













Nice one!


Gotta love a messy hole!





this turns me on.







Only if I can take you with me, Thelma & Louise style
















Hey furry guys how ya doing

just a regular dude chilling

so tell me about yourselves, i'm always really interested in you guys


Pretty regular people that happen to like animal people with dicks. Not much more then that really.


btw i have a friend who's a furry
is there like furry humour or something that you dudes all have

like some sort of in joke





I suppose so but nothing that comes to mind right now. I suppose a lot of it is sexual humor like the art.




do you guys have memes too

Doesn't every group? I don't trade in memes unfortunately.

>when you don't douche




Post Dragons.

I'll send a normal person meme if you send a furry meme








hmm, i wonder if gfur threads finally circled back around to be like sfur.
No talk, just mindless porn posting until death.

it's better than unwanted avatars taking precious image limit


Eh, i suppose And the fur drama that would inevitably start.

have never witnessed any fur drama, but I usually don't read what people write unless it was something to do with the porn



>regular people
>likes animals with dicks
Choose one fucking degenerate.

Well that is one solution i suppose. I can respect that.

not really one for drama, and I already got in a huge discussion with a furry...not doing that again



yeah, that does sound awful, especially if you run into one of the more spastic furries.


Oh they'll come, just wait a bit.

he had to have some kind of diagnosis, way too annoying to be "normal"






Yes* unrelated pic*

Furcons are way overpriced for that they are.