Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit, and I just stay inside playing No Man's Sky and posting here.

i am tired of being a lonely Sup Forums. how do i gf?

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Carve your face up, masks are awesome, you can be like a supervillain.

just scrape a knife down that cheek.

This is the kind of acne you actually see a doctor about.

But also:
>stay inside playing No Man's Sky

>I really, really need a bath.

You need accutane. Go to the Dr and ask

See a doctor and get some special ointment for it

how much is that. I dont have insurance.

date a chick with bad skin until you grow up and it clears up.

who knows, maybe you'll fall in love or some gay shit like that.

I feel for you man, I have no girlfriend either but I am much older than you and have other problems. I used to be somewhat active with the ladies when younger but now I have given up due to health issues and other mental issues. Sucks being alone a lot of the time yet I also like it sometimes not having to answer to anyone else. Go see a doctor and go to war over that acne. Do whatever you have to do, there is some good stuff out there now.

it will cost real money but you should fucking do it Plastic Surgery no joke save money and fucking fo it

>how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?
Wouldn't you rather a girl that doesn't have acne?

he needs a belt sander for that

>playing Nu Males Lie

Found the problem

Anyways see a doctor about it retard. This is not your mild teenager acne. No girl will want to kiss that face so see your doc to fix your acne problem first.


I'd love to bust on a nut on your cheek and then rub my cock all over the pus and lick it all up

Back in the old days, i saw dude with disgusting skin issues like yourself.
So did their girlfriends.

>Problem solved

God bless America.

So fucking hot they could rub their faces together and meld fluids

Pic related and hope yours does say something romantic.

Seriously though, how the fuck do you people develop acne like this? Are you completely unfamiliar with the concept of personal hygiene?


why do you want a girlfriend with that acne problem?

not the weirdest shit i've seen o Sup Forums, but still.

Here's a fuckin thought, change your sheets and pillow cases once in a while, fuck. I bet your "white" pillow cases are yellow

>I bet your "white" pillow cases are yellow

yes. how did you know?

tatoo u face




How old are you? i'm guessing under 20.

Just relax and wait, it will get better with time. When you're young you think that all that is important is the present moment and find it difficult to see beyond it but things change given time




Have you ever considered washing your face before it got this bad? Maybe start doing that daily now.

Ya, you have the kind of acne you see a doctor about. He'll prescribe you an oral antibiotic and some ointment. I had acne kinda like yours before, it cleared up after 6 or so months.

grow a beard and hide it

Newfags. copypasta is pasta.

Buy a creme with this inside should be around 5% mixture, use it in the morning and after a shower in the evening. Watch out with towels and cloths, it kills the color. Worked perfect for me


Doesn't even matter. If it's not copypasta it's just a generic trap/fur/wwyd/ylyl/etc thread. There is no OC.


This thread again?

Why would you want your girlfriend to have an acne problem? That's actually one of the most disgusting fetish I've ever heard of.

Someone post that manga where the kid pops his zits on his sister's face


dude....use some witchazel


take birth control pills, they make your skin really smooth


Moisturize moisturize moisturize!

Post this to

They'll know what to do.

U can't user, sorry.

Dude, honestly. Get Accutane. It works but you can't drink while you're on it and it's literally going to dry all your zits out until your face peels off.

Fuck benzoyl peroxide, it just dries your skin out so it looks all gross and pasty. Acnomel works well and doesn't dry your skin out but I don't know if it would work on this.


Use this


Fuck this copy pasta shit kys

Eat healthy, wash/scrub your face DAYLY. Drink water instead of coke.

Change them, dirty sheets make acne 10x worse

If your acnee is THAT bad you can use Roaccutane but u need to see a foctor first because is very dangerous for your brain i mean VERY....but the acnee will never come again. I dont know much about it i just know that bodybuilders use it when they have really ugly acnee from steroids

>playing No Man's Sky

No wonder you don't have a girl, even if you didn't have an acne issue, you'd be too fucking beta to actually talk to girls.

Bro get accutane

Cut dairy out of your diet, drink plenty of water and eat 1-2 large carrots a day. Acne is usually caused by 3 factors.

1. Allergies, mostly dairy in this case.
2. Lacking in Vitamin A & C both crucial for healthy skin.
3. Hormones, in this case a doctor would suggest Roaccutane. Just a warning though it has some seriously bad side effects.

Also wash your pillow cases and your bed sheets as frequently as possible. Your pillow is essentially a sponge that asorbs the oils from your face while you sleep

all of these newfags lmao

First off, get some fucking SUN on that shit. I mean, seriously. Go camping for like a few days. Then buy medication.

Also on a side note, the acne is present down the side of your face in the precise areas that would be pressed against whilst laying down. I'd suggest making sure bedding is changed REGULARLY, despite acne having no correlation to hygiene, it can be exasperated by bad hygiene. Check that you don't have an allergy to any of your bedding, such as feather pillows/cotton or wool.

>ugly as fuck
>/4tard/ loitering loser
>certainly dumb as brick (*implied from post)

>how do i gf?

I want to shave that face with a straight razor and see what happens.

shower every day you greasy fuck and stop picking or youll get scarred as fuck. also use hydrogen peroxide on your cheeks

date a blind girl

Stop scratching your horrible acne for one thing... eww dude.

I've had nightmares about pic related... fucking UUUUUUUGGGGRRRHHHHB

There are medical options to get rid of it.

Think like 6 months antibiotic therapy it can work even on cases worse than yours.

Some scarring might be left, but it will be gone.

Is that a real person or doll? Hope it's the latter.

Or one in a coma

It's a doll

Get a pore cleaning tool, they make metal ones that have a loop that you press against and drag, or vacuum ones, the vacuum kind seems to work better, soak your face with a towel and hot water for a few minutes, use pore cleaning tool, that won't make it permanently go away, but it'll at least make you less fucking ugly. Also


>you need Accutane
>you need Crohn's Disease

Germany it 66 euro 100 pills 20mg ( 0,66 cent per pill ) If treatment is to expensiv in USA, try to get prescription in a country with cheap medication cost.
In germany you might have to 100 dollar for an appoinment and prestcription for the treatment and buy the medication yourself.
Or you find a secure online pharmacy in the EU who will only send you medication with a prescription.

you shouldn't have scratched them you stupid nigger, i had worse acne than that in highschool and i don't have them anymore by the time i was on my 3rd year on the job.

Stop using meth OP. If not using meth, see a doctor. Actually, see a doctor either way. Jesus Christ.

I read that drys your skin really bad

>playing no man's sky
You deserve that acne for playing that piece of shit game

Go to a doctor, that can be a health risk since it's so easily infected

See a doctor OP. My housemate had an acne problem and he saw a doctor who taught him how to take proper care of his skin and gave him antibiotics for it.

Make a girlfrient on internet and then have an appointment with her.

hahahahahahahahahahah bag over your head faggot

my buddy was getting bad acne and he said accutane cleared it up. You need to get on this shit asap. Even after you acne stops you will have a pocked face with a bunch of holes. I know it's insanely tempting but do NOT pop your pimples. It makes the damage worse and more likely for another pimple to form. gl user

It also reduces cell shedding and the stickiness of cells in the follicles. Isotretinoin (Accutane) is generally very effective in helping prevent extensive scarring in patients with severe acne. After 16 to 20 weeks of treatment, their acne is completely (or nearly completely) one in most (up to 90%) of cases.

reverse looked up this image and google's best guess is, "Disease" GG man

get caught in a fire

op you should do 1 of 17 things. It'll work.


Gdi,that fuckin pic every time, its fuckin best


Roaccutane. I was on it when i was a teenager for acne all over my upper back. Hurt every time i sat down. Used that shit and it disappeared in a few months and never came back. Only side effects I got were chapped lips and slightly higher chance of getting sun burned, both of which went away after the treatment was done. Fucking miracle drug.

playing No Mans Sky is a bigger problem than the acne. You should see a doctor about your love of shit games

>despite acne having no correlation to hygiene
being this much of a moron

Plastic surgery

I've taken one shower in 13 months and have no acne. I don't wash my face either.
Anecdotal I suppose.