'Ghostbusters' Heading for $70M-Plus Loss, Sequel Unlikely


WE WON au/tv/ists

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Nigga we already had this covered, use the fucking catalog next time.

Did you not look through the catalog and see there is already a thread with almost 100 fucking replies?

>make fun of men and call them stupid all throughout the lead up to the movie
>tell them this movie isn't for them
>get upset when not a lot of men see it

who gives a shit about ghost busters. Why isn't anyone talking about star trek flopping? man babies please respond.

I liked this movie more than I liked suicide squad and suicide squad is making all the moolah.

Did anybody really win?

A studio lost profit and a class got butchered by a shitty remake, I guess you can take solace in the fact that it'll stop them butchering more classics.

my friends saw ghostbusters and I didn't try and stop them. forgive me

Ghostbusters is NOT a flop


I bet the straight white opressive cis male patriarchy did htis

We did it Sup Forums, we stopped fascist feminism

Star Trek wasn't openly mocking their fanbase

>gay Sulu to appease SJW faggots
>not mocking their fans

Choose one.


Stay mad Newmale.

Your a terrible friend user

I was expecting more in the movie, it's not even made explicit they are a gay couple. Basically you are saying a 2 second scene is the same as pandering an entire movie cast for the whole movie.

>Describing something that's so obviously a capitalist corporate ploy.

>I guess you can take solace in the fact that it'll stop them butchering more classics.

Is the Naked Gun remake still being made?

What happens when cultural fascism becomes trendy?


you're aware you didn't have to lift a finger for this turd to fail right?

Do you know how are they marketing this in Spain (comes out this firday): THE FAMILY MOVIE OF THE YEAR

> That 160MM advertising budget

Somebody's getting fired for this cluster fuck of bad decisions