She is 15 years old... this is her facebook profile picture, Sup Forumsros what are your thoughts? personally...

She is 15 years old... this is her facebook profile picture, Sup Forumsros what are your thoughts? personally, fuck it jail time it is.

I don't believe you.

shut up and enjoy the grassroots revolution of child sexuality

16 is legal where I'm from... I could wait a year... but goddamn...

Ugly midget body though..

I swear to you, I just double checked and its actually 16, my opinion still stands. What. The. Fuck.

Another photo

Post more OP

move to Saudi arabia and she's too old by now.

Dump some more pls

i have her friend kasey on fb, they're both sluts

dump then you pussy bitch.

hahahaha fuck thats how I know her

She is the one on the right

In most European countries you could fuck her with no fears of legal repercussions. Enjoy being cucked USA.

AUS actually

Born in 2000. Man, I feel old.

i love this hotel exhibition stuff


I'm almost 20 years older than her. I could be her dad.

Dude, if 16 is the age of consent where you're from I say go for it. What have you got to lose? I live in Canada so the age of consent here is 16... feels good man.

fukit. be her daddy instead.

Love her eyes

Here Sup Forums, I turned up the brightness just so you can see how fat that ass really is

>In most European countries you could fuck her with no fears of legal repercussions. Enjoy being cucked USA.
Also in most US states the AoC is 16.

i wanna go to bed, dump already Sup Forumsitch

16 is legal in my state

>with consent
why do people keep acting like 'with consent' is the same as 'legal'. all it takes is her to get mad once or her parents to not like you and youre in prison getting fucked by bubba sparxxx

if you have sex with anyone without their consent you're looking at jail time unless you live in the middle east

In my beautiful country, the legal age is 15. Jelous? Of course you are. I'm 24 and my girl is from 2001. All legal, all legit. Muaha! :D

Gonna need some more pics to suggest the right advice OP.

...or you are at Mar a Lago

i am talking parental consent, obviously. thats what the law says. 16 WITH parental consent. that is my point.

Is that Brisbane?

it better fucking be

I have never heard of that law before

Certainly doesn't exist here in Australia

where is she from op?

ffs im talking about all the americans saying '16 is legal in my state hur hur'. they dont understand the law.

Looks like a river on the south side that I drive over near Milton

Only America could be retarded enough to make a law saying you can only have sex if your parents say it's ok

Also why are people so surprised about her? Yes she's got an excellent body but so do many young people, it's not like everyone is an actual baby until they hit 16 and then magically bloom

Get n00ds and dump op