Hey Sup Forums please help

Hey Sup Forums please help

I have this question from my ninth grade math class and the teacher said it's hard but possible like in the picture

Can you give me a solution please?

Other urls found in this thread:





You missed a door.

This isn't even a math problem

like this?

It's one line through all doors once.

It says nothing about drawing on the walls

Given that the text is worded in such a way that it only asks you to "draw one line through all of the doors" (though 'through' is misspelled), the solution here is one that works. It never states anything about the line such as that it would be continuous, or that it must connect to all the other lines.

Also it is based on this:


It's a math problem. Graph theory/topology. It's a variant of the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem, which was proved unsolvable by Euler in 1736. This problem is unsolvable as well, since more than two vertices have odd degees.




not that hard

You missed a spot

Missed one. Not possible doing the method of just drawing a continuous line.

to ez

cheater, you closed an opening.

Interesting thanks for the information

2nd last door you go through exactly 50% of the way therefore in total you do not go through it twice only exactly once.



It is NOT possible to solve this puzzle


But the picture says it is?

I lost 10 mins of my life because of you.

10 seconds and got it