Dubs decides what I send to this girl I am crazy for

Dubs decides what I send to this girl I am crazy for

dick pic


that was fast

Shit. Idk...Was hoping for some text

too bad it's time for the liver

too late to say that



Too late to go fuck yourself?

Sounds good

Kuadz decides


Ask for nudes



ayy bb wassup wanna watch digimon with me?

Prepared to b sp00kd

text "dick pic" to her and say "sorry the file was too big i couldn't add it"

Hey, I don't know really how to say this, but I'm crazily in love with you. I wasn't sure at first, but now that I feel like I know you I know that you're the one for me. sEnD nUdEs?

you said dubs decide, dubs decided and now you won't do it.

Don't make threads like this if you aren't going to follow through. If you want to text her instead of do some weird shit just think of something yourself and don't go on Sup Forums asking what to do

winrar maddafacka nigga


Your very cute, how bout we go on a few dates, and I will especially add two dates to your tombstone to!

Tell her you want to see her tities and post in this tread

OP won't do it he's a faggot just watch when this is dubs you got to tell her you are gay.