Jontron said some racist stuff, think his channel will survive in a liberal dominated medium?

Jontron said some racist stuff, think his channel will survive in a liberal dominated medium?


what did he say that was racist?

Stuff that could be construed as racist in a debate on twitch

what is 10 year old news... he's fine, he'll be fine.

yeah, i mean after all he did make a video explaining what point he was trying to ACTUALLY get across

I think it's complete shit that he gets paid to play video games in the first place. I hope he gets pozzed by trannies.

he did not say anything remotly racist you stupid fucking idiot!!

I like him even more after this and he has my full support.

he's a fat spic or some sort of muzzie so i'm not sure what gave him the idea he has the right to talk shit about anyone else tbh

Depends. Does he rely on support from advertisers?


I want to fuck jacques.

No. Plus he's actually still got a strong fanbase. I still think he's funny

his fan base is mostly faggot 14 year olds and under and their parents so after the parents found out what a fag jontron is he lost support and will continue doing so.

Nigga that's a bird

Fam, this happened weeks ago, why the hell did you bring this up now?

>talk shit about jontron on the internet
>expect to survive the night
good luck

......I want to fuck jacques

never stopped anybody before


i honestly have no idea what the fuck you just said


the trips have spoken, i will now fuck my bird



the trips are for beastiality, spread the word

trips get



It'll absolutely survive, no one of note gives a shit. Else I might see him and other controversials moving to vimeo and uplifting that shithole.

user... I really, really like this image...

Must fill Jacques with cum.

I will survive because this isn't 9gag..right?

talking shit about hitler will give you a shitstorm, of course you wont survive


somewhere out there...

libs dont own or watch shit, they never watched his stuff to begin with. the media portrays a room full of libtards and uses editing to make it seem like its the majority they dont support alot of what you enjoy. but they definetly want their opinions heard in everything no one cares


lol triggered

I feel that jontron has been such a great channel over the years that he will do the same thing that pewds did and probably get more out of it.

you mad white boi


Wasn't just some anti immigration stuff?

what is this



Who gives a fuck.



Is he said how all White Men are evil he would be praised.

I work with guys who are tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. It's fine by me as long as it doesn't interfere with the work. Unfortunately we live in a world run by committees that manage corporate entities and not people. The problem there is there is not so much room for exceptions to be made for circumstances. It's a life governed by blanket policies unfortunately and in this kind of world you need to keep your private life very insulated from your business life. Jontron is just learning this all the hard way. Best thing he could do is live his public gamer life focusing only on games and get an anonymous account to voice his private views.


What was quints about?

Wonder what was quints about?

Ever wonder what was quints about?