Why are so many on Sup Forums fucking gay?

Why are so many on Sup Forums fucking gay?

How can you hate Israel? Israeli girls fight for home and family against warmongering Palestine everyday.

Did you actually know that Israeli girls love western men who supports them in their war against satanic islamic invaders?

Did you know that Israeli girls are white of nature? Just a little addon info for you guys

>acts like Sup Forums isnt anti-semitic
oy vey be a good goy now

But op, the Israelis are the invaders


Listen to this fucking kike shill JIDF cocksucking faggot.

White power is here to stay, whether you like it or not shlomo. Now take your hook nose and get the fuck outta here before you stink the place up any worse with your passover farts you fucking heeb.

Hello Chaim

Lachaim, goyim!

Its this thread again!
Get out of here you grey scum


Who is She?


Did you know that independently of gender, someone from Israel is a fucking jew

Because jews are the most evil race on the earth and are set on destroying the white race and western culture by perpetuating multiculturalism on every white country.

The kikes can't control these dank memes.








Don't ever let the Jew make you feel bad for being proud of your heritage. Martin Lucifer Coon and Cesar Commie Chavez get honored by Holocaust Hoaxer Eli Wiesel as the Satanic Illuminati circle jerk with the blood of unbaptized white babies.