Ask someone who has fucked most of his wife's friends behind her back anything

Ask someone who has fucked most of his wife's friends behind her back anything.

have you ever fucked your wife's friends?

How'd you get away with it?

So, how do you think they're gonna kill you when they find out?

Why did you? And if you don't love her anymore why not just get divorced

Are you fucking psychic?!


Couldn't get them all?

Through the mutual wish of not getting caught

Sorry professor oak

I like having a wife and the convenience of marriage. I also like fucking chicks 4 days a week. I tell her it's business. She believes it because my boss is a dick.

howd you get in? mostly the loyal ones. ive wanted to fuck my ex wifes friends for so long but theyre such cunts. some wont even talk to me because i "dated their friend" some bullshit girl code shit

One of them's gonna feel guilty eventually, and then the dominoes are gonna fall. And then your friends are going to murder you. At very least beat the living shit out of you.

Well, I guess at least you know how you're gonna die.

Nah my friends are cool with it. Known them most my life. If one of those sluts wants to try and get me in trouble I'll tell my wife they're liars and plant coke on them

you're a shitty person. Putting your wife through that is truly a low down thing that only a terrible and selfish person would do. I hope you have a shitty, unsuccessful future.

I'm 22. 6ft tall and get close to $150,000 a year. They like my lifestyle.

>Wasting coke

What she doesn't known won't hurt her.


It's worth it for the aggro

ya thatll do it. guess ill have to grow. my body and my bank

>timestamped bank statement or gtfo

how difficult was to fuck each one of them?

What's your job and can you hook a brother up with one?

You're kinda shit

Why are you married at 22?

I'm a stock broker for certain "issues" I can't quite show accurate bank details.

Aim for it bud. It's not the qualifications that matter. Get yourself some friends in high places.

Not very. Flash the cash, flirt a little, take them for dinner. They eventually crumble.

Also do you actually have to be amazing at maths for stock brokering or is that bullshit?

well, im enlisting again so i can always go back to the whole, fucka soldier routine. worked when i was married.

it seems you get far more pussy when married than when single...i sure did. i got a fuck load of it, now i get none.

Mostly for keeping up appearances but since I've had a daughter so here I am.

bit more info plz? like the easiest one and most difficult one?

Do you fuck need math skills. You need the gift of the gab. What you want to do is chat absolute nonsense to your buyer.

Easiest was her friend Jessica. She always gave the fucking eye. I knew she wanted it. The hardest was definitely Monica. She was entitled. Believed she deserved more than other girls. She soon saw reason when I bought her a necklace.

Respect to the troops man. Yeah, women always seem to want what they can't have.

Have you had any close calls? Are you ever worried that you're going to get caught? Do you ever worry that your wife's friends are talking about you amongst themselves?

Nah they won't talk. They fear what would happen. You see once you have money you have influence. Nobody will believe these women over a successful young male. Additionally I make sure to treat my wife and tell her I love her often. This will really seal my security.

I will when they post an AMA on reddit where it belongs.
Also, no you didn't

Go fuck yourself, bud

Man talking shit is my speciality, basically how I got my degree
Any tips on how to get into stocks?

Make friends already in the business. Go drinking in bars close to the offices.