Is THICC helpful in throwing pole?

Is THICC helpful in throwing pole?

Its like throwing a hotdog down a hallway

I dunno, but it helps taking pole

She can throw my pole if you catch my drift

Oh, another sexist thread yay

Literally how is she so perfect?

"thicc" * girls age like shit

*fat / obese

I just want to sit on that couch with her

Her jaw doesn't allow me to get a boner

>Her Eastern facial genetics are inferior
t. Hitler

Piss off

rachel cook is pretty but her body is weird. her shoulders are a bit wide and her tits are too high

she would make a good athlete though. her hands a huge. great for boxing or mma. basketball too she is tall

TICC is good for anything. most functions require ass.

>tfw strong legs but weak ass therefore a lot of muscular imbalance.

Ill piss on you


>that sexually frustrated man left of the door

Who is she?

Its like a tic tac to a whale


Jesus fucking Christ.

>tfw iOS cuck
w-what does it show guys

that man has better hips than the girl