Gay boyfriend of 13 months just told me he lied to me about being a virgin

Gay boyfriend of 13 months just told me he lied to me about being a virgin
What do I do with this feel Sup Forums

Your boyfriend isn't this cute.


That is one cute Asian twink right there.



Post nudes of him as revenge. So in essence, cock or gtfo

Triple dubs don't lie



i like where this is going


Where you at m8

So your 200% chance of contracting HIV just went up to 300%. Big fucking deal.

Step 1: Stop being gay
Step 2: Break up with him
Step 3: ???
Step 4: profit
Step 5 (optional): an hero

True I'm just kinda more upset that he lied to me for over a year about something like that

OP is such a faggot

go fuck a girl that'll show him and make you feel better


More pics please

At least give me something better than some exhausted looking raccoon ass bitch

Booping for more


Thats an unflattering shot of the bottom. You wouldnt happen to know his name? I have this porn and hes extremely cute

unless he's put it in the puss he's still a virgin in my book

I have this porn too

Put it where he poopoos. That'll learn em.

where ?

This one the top os wearing a different shirt, do you have a link to this video? I only have this video

Bang chicks like drums