Space Elevator Porn Thread

Space Elevator Porn Thread

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There will never be a space elevator.
>> The heat generated would quite literally fry us alive.



Your body on the space elevator



I don't understand. What is space elevator?

Is that not the goal?




We can build an Orbital Ring Space Elevator today, using steel and kevlar. The Orbital Ring goes to low earth orbit, so it does not need advanced materials.

Why build the Orbital Ring? It would cut our costs of going to orbit from about $2000/kg to about $1/kg. There are individual asteroids that have tens of trillions of dollars in materials on them that could be mined. One mission could easily pay for the cost of building the Orbital Ring.

We could then deploy solar power satellites in orbit above cloud cover and return the power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator, and sell the power at a profit.

With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time.

In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter.

In other words, the US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a decade.



Current mood




What the fuck




If this thread gets pruned, I will shove a cheese grater in my vag. Viva la space elevator!





When she gives u dat orbital succ


Took the space elevator a few days ago, and I can confirm this


I don't believe any of these memes have anything to do with space elevators.


We are secretly pilling people on the space elevator through porn. Gotta use (((their))) own tools against them



what the fuck is this.


>What happens when you don't build the space elevator

>we can do megaengineering in space today

this meme needs to die. we are still in the infancy of space flight. massive engineering projects are just fantasy right now.

we should be focused on REAL goals like making rockets reusable, sustainable and ubiquitous like jets.

You remind me of the dude that thinks we can build a to-scale version of the Enterprise and furthermore, thinks this is a great shovel-ready project



Did you not watch the video?



I'm not giving your channel clicks because I already know it's outside the realm of feasibility. You are tossing around sums like $5 trillion dollars. That's a sizable portion of the United States national debt, the largest in history. I don't think you can even begin to imagine the scope of what you are proposing.

Once the orbital ring is built, and we can access space for a fraction of the cost of what we can do now, we will be able to EASILY recoup our investment with asteroid mining and obtaining rare earths from space

you know snails eat with their foot

This man is already lowering the cost of going to space. It's a proven method of lowering costs. I'm going to give my shekels to this guy before I suggest we embark on the biggest engineering project in all of human history.

Musk's work is still useful, reusable rockets will be excellent with the orbital ring, he is reducing the price by a couple thousands of dollars, we can reduce the cost of putting 1 kg/2000$ to 1kg/1$. More money saved, not that it would matter once we shatter the overton window