Tips on how to fall asleep quickly Sup Forums?

Tips on how to fall asleep quickly Sup Forums?

3h to work
Need to sleep or i die

don't think about it.

try to find a chain of thought, something that isn't too serious but just enough to string you out.

Then you'll wake up and it will be morning, you'll be ready to suck the days dick.

breath in thru the nose and out the mouth with your eyes closed

sleeping pills cunt

One usually gets sleepy after being awake for a while.


Get off the computer dummy


just fucking lay there and close your eyes idiot
every second you sit here on Sup Forums is less time you could be sleeping


Be tired.
Captcha: 3300 sexarang

Just chill. Go on an Adventure with your Miiiiiiiiind.

Hammer(the act of hitting with a hammer) yourself in the head until you fall unconcious, when this is realised correctly, and you are unconcious, place yourself into the bed, profit

All I do is roll over on my side and BAM I am out.

I focus on breathing. Specifically imagining breathing out your worries and breathing in peace. The point is, you focus on something simple instead of allowing your mind to wander everywhere. The self imagery of issues leaving you actually makes you calmer. The steady and slow breathing helps to regulate the oxygen as well.

If you're laying there for an hour or more. Get up and go to the bathroom, get a glass of water, exc. All without turning on a light or touching your phone. Then go back to bed.

Tips before bed:
>Have a pre bed routine
>Don't be on any electronic close to your face before bed. TV won't help but it isn't as bad as your phone or a computer especially if it's across the room.
>Make your room as dark as possible
>Eliminate disturbing noises by wearing earplugs or by turning on white noise
>Don't exercise or eat an hour before bed


You can always try the 4-7-8 breathing technique

2-4 Benadryl 30 minutes before bed.


Best thing I've found is to think about random dream like things. Giant bubble floating in the sky tends to get me, might be the swaying motion or something.

Drugs are a good thing for those nights once every few months where you can't pass out. NyQuil is amazing.

Don't rely on it though, don't want to be addicted because that ruins the entire point. If you regularly have trouble sleeping do something like suggested.

1,4 butanediol

Yes, weed and jacking off

Sup Forums usually puts me right to sleep.

i use this stuff called Instavit, it takes about an hour to kick in but it works like a charm, or its a placebo idgaf

I have ASMR in the backround. Almost always massage ASMR. Puts me to sleep in less that 5mins

as a insomniac, the safest drug is:
BayerPM Aspirin.

Take 4 the first night you take it.
Take 2 any other night you need it.

Why aspirin, and Not Tylenol PM or Advil PM or whatever? Those other pills warn of major liver damage if you mix with alcohol. but BayerPM is (mostly) aspirin, a drug truested for 100+ years.

That shit works, is mostly sage, no side effect, no dependency, and also cures headaches and aches and pains...

Inject heroin

>Tips on how to fall asleep quickly Sup Forums?

- As you lay there in bed. Relax. It sounds stupid, but you'd be surprised how much tension you keep bottled up in certain muscle groups.
- Flex your toes. Then relax them.
- Picture a wave of relaxation moving up your body.
- Focus on relaxing your rectum. Yeah. "Ha-ha faggot". No, seriously. This is a major center of tension.
- Focus on relaxing your shoulders and neck.
- Focus on relaxing your jaw.

- Whenever you exhale imagine sinking deeper into your mattress.

- Consider getting a fan. The hum will block out background noise.
- Make sure your bedding (sheets, pillows, etc) is comfortable.
- Make sure your room is quiet and dark.

Zopliclone 10mg x2
Night night


I usually close my eyes and just do stream of consciousness if I can't sleep. Not focusing on anything but random thoughts.

i like to watch documentaries as i go to sleep. very even paced and monotone audio is relaxing.