Guys I have the feeling that I'm being observed in this very moment while I type this.
Also my office is totally empty today.

Why would someone observe you ?

that is detonator for nuclear bomb.

I don't know, but it feels like there would be a person right behind me all the time.

Check the header of the e-mail where it really came from, I doubt it was since that domain isn't registered!

How can I see the header?

It shows [email protected] too
...and other google results for that domain suggests that it's a spam/virus/trojan mailer.

The mail you received maybe had a malicious attachment that was automatically removed by your mail server, so it only leaves this nonsense mail.

It's really nothing to worry about.

Hope so man