ITT: Write your deepest thought about anything

ITT: Write your deepest thought about anything

All life is a fight against the emptiness in our souls

The mind has no gender.


Jews did 9/11.

Every decision you make is purposeless unless you have a vision of where you want to end up in your life

When you were young you wanted to live forever. Now at 20 you wanna die

spread genes or game over

I'm probably going to get heart disease.

Should I get pizza, or Chinese?

According to modern western society, blacks cant be racist because we live in a white society and "racism requires power, influence, status, resources, institutions, etc." By the same logic, doesnt that mean females cant be sexist towards men because we "live in a patriarchy" which holds the same power over females than it our racist society holds to blacks?

Why dont feminists make the argument that females cant be sexist?

The sad thing is if they read this comment theyd say "holy shit hes right!!" The WOULDNT realize their logical fallacies though..

I remember nothing up until the point I was told about black holes.



niggers tongue my anus

Nothing really matters.

Socialism in its purest form is prone to abuse and toxic to those who are not in power.

Capitalism in its purest form is prone abuse and toxic to those not in power.

Do people with colostomy bags have to empty their farts? The gas has to go somewhere. If they don't would it inflate like a balloon?


Considering that humans actively go against 'survival of the fittest' by supporting the weak and diseased, actively avoid intellectual advancement, despise democratic values while forcing them on other and treat opinion as fact. I think we probably will die out as a species or at least devolve back into pre-civilised conditions.

I'm smarter than most people or people are pretending to be retarded or I'm a pretentious cunt.

Survival of the fittest only refers to effectiveness at reproduction & continuing the species

GOOD question

why is it prone abuse? It seems to be the fact that its the most moral form of economics that it wouldnt be abuse..think about it.. everyone has equity and youll be as successful as you put into your life. If there is abuse, its self inflicted. If youre talking about the government being fascists and preventing people, well thats not pure capitalism then. Pure capitalism does not care about race, gender, sexual orientation. It only cares about $$$. Therefore there is no abuse to those not in power because the absence of abuse in the first place is dependent on how hard you work.

Nothing escapes the warm embrace of entropy.

We cannot deny that the universe exists, but there is not reason for it. There could be nothing, but instead there is so much.

I think about you every day, Henry; I'm sorry that I wasn't able to do more for you. You should have said something before hand, maybe to say good bye or to put it off a day.

I think I would have given you some money, explaining that I was worried for you and wasn't sure what else to do that moment. That's why I didn't say more the last time we talked, I couldn't think of anything and didn't want to ramble on, annoying you.

I'm just sorry I didn't take you seriously. I was at the same low point you were, but I pulled out of it so I thought you would too. I really didn't understand how much worse things were for you.


I could continue this

Don't get sad. Get mad.
Rage is demonized by those that do not understand it. In the hands of someone that knows how to use it...It can be their most powerful asset.
Life got you down? Turn that frown into a scowl. Use your hatred to drive you towards change.
An antagonist is one who initiates change. Do not forget this...but do not lie to yourself either. Strive for results. Suffer in silence with a glint in your eye.

Are you me?

We're simply a collection of symbiotic cells working together for their mutual benefit and continued survival.

don't, its already gay enough


Perception does NOT equal reality. If you believe that then you HAV to be a liberal SJW. That quote only applies to them. Perception = sjw/feminist/blm (believed) reality

Anything is a dildo if you're motivated enough.

then why are all of my brain cells constantly telling me to kill myself?

You are a mitochondria powerhouse of the cell

the people who think I'm smart don't realize I'm even smarter than that but they're still smarter than me


Like is nothing but bitches and money.

The loneliest person isn't on any island or mountain. They are surrounded by people that will never love them

Suppose you're an infinite being. The problem with being an infinite being is that you have to be infinitely evil in addition to being infinitely good.
So you want to find out how to stop being evil, and then you want to do whatever that is. The way to discover the solution is to setup a series of experiments, and the way to implement the solution is to setup an iterative process and run through it over and over.
So you create an infinite universe, and then create an infinite number of these universes to make a multiverse. Then you run the experiment to find out what to do with evil.
Ultimately, you come to the unfortunate conclusion that you're infinite, and you can't get rid of evil because that would require you to be finite. However, good news, you can quarantine evil.
So you create a soul soup, think of it like an infinite bowl of mud, good water mixed with evil dirt. This soup is you. You create stars and worlds and people, and when each person is born, you pour some of the soul soup into them, creating them out of a part of you.
So as part of this experiment, you now start an iterative process to identify, separate, and quarantine evil. You create karmic vacuum cleaners to gobble up and store all the evil dirt. When each person dies, you separate the dirt from the water. The water goes back in the bowl, the dirt in the vacuum cleaner. As you iterate this process, the soul soup gets increasingly clearer and the vacuum fills up. Iterate this for all of time, and mission accomplished. Fortunately, time is something you constructed, so this actually happens instantly for you.
Now some people figured this out, and they put some names to it. The infinite being is god, the karmic vacuum cleaners are the devil(s), the soul soup is heaven, and the quarantine is hell. Different people have different names, but it's the same idea.
pt 1

That's a prettydin view of life


relate to this or ill kill myself

We are all part of a larger whole that encompasses all matter, energy, and thought. We are running a simulation, a combination experiment and iterative process to solve the problem of evil. Our role is to materialize good and evil so it can be identified and separated. Our job is already done, but we don't know it yet. At some point we will be finished, and we will all come back to one.

P.S. - I've seen this myself, shit's real, yo. Don't give up, keep fighting.

Trying to visualize if the universe didn't exist or what would happen if the universe suddenly disappeared.

Life has no meaning but the one we give it

me too

Hope all turns well for you soon buddy.

Humans are prone to commit abuse.
Any government form that includes humans is prone to abuse.

Look up "behavioral sink"
Every rat experiment conducted resulted in extinction.
And Humans are now demonstrating all the behaviors the rats did.

I'm excited to meet his sister when I'm in France next; she seems like a really cool person. I need to visit his grave in Marseille, maybe making a couple etchings while I'm there.

Today is the oldest you've ever been, today is also the youngest you'll ever be.

Look up "Kreuger-Dunning effect"

I decided to get in shape so I'll look nice once I an hero..

For someone who's into the occult, you pretty much explained in a rather seemingly detached and objective way the myths of creation

Pretty good read tbh

this isn't even my final form!

Dmt? ayahuasca?

fuck you faggot, I'm not low ability
>I've actually achieve a lot intellectually

>I've seen this myself

Care to share the story?

The soul is flesh.
No one ever spoke from the depths of their heart without a frontal lobe.

Those who boast about being knowledgeable usually are far from being knowledgeable

Your subjective thinking doesn't amount to facts, faggot

you know what I am low ability, but honestly the people are me are much worse
you have no idea

The universe isn't as held together as scientists once thought, it is a continuous string of constant variables that operate on a steady level of each their own. If this steady level was somehow displaced, all variables in the universe would change, subsequently causing a chain reaction of reality altering anomalies that will spread to all existing matter-leading to the ultimely end of the universe an instant later.

To keep it simple, butterfly flaps its wings-all of universes once steady constants change and it goes boom boom.

around me****

I made it into uni fgt

The soul is the damn essence animating the body, you are a soul driving a human body

Where the fuck did you get that shit from?


You're assuming all that shit.
Prove to me that I'm something other than flesh and blood.

I thought the same

First layer of perception: random movement, reactions to surroundings. Most humans live their whole lives on this level.

Second layer of perception: goal-oriented movement, reactive.

Third layer of perception: endogenously derived goals, proactive/avoids conditions which could derail goals.

Fourth layer of perception: by studying one's surroundings, a deep thinker can perceive hidden information. Using hidden information, one can make the best possible decisions to approach ones' goals.

is there really other people
am i the only one
is this just a test

nah dude we're just projections of what you perceive are random people

If I hadn't lost my phone I'd be losing my virginity to a 7/10 right now

When I was a kid I wanted to be an adult very badly. Now that I'm an adult, I wish that I was a kid just as bad.

Been there bro

Yes, Yes they do. My father had one.

Sometimes life gives you shit and sometimes you give life shit.

No way dude, this is way too specific of a circumstance for that to have transpired.

I can prosper in neither hard times nor easy times.
I am a failure as a human being.

I feel like I'm the only real person. That once a person is out of sight that they don't actually exist anymore. Not like I'm being setup like the Truman show, but more of a complete fabrication like a program I am in. It's as if they are there to progress the timeline. But I'm also a non empathy feeling degenerate so take this with a grain of salt.

He dead or does he not need it anymore?

what if you just woke up right now

I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.

Nothing really matters in life. Your degree doesn't matter, money doesn't matter.
The only single thing that should matter to you is being happy, because if you're unhappy you might as well be dead. Find someone you love and never let them go, spend every second you have doing things you enjoy with the people you love, and stop trying to be anything more than happy.
Because for every day you're happy, you're already having a better life than so many others.

No ive woken before with Dmt and a Nde. It's effects are profound still sticking with me know, years later. Over time the memories fade and emotions subside. My advice if you ever have either of these, dmt or ayahuasca, immediately write about it as soon as you can with as much detail as possible.

Humans are the weirdest fucking animal on this planet. No other animal even comes close to what we've done. Sometimes I'll just stare at the world around me and think "Holy shit, an animal did all this. Something in the same family as monkeys, dogs created all this." It's baffling to me that there's no other creature that can even resemble our intellect.

We can communicate over thousands of miles, drive hulking machines powered by super fast explosions, see and study things light years away and yet monkeys are still throwing shit at eachother and applying for welfare.

Listen to this man.

The meaning of life is observation, reflection and growth.

That's because monkeys are just too goddamn content

If you told a monkey the secret to happiness was cross-planet communication, he'd have a phone line set up within a week

You speak the truth, but I still have a compulsion to yell.

The bible was written not to subjugate the masses, but to guide humanity towards prosperity and happiness. Everything in the bible is a metaphor and can be seen in life today.

Take the bible's stance on homosexuality. Why is it sinful? Because it promotes a lifestyle of degeneracy. But why is it degenerate? Homosexuals are far more promiscuous than heterosexuals and because they have so much sex it degrades the bond formed between the man that entered a woman's body and the woman that allowed him to enter her. Not only that, but homosexuals are much more prone to STDs. They have less sex when they stay in the closet. Less sex = less STDs = more emotional stability. Outlawing homosexuality is not only for the good of society, but it's also good for homosexuals themselves as it incentivizes them to lead healthier lifestyles.

The bible says it's not ok to get drunk, but why is that? What happens when you get drunk? Every single day we have thoughts that don't manifest in behavior because we have filters put in place that prevent us from causing trouble for other members of society. Ever notice how people who drink are able to loosen up a bit and become a bit more sociable? That's because you stop thinking about what you're doing and just do it.

Why does the bible say that the left hand is the hand of the devil? Think about the world we live in today. What's the number one cancer in society that we face today? Political leftists. What does the left believe in? Morality doesn't matter, private property should be abolished, it's ok to steal from people and give that money to someone else, it's ok to kill people you disagree with, etc. Communism, fascism, and socialism are all derived from Marxism, a left wing ideology. Marxism has killed over 500 million people.

TL;DR Don't take the bible literally. Read it, and compare what you read to what you see today.

The two surest ways to get someone to do something are to tell them that they can do it and to tell them that they cant.

Currency isn't trustworthy anymore.

The governments are printing money with little to no control from the society over the process, then it gets dumped into the society itself and circulates, pretending to have value, when in fact in only decreases the value of money that has cover in form of goods and services.


I read the bible. Some of it's wisdom, some of it's bullshit. Rely on your own rationality to come to conclusions. Everyone has an agenda. Especially you godfag.

I personally think that the Bible has been written to keep humanity in check.

At one point, someone realized that the destructive potential of human race can ruin everything in no time, so a superstition has been invented in order to tame that potential for as long as possible.

What good can come out of people without arbitrary rules, only armed with science, technology and the ability to drastically alter their environment?

When you leave the planet no one knows where you go, only you know so you're all alone. You find out you've been alone the whole time. That you are everything and you're so alone because there is nothing other than you. It's kind of scary really but comforting at the same time. Only when you realize this are you ready to meet "other"

>a superstition has been invented in order to tame
bullshit, the kind of morality in the Bible was absolutely necessary in the middle east 2000 years ago but we live different times
>what is historical context

>t. A faggot who has no idea who the Abraham jewfuck that created the Abrahamic religions is and how it has stunted human evolution and started wars throughout centuries and basically kept us docile for the ruling class

not actually my writing, something I got off r/ShrugLifeSyndicate that I copypasta'd

The NBA and NFL are inherently racist. They're dominated by blacks because that's the only thing blacks are good for in society: entertainment. Because black culture thinks that getting to the top in life means being a rapper or an athlete that means there are less blacks trying to better humanity. I firmly believe the NFL and NBA were created to hold blacks back.