Gonna fuck this bitch today,dubs decide what i do i her,how i fuck her,etc

gonna fuck this bitch today,dubs decide what i do i her,how i fuck her,etc...
will deliver webms if she lets me record it

Anal . Also rimjob and just post a link to a vid cuz i can't watch webm

Refried bean douche

Shove refried beans up her pussy then fuck it.

Refried beans up her ass


We have a winner


Shut up, they're not even fried in the first place

Quads is lying

Holy fuck what a waste

Dubs fries

quads get

Just get a browser that's not from the stone age.

Trips for refried beans




Refried beans!

fart in her mouth

use refried beans as lube to fuck her in the ass

Do this then stick penis inside

>buy fried beans
>refry them
>put in can
>sell for maximum profit
>THEN fuck your girl knowing that you and your potential wife's future is secure