My brother got hit by a car today..... he is in the hospital with a serious brain injury and could die...

My brother got hit by a car today..... he is in the hospital with a serious brain injury and could die..... does Sup Forums have any advice? or can you help me with kind words.... It hasn't fully sunk in yet and I feel numb

shit happens
even if he survives he'll never be the same
life's a bitch, get used to it

No advice Im afraid, I cant imagine how it'd feel if something like that happened to me

I hope that the he gets better and makes a strong recovery OP

You are a faggot, i hope he dies so he will not have the displeasure of living with a pathetic brother like you.

have you ever had anyone in your immediate family die unexpectedly?


here's some advice:
when you take a doo doo don't pull down your boxers and pants separate, keep them together that way you can put them back on in one movement

ok hope you have a good day

that's why im saying this
nothing a stranger could say will make a difference
you have to figure out how to deal with it yourself


are you male or female?

i'm sorry you two have grown so bitter

i can't offer any advice unfortunately, but i hope everything works out in his and your favor. stay strong OP.

>have any advice?

Always remember to look both ways

damn shame. but did you srsly come to Sup Forums to ask for advice and positive reinforcement? you have come to the wrong place.

Humans learn from each other..... thats why there are schools, therapist, etc. I think someone may have advice that could help with this situation
why would it matter?


it may seem like premium gas would give you better mileage but the truth is it usually never is worth the additional cost

If he partly recovers and wants to hero, let him. Don't be a selfish prick and stop him.

if a male, go through his phone looking for any nudes, delete them before parents see them.

if a female, don't worry about it.

This is important.
Was the vehical a Dodge? If so, your brother needs to learn how to follow instructions better.

Just brace yourself.
Its horrible when you know the worst is coming but it hasn't happened yet.
It's still going to be the most indescribable feeling of powerless and sorrow.
So face certainty.
You'll pick yourself up.
Whatever happens to your brother is going to happen.
He wouldn't want you living the rest of your life miserable because of him hed want you to be happy.

Graham is supposed to be good at car accidents.
Nice meme.

Advice: watch out for cars.

OP, you're going to have a long ass night.
I genuinely hope you have good news in the morning, but staying on Sup Forums is really not the way to go

bro i think you should start to hate cars as a race, i mean look what they did to you

I guess a small bit of comfort knowing that my pain / potential future pain may bring Sup Forums some joy. I have been on here before and seen posts like this and thought Sucks to be you OP but it always made me feel better that my life was so good. Now hopefully i can bring that to some of you because of this

maybe, but everyone is different
dealing with tragedy and death isn't something to be learnt, because no human ever did
you will either grief for a certain amount of time, or you will grow cold and bitter like a stone and nothing, be it happy or sad, will move you

>he is in the hospital with a serious brain injury and could die..... does Sup Forums have any advice?
save power -- pull the plug

Collect pics and vids of you guys together, focus on times you felt close and organize your thoughts on things regarding times you may have hurt one another or been angry, realize as much as you can about them and have a clear image in your head of who they are fully. Focus on this idea, try not to read the medical shit on what he's facing and keep a part of your mind on him. Talk to friends or strangers who have siblings and bring up your situation, try to speak without thinking so you get your thoughts out and let the feels hit. Usually the feelings you'll go through will come attached to specific memories of them so try to organize those too in your head. As soon as it's possible go see him, talk don't just hang out. You can touch too, lots of research says people in comas (assuming) hear and feel everything. If you have any artistic hobbies start them now with your brother in mind. No matter what happens, continue the organization mentally and the artistic hobbies that involve them.

Thank you!

Thanks for this

OP, you going to clear his computer of any porn before parents find it?

If he hurted his brain he could became same retard as you. So good for you!

If you guys have any movies or games you both enjoyed fire them up and stay positive. Are your parents at the hospital?

hes not even dead yet and the thing youre most concerned about is your own feelings
hahaha op youre such a bitch