I'm curious am I a real nigger? I'm like 50% black and 50% random shit but look like your average nigger

I'm curious am I a real nigger? I'm like 50% black and 50% random shit but look like your average nigger.

Personally hate other niggers only hang out with white people.

I genuinely support racism and believe that niggers are inferior to every other race. Whites being at the top. And niggers obviously in the bottom.

I just don't know if I like identify as a nigger like I personally know I am and always will be one. But how do superior races see me?

I'm suburban I speak proper English unlike most niggers. I don't do any nigerish things and I don't dress like a nigger. So am I on the same level as other niggers?

Also I'm 100% serious
(Pic unrelated just a hot sandnigger)

Of course you are.

>I'm like 50% black
If your nigger score is in the double digits, you're 100% nigger.

So I'm just as inferior as other niggers? Was hoping I'd atleast be better.

Nothing wrong with adopting white culture, the way I see it you are above niggers.

Thank you. Have always hoped I'd be seen as less worthless than most niggers.

I'm black too, 50% black 50% white. I use proper English and I get shit for it but whatever. Who honestly gives a shit. In the real world outside of Sup Forums nobody cares how black you are. If you're dark skin you are a minority and you are a "nigger".

Nigger is as nigger does.Don't act/talk/etc. like they do?Congrats,you're not one,so yes you're on a higher level.

Still black tho.

That is true to some extent.

That's how I feel. But some disagree

I'm also glad to see another guy like me on Sup Forums. Don't know of many open black Sup Forums users.

i hate self loathing niggers, you should be ashamed of yourself

Same man.

another openly black user reporting in

fuck off my board, niggers

OP, this is my personal experience so take it as anecdote.

When I see a black person with that "air" of thuggish superiority about them, I think , nigger.

When I see random black people, I don't relax until they speak. If they're well spoken, it's like the just turned from a potential threat to a human right before my eyes. As soon as I get to know them, it's all good

TL;DR I see niggers with no manners as sub human

This has nothing to do with your skin, its all about how you act!

If you act like a nigger, then you are a nigger!

Im a genuine viking, and know what im talking about...

Mot Valhal

Seriously. Only thing worse than a nigger is a one that thinks being a traitor to his own somehow makes him better. Stupid nigger, white people have honor and loyalty.

Seems like you're just a mad salty nigger.

double dubs of truth

I know what you mean.
Some black dudes can come off as thuggish at first glance, and are often misjudged. If you actually get to know someone first before you start throwing slurs you'll understand. I'm not saying walk up to some random ass scary black dude and strike up a conversation. Just don't judge immediately.

Well that's why I'm asking to get opinions on if I am or am not better than other niggers.

jive turkey nigger

Worse. Have some self respect.

Agreed but most usually try to act white but once you get to know them turn out to be like the rest of the coons. So it's like flipping a coin.

I've definitely met blacks who come off nice at first but then do or say something stupid after a while

Excuse me/b/, just when I masturbated I hurt myself and, it is inflamed, what do I do ??

All that's needed is one drop of Nigger blood and your tainted!

I do have self respect. I personally don't respect other niggers though. Most of them are dead weight to society.

if you have 1% of AFRICA in your DNA you are a shit NIGGA

'Minority' hierarchy.

Niggers - They rape,they steal,they're prone to chimping out.Typically found in prison.

Blacks - Decent people that actually contribute to society.May have a few but minimal nigger traits such as manner of speech.Typically found in blue collar jobs.

Africans - Actual people.Zero nigger traits and a well-paying job/college degree.Often contributes more than they take,ie. not on welfare,food stamps,or other gov. aid.Typically found in white collar jobs.

You think you are better? Putting on airs and thinking you're people

I want to think I'm better than most niggers. But I understand in reality I'm probably just like the rest.

Just depends on the person I guess.
I can't speak for my entire race but there are black people out there who aren't total dumbasses.

It ain't all that serious.
You don't have to hate your race, we (whites) just don't want to be alienated for having pride in our race. That's the entire problem.

hell yeah black empowerment! i love it when minorities get in touch with their culture!
>white man talks of how much he has pride in his race (be it of slavic, germanic, whatever origin)
wow, literally hitler, literally cis white male, literally kill yourself

Adolph Reed:

"... [identity] politics is not an alternative to class politics; it is a class politics, the politics of the left-wing of neoliberalism. It is the expression and active agency of a political order and moral economy in which capitalist market forces are treated as unassailable nature. An integral element of that moral economy is displacement of the critique of the invidious outcomes produced by capitalist class power onto equally naturalized categories of ascriptive identity that sort us into groups supposedly defined by what we essentially are rather than what we do. As I have argued, following Walter Michaels and others, within that moral economy a society in which 1% of the population controlled 90% of the resources could be just, provided that roughly 12% of the 1% were black, 12% were Latino, 50% were women, and whatever the appropriate proportions were LGBT people. It would be tough to imagine a normative ideal that expresses more unambiguously the social position of people who consider themselves candidates for inclusion in, or at least significant staff positions in service to, the ruling class."

not black faggot. Just don't like insecure conformist pussies

OP, you're fine. If how you described yourself s true, you seem like a decent, very pleasant guy. There's a difference between being a dindu and being 'some black dude'.

Me, personally- until you act up with that niggerly shit, you're just another person among others. If you're an ok person, I'll see you as an ok person, etc.

Hope this helped somethin'.

In fucking deed.
We are a generation full of hypocrites.

You are pathetic.

And you probably hold whites with no manners to the same standard.

Amputation is required

Which is why everyone is.

kys for self hate

you're either a good to decent person or your a fucking idiot, race cant determine that. that being said, i'd say op is a stupid nigger. how can you be this insecure and narcissistic at the same time? just kill yourself

I've always associated "niggers" with behavior over actual "blackness".
Morgan Freeman is a black man.
Lil' Jon is a nigger.

So as long as you don't act like a nigger, then no you aren't one. I'm sure there are a plethera of faggots on here who think that you need to be 100% bulvarian with blue eyes and blond hair but they are just kikes

Just liberal bullshit. Niggers are niggers.
OP is just a house nigger that deserves to be put with the rest

Reporting in

just don't be a dick and people won't see you as a dick. that's how i live and it works pretty well.

Double dubs too, nice.


You all are the reasons niggers still ruin society. OP is a nigger and should be treated as one but you all keep telling him that he's not. Just wait you'll probably see this one in jail for raping someone or gangbanging like all the other worthless scum niggers.
Spics and Sand-Niggers are just as bad.
The only race that isn't entirely worthless is those chink, those are like offbrand white people.

Interesting thread

Here's the thing, nigger is more of a state of mind than a race. There are black people and niggers. The way you describe yourself, you aren't either. You're mixed. You certainly aren't a nigger. As long as you act reasonable and don't chimp out like the rest of the nigs, not even racists will think you're a nigger.

you come to Sup Forums looking for validation.
srsly wtf? live your life.


