Is this guy dangerous? Trapped inside a glass atm

Is this guy dangerous? Trapped inside a glass atm

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looks fake

One bite could kill 10 men


Are you Australian? If so, then probably. Otherwise probably not.

Eat it and find out.

That's a brown recluse. Harmless, you can le it go, it won't be mad.

Looks like a huntsman, probably fine

Are you fucking kidding of course that thing is dangerous

I dunno but i'd vouch for a yes, i fucking HATE spiders

Looks like a wolf spider to me, They're not venomous but a bite from one will hurt like a bitch.

where do you live so i can narrow down the search to see if this spider is dangerous or not

looks like trash tier camel spider
shoot it

That's not a brown recluse and brown recluse are actually deadly you fucking edgy sperglord

definitely looks like a wolf spider

either that or it's a huntsman.
where are you OP?

But it's brown...

Not a recluse, no, but they're very rarely deadly. It can cause necrosis in the tissue around the bite though, so deadly or not, it's nothing I'd care to fuck with.


Op here it was mad af

Yea, that's what i thought, but it all depends on where OP lives.


Where do you live? Also, we need a size comparison. TBH, just slide some paper under the cup and take him outside and let him go. Also, letting us know where you live as far as state/country is helpful for ruling out things.

My best guess that he's a wold spider but I'm not an expert so fuck if I know. I can promise it's not a brown recluse.

let it walk on your dick so it knows who's boss

This faggot again. I meant Wolf spider.

Im from Uruguay, south america, ive seen lots of spiders like this at my house and garden

Looks like a wolf spider, just relocate him outside - he's not dangerous.



they are venomous

all spiders are venomous

wolf spiders hurt about as much as a bee sting, maybe a bit worse, but not as bad as a hornet

How are you Australian and dont know what a wolf spider is? Even Americans do even though their has never been a wolf spider in North America.

"Wolf spiders will inject venom if continually provoked. Symptoms of their venomous bite include swelling, mild pain, and itching. In the past, necrotic bites have been attributed to some South American species, but further investigation has indicated that those problems that did occur were probably actually due to bites by members of other genera.[3] Australian wolf spiders have also been associated with necrotic wounds, but careful study has likewise shown them not to produce such results."


So basically the bite is harmless as a misquote bite.

No space program no fun

It's a wolf spider. They're awesome, they're mobile hunters and don't make webs. They'll kill all the bad stuff for you including brown recluses. They can bite but it's not dangerous. Don't be a bitch and let him go.

There are a fucking ton in the drier parts.

dude are you new to animals? What are you 5?

Everyone knows all spiders are venomous. Not all venom is deadly.

Yay Wikipedia.

Unless you live in Greenland or Antarctica, you'll have wolf spiders, Source:

It's a male wolf spider. Full grown so he's horny and wandering around looking for bitches to fuck.
Are you the kind of man who would cockblock a spider?

Looks like a black mamba widow stone spider

>100% Wolf spider if you live in Australia

more like "harmless as a bee sting"

It's not fun getting bit by a wolf spider... not one bit.

yea I didn't pay attention in school.


>"The brown recluse spider is one of the most dangerous spiders in the United States. Its venom destroys the walls of blood vessels near the site of the bite, sometimes causing a large skin ulcer. Research in 2013 revealed that a protein in the spider’s venom targets phospholipid molecules, which make up a good portion of cell membranes, and transforms these molecules into simpler lipids. The wound that is produced may require several months to heal, or it may become infected, which could lead to the death of the victim."
Straight off from encyclopedia britannica

we've already determined 100% it's a wolf spider.

I live in florida and have literally hundreds in my backyard. I can see them with a flashlight. They're all wolf spiders. There's hundreds of types of wolf spiders around the world. fuck off with your alternative facts.

Looks like a golden orb wolf tunnel spider (recluse)

i recommend stacking something on top of the cup and letting it suffocate,or u could let go of the cup and smash it asap

...Cum on it


don't think i learned that in school. i learned it by being a male and having an interest in the world around me. What kind of useless fuck up are you?

I'm sorry for failing you. Your Quads have left me feeling nothing but shame.



Yeah totally, but it's rare for it to actually kill. Like I also said though, seems extremely unpleasant.

Another vote for space program.

De uruguay? Yo también. Puede ser una loxoceles. Tené cuidado

Let it bite you and let us know if you die.

i second this

The type that goes on /b, what do you think i am?

Hey those things are pretty scary. One time I got out of the shower and turned around to see one sitting on web between the shower and the wall. When I screamed, it heard me and retreated. I poked it's web and it came back out, so I smashed it with a toilet bowl brush. I only let cellar spiders live with me, even though they're messy as fuck. They stay out of my way though, unlike those damn red ones with yellow butts. I hate those fuckers because they like to crawl up in my business.

Callate. Pinche mojado puto

op here, just released it outside, it runs like hell

This is a wolf spider, what you saw was probably a huntsman, and they are fucking awesome.

These are actually some of the friendliest spiders out there, they enjoy being carried in your palm as the warmth of your hand makes them very /comfy/, give it a shot!

U should've released a fat skeet rope on that MFer

Good man!

Let it outside. Just fucking let it go, it's big and probably pissed just let it be free

These fucks

Fucking nigger

My work is done here. BABYE

Godspeed, spider bro. You taught us a lot about ourselves.

Made me chuckle

You won't be missed

naa vieja, nada que ver, parece una araña lobo nomás, pero el tema es que pasan rompiendo las bolas porque se crucetean a cada rato de noche y es jodido porque casi siempre ando descalzo
callate vos negro sucio, andá a saltar muros

What, the one in the web? I thought it might not be a wolf spider. i didn't think they stayed in them.

Chupa mi pito mariposa

Wolf spiders make holes in the ground that they surround with small patches of web.

i found this one some months ago, it was creepy af

No that's the black widow tunnel recluse orb wolfenstein spiders ya dip




Where are you? Is that a common thing lol. Aussie?


Fuck that

This dickhead spider intruded on your property with no respect for you whatsoever. This is what you do

>lock spider in box
>give it enough food for it to live
>cum inside the box everyday until the spider drowns

your punishment is you have to fuck with a wolf spider barehanded to learn the error of your ways.

He looks so cute let him go or keep him as a pet and treat him nice.

He already let it go you fucking faggot nigger newfaggerino


wolf spiders live everywhere you dumb retarded cunt

>342 ▶

KYS fggt

You are fat


It was a wolf spider. I can confirm. Taxon fag, here.

Here's proof.

#1 are Wolf Spiders

ALL SPIDERS are POISONOUS. Most however will not kill a human or their fangs are just too small to puncture our skin. Even a black widow will not normally kill a person in good health.

Let im go eat real spiders you fucking faggotwat

it was kind of a qt but its free now guys. so its bite isnt dangerous just hurts pretty bad?

Holy shit me too. Where the hell do you live? I've never seen one but now I'm nervous as fuck