Serious thread. What's your reason to live? What makes you keep going every morning?

Serious thread. What's your reason to live? What makes you keep going every morning?

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Usually i get up because i'm thirsty.

the thought of getting my cock trampled if I do extra well in life

not even joking, pic related is me

I think I support the economy and other people more than I leech.

if that equation ever tips the other way though and I need assistance or get laid off or whatever, AW THERE IT GOES

Change things every once in a while keeps me from killing myself. Its the day in day out that really gets me. Once i start working my job for the weekend i know its time to start looking elsewhere. Change of apartment. Change of city. Its change that keeps me going. When im stuck too ling in one place i start having that exiatential crisis and i get the urge to just off myself.

I have a job where I help people. Try it. It'll take you out of your own miserable imagination and teach you that you're actually very fortunate.

Family. My hobbies. Simple shit, really.

Suicide is still too unappealing. The act of dying freaks me out. Plus i have two parents alive and it would destroy them.

Unless you have a job where people think youre obligated to help them and start treating you like shit while you do it

The fact that my family and the few friends i have will be very sad if i kill myself


Working since 15+ years on the "theory of everything" (serious) and going for that three nobel prices. Sounds weird but it really keeps me going. Other then that only bukkake porn and being an asshole. No wife/kids, my life is "good"

Clinging on because I am awaiting the arrival of artificial intelligence. Only this

The sad look on my mothers face whenever we reminice on my suicide attempts. Not to mention that the welfare check helps keeping me aloft

The sure fire knowledge that the second coming of Christ is just around the corner.
I can hold out a bit longer.

Oh puhleeze

you're fucking adorable

!! REPENT !!
> hedge your bets

cock trampeling is bad, mmmkay.

> praise Jesus
> gather followers
> ???????
> prophet profit

The fear of dying

i don't get what's wrong with you sad fucks. living is easy. just do things you like and deal with things you don't like so you can do things you do like. if simply being and finding things to enjoy is so hard just fucking kill yourself already


At this point I just wake up and go to work. If it wasn't for that good chance I would just spend everything I have and die penniless.

Seeing threads like this from degenerates like yourself. Get up off of your ass and go find what makes you happy. Or don't. I don't really fucking care.

>Serious thread. What's your reason to live? What makes you keep going every morning?

Shut up, asshole. I work hard to not focus on those questions.

can't wait

hoping that one day i'll wake up and find my reason to live

Killing yourself takes some effort. And i still want to go on my holidays. Thats the only thing that keeps me going right now.

Honestly, probably Suboxone.

As much as i would love to off me, or stop existing, i can't make my mother suffer with shit like that, and I guess my hobbies just help to cope with it.


Gonna die eventually. Might as well see how far I can make it.

I don't have one. I hate my life, and I hate myself. I'd much rather be dead, however, that just transfers my unhappiness to others. And I only wake up to shoulder the burden so those around me can at least have a better life. If somebody is going to be unhappy might as well be me.

The hope that maybe that day my crush might ask me out.

Now that i think of it i really donĀ“t have a real reason to live, I guess just wait and see if something comes around and gives me a reason

I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself yet. I want to move to Japan and settle down and have a family. My anxiety is so bad that medicine allows me only to drive to areas that I know. Nothing works. I'm having doubts that I will ever get to Japan.

>Working on theory of everything
>Nobel prices

No bullshit, I just really really like the fact that we can do anything we want whenever we want. of course we're limited by means of transportation, money, current living situation.
but every second of every day, you have the ability to completely change your life. and that's kinda cool

The only reason I haven't committed suicide is the overwhelming sense of guilt I get thinking of my friends and family.

One time at the train station there was this suspicious looking bag sitting unattended on the platform and I purposely stood next to it hoping it was a bomb. Turned out it was just some survey lady's bag full of forms for passengers to fill out. Fiddlesticks.

Now I obsess over fitness and my body. Would go out and fuck everything that moves but oh, great. Sexual anxiety stops me from getting hard. Faaaaantastic.

Why japan?

Same. I just wanna die man

Thinking tomorrow will be better praying to God Hope and Faith.
I used to wake up thinking why am I alive, why does all this bad happen to me, then found reasons to live, the second one is take revenge of the people that betrayed me or hurted me some way.

Because this very line.

"Theres only one thing the dead knows.
That is its better to be alive."


The anime, manga, and other related things I have yet to see or read (or see or read over again in some cases). The Japanese cars I have yet to finish building or have yet to own. My cats.
I'm very ugly, and not wealthy, therefor now woman under 200 lbs wants me.

My wife and our Dogs

Ok I'll ask you out. Will you go out with me?

I know what that's like; I worked at Sears.

habbit. i used to be suicidal. not anymore, i found self love, and the beinings of self respect and confidence. yet these didnt come from some change in my life to make my life awsome, it came from alot of thinking and self reflection. my life is still a monotonous drag from moment to moment.

so i get up in the morning from habbit, from a vague sence that thats what i should do. and now im trapped. my life sucks, i want out. but i wont kill my self because i know my life could be awsome if only i knew how to make it so, thus there is still hope.

I looked up a bunch of medctions

Because I flat lined awhile back and saw nothing. We're monkeys on a rock and life will continue no matter what. Theres nothing after this and no matter what "this" is better than the nothingness that is inevitably coming.

The purpose of life is to be happy.

I think hes a weeaboo

How cute, more?

'cause I'm just awesome like that.

And cause I think that I'll make a difference someday... dunno maybe bring World Peace ?


If you cant go to places you havent already been how are you gonna move to a overpopulated city that is completely new?

Stop being a weeb pussy and get your shit together. I suggest weed for the anx, that or just stop being a faggot

nothing better to do, and I'll die anyway so there's no hurry

Never Smoke when you're depressed as fuck... it'll stick. Gotta smoke when you're happy and this'll stick !

You do know you are on Sup Forums right?

To answer the question: because he's a fucking weabo.

Also y'all motherfuckers need Jesus or something, why are you all so depressed? Go do some fucking meditation or something. Chances are your life is better then fucking 90% of the worlds population. Just watch a documentary on North Korea and look at the shit that happens there.

Fucking this.

The only thing in life that is inevitable is death, so why not just enjoy the ride?

Nothing keeps me going. I merely exist at this point.



I dont want to die, thats all I know
I seek feeling good too
nothing concious, habit

this isnt news to anyone