Should I feel bad if Im 23 and playing aoe2 hd ?? No gf no job... should I just kill myself?...

Should I feel bad if Im 23 and playing aoe2 hd ?? No gf no job... should I just kill myself?.. its a nice entertaining game still though... most games of today with a lot of graphics are just trash

You do you man. How could someone judge you without truly knowing you?
I'm sure you're doing your best user, nobody wants to be unhappy.

You exercise, OP?

thanks bruh


Yo op, lets play starcraft, its free

not really man... sometimes ocasionally

You should, make ya feel better. Nothing wrong with AoE2, gameplay > graphics

AoEII is basically a God tier game. At most it's arguably merely master tier, but the people who argue that are 99% of the time mouth breathers. Only good people play AoEII. Only humans who are contributing members to society play AoEII. Only people who respect their parents, feed the hungry, protect the weak, and lead the lost play AoEII.

So yes, you should kill yourself OP, you fucking vagina of a man.

no dude. You are truly Alpha! Showing the world you dont need a bitch and are happy with the simple things. I love to kick back and play c&c generals

You should try AOEO

thanks man, btw can u tell me what other games u think are also God-master tiers?

Age of empires II is the best game I have ever played. it almost cost me my marriage and my career. I still don't understand why Age of empires III was so disappointing.

24 here, with employ, good salary and gf, but you actually activated my nostalgia

Where could i download aoe2 full?

not the same guy, but Age of Mythology was really good for me

download ur own shit nigga

hahah well i dont give a fuck about it, download ur own shit bitch

Still playing original AoE 2, late twenties with gf and decent job. Game is God tier and absolutely timeless. Perfect RTS.

Back in 2003 my teachers played AoE2, you know that isn't the problem.

Btw, I'm 32 and I play Anno 1404 amd 2070, and my life's shit, but playing Anno isn't the problem either.

good man, u damn right timeless game

At least get a job dude lol.

Had a gf, its literally just buying stuff for sex, so i just ocasionally visit whores because thats cheaper, and aoe 2 hd is a great game.