You're gonna die in 30 seconds. Tell me your biggest regret

You're gonna die in 30 seconds. Tell me your biggest regret.

I regret taking this long to meet you

Nothing really matters to me so I don't really have any regrets.

Also you'll get captured before you make it into the DANGER ZONE.

that i never fucked a chicken i was so close this one time but i chickened out

nothing. because im bad in english and dont know what a "regret" is

that i never got trips

That I won't die in 30 seconds

I killed my neighbor's 4 year old daughter when I was 14 and got away with it. haven't done anything remotely criminal ever since

Not finding this thread the second it was created

Elaborate on this how?

green text please user

not being homeless

not a very interesting story, at least for greentexting. A lot of it is fuzzy since it was nearly 20 years ago. basically I just backed over her in a truck while she was playing with my little sister in the driveway. put the gear in neutral and told everyone that it rolled out of the garage when I opened the garage door. sister was too young to be a credible witness

Either not stopping a great friend from committing suicide or not noticing one of my best friends (who later became gf) was being raped by her polish stepfather (now in jail)

get off Sup Forums, dad

I go to trap threads to tell people to kill themselves while I jack off to their porn

I'm gay

not dying sooner

The abortion

The bad thing is that it is a true story

wasting all this time on the internet

well fuck user, that is sad, how unfortunate that such a "little" mistake turned up to you taking a little girl's life, not your fault i guess, shit happens.

I'm immortal

I never finished my A license for skydiving.

Can someone identify the handgun? It's throwing me for a loop. It has a makarov/cz82 profile, but the trigger guard is flat and the extractor is way to too small

We all have our moments of insanity, hope you're doing good now

being born

shit do you still know the parents

>> /k/

I fucked a tranny..

I may be mistaking your tone of text, but I think you're giving me too much credit. The act was 100% intentional, the neutral gear story was a lie so that I didn't get in trouble for it

Nah, they're fag lords circle jerking over at ARgeneral or some bait thread

I know them but we don't keep in contact or anything; they're distant friends of my parents. my interaction with them is and always has been minimal

being virgin
Feels bad bro

That I have boneitis.

that i lived this long

I had an orgasm during a prostate exam, and ever since I've been meeting guys on craigslist behind my wife's back

Not being forward enough with the girl I like and being autist around here today. Honestly going to try and make up some shit like I was feeling out it because I was reading a good book. Partly true.

Futurama fan ^^

My life is actually pretty great but I tell all of my coworkers the exact opposite because sympathy makes me hard

Around her**

being born

My life is an empty, hollow shell.
I've lost pretty much all after I left my girl.

if some cunt is going to shoot me anyway why should I tell anything?

Picking my wife over Julia

because you're a sad bitch

Yeah, but Julia is with Scott now.


Nah shes a cosplayer now, presumably getting funneled by multiple men at a time.

I wouldn't have gotten to see my girlfriend.

I know that you mentioning it in this thread means you regret it, but you're still a fucking degenerate for doing it in the first place.

i thought that it was an accident, this is a regret thread. Anyway why did you do it? did you hated her or something? or you're just a fucking degenerate sub-human?

And this is bad why

choosing to be a virgin, never caring about school, and never seeking help for my depression and anxiety

I'm not rich

I don't know who you are pointing the gun at but it's not me. You done goofed

I regret it. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. Probably something stupid like "I wonder what she sounds like when she's in pain," not even in a malicious way, more like in a I-don't-understand-what-bad-behavior-is kind of way. After I did it, I just panicked and tried to cover it up. Have since been leading a placid upper-middle class life


Having been too autistic to properly get in touch with people and sex more girls.

I wish I'd gone to more orgies.

Not going off the grid as Roy after beating cancer. Why did i go back to the carpet store...

I have never got dubs.

that I didn't fuck more girls in the ass

Wasting 20 seconds to scroll down this thread

My only regret is that I have boneitis.

I regret nothing.


i'm a kissless virgin

dont gamble all your life savings so Lisa can live

I never got to get my revenge. I wish I choked her to death.

Being a loser in high school and university

I could have been a cool kid

I regret not telling you that I'm invulnerable.

Wow dude that's fucked up.

The fact that I won't actually die in thirty seconds or less

Replying to your shitpost.