Merkel says Germany need more young people and workers

>Merkel says Germany need more young people and workers
>Use this excuse to flood the country with refugees
>While Spain, already a member of the EU has a 50% young unemployment and many of them with a finished degree
Explain this, please

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Lazy siestaniggers don't want to work.

educated market is oversaturated. What germany needs isnt some doctors, they have high functioning and slightly autistic germans for that. What they need is either farmers or automatization or robot workforce, and since the technology we currently have doesnt endorse robots that cost cheap, they import arabs.
Albeit they do absolutely nothing.

The white race must perish.


But not all of them have degrees, I said it to explain that not all our young people is uneducated.

A lot of them are coming here. But not every Spaniards wants/can work outside their country. It's not that we prefer refugees over Spaniards, you're free to come whenever you want that's how Schengen works.

Well its also because merkel cant just come out and ask for all of the unemployed spaniards to come to germany for work, because that might upset the political and economical balance in spain.(5-10 year plans and all that) These kinds of political actions need to be planned several years beforehand.

The best possible outcome would be that the unemployed spaniards move to germany with their free will like has said.

>Refugees are offered money, a place to stay, courses to learn the language, etc etc
>A spaniard will have to go on its own and pray to have luck

i lived there 4 years i work for Petronor in Spain, obviously i am engineer but i love my country

Spanish people barealy leave the country. Also germans are racist as fuck against southern euros. If they love muslims so much they can get all of them.

Refugees have to be integrated or else they turn into terrorists. Spaniards usually integrate very easily and language courses are usually very cheap because they're subsidized most of the time.
>>A spaniard will have to go on its own and pray to have luck
It's the exactly the same with germans. Refugees are the only ones that get extra treatment because of the reasons I stated above.

Our agriculture is part subsidized burden part bio luxury products. No need for farmers we are past this.
Think more of eldercare, teachers services and mechanicans.

so... spaniards should perform knife attacks in malls
to change perceptions about them
to get free "integration" benefits

We usually hate Muslims and eastern euros. Southern euros are mostly fine because most of the time they don't come to get free money.

>"refugees are part of a plan, right?"
>"Naturally. They are meant to undermine the european worker!"

I was in Spain last year and i must say one thing, Spanish chicks are hot. We need some up here in the north :D.

So we must start raping your women to get help?

>we need to import TEACHERS out of all proffessions.

How to absolutely destroy your nation 101.


Makes sense, no one wants to do those kinds of work.


i thought germans had such a surplus of mechanics that they were actually exporting some to other cunts?

Its moreso just cashing in on a sudden happenstance.
Unlike Sup Forums i dont think merkel actively planned for the crisis in syria just to import arabs.
What i fail to understand is why after taking in so many arabs she didnt realize that they dont contribute to the workforce. In turkey erdogan accepts them in because he wants to islamize the country and all of the arabs vote for him but that kind of political gain doesnt make sense for germany.

No because Spain is a safe country you'll just get deported.


>merkel flooded Germany with refugees because of aging memes
no, she let them in because the alternative was to stop them
to stop them would have cost resources and precious relations with neighbouring countries
Germany trying to push refugees to remain in it's direct neighbours could have damaged relations for decades.
Now the end result is Germany is dealing with the refugees directly and it's neighbours are virtue signaling and backseat driving about how well they'd have handled it and how less refugees would have entered if only Germany hadn't accepted any.
What's more Merkel does most of the footwork in securing deals and arrangements that secure European borders through cooperation with 3rd states.
The push for more Frontex powers is something she is behind and when Macron gets elected we will see big French support for it too.
The entire refugee crisis had Europe caught with it's pants down and laying it on Merkel because she's the only leader with vision beyond the national to any degree is plain stupid.

A notice from 2016 says there are 2,8 millions outside Spain. Which one should I believe.

its not safe enough for me

I think you're miscasting all politicians as being pragmatic opportunists. Maybe people actually care about giving humanitarian aid and helping people not to die in war?

Spain is a shithole because europe union aka Germany wants to see Spain like now, being waiters for them or a touristic shithole.

compare GDP in industry around 70s with now . meanwhile we are exporting tons of engineer to there

This is true.

>Spanish chicks are hot

When will this meme end?

>surplus of mechanics

Nah, we have engineers but these are not the guys who actually assemble machienes and look after them.
Also lower work in laboratorys, nurseries, constructionjobs.

Maybe in the first world where resources are abundant, but even then i would doubt it.

Why would the average hard working german want his tax money to be sent to some backward shithole without his blessing by some political elite, rather than improving germany.

Because altruism isn't a myth. Because empathy exists.

She often said in talkshows openly though that africans would make for a good injection of younger workforce.
But yes, it was partly genuine humanitarian consideration too. Albeit not really planned and spontanous.

Because we suck it up and are the most docile taxpayers imaginable.
Concerning the productivity of arabs, economists miscalculated this because they just thought of them apparently as peopel with somewhat valid degrees.
They are now moaning in hindsight about refugees not instantly integrating into the workforce after hoping for it openly which may have had some impact on our policies.

Empathy on a personal level is okay, not smart in the long run unless you believe in god or something, but acceptable.

But professional politicians dont have that kind of luxury whilst ruling a nation of people who all have needs to be fulfilled. Their only job is to improve their own country with the money that is provided by their own citizens, they were elected because of it.

If they want to help out people in less fortunate countries, they can do that with their own money.

Besides alturism doesnt equal to exploitation. Its what makes capitalism and the free market great. Opening new jobs and importing workforce not only helps the job owner, but the recently unemployed as well.

>altruism doesnt qual to exploitation
whoops, meant to write pragmatism

Merkel won the Kalergi award in 2012....

>Explain this, please
I can't.It defies logic.We could literally remove unemployment in the whole EU if we juggle people around.

Also with a few social policies we can increase birth rates so there is no need for bringing bongos and cockroaches from outside.

this turk is right, people dont want to do the lower tier jobs anymore so we need people who do them. Also no one stop spains from working here, since they are in the EU. I already saw many young spains who came to germany but they are not enough and most of them are only here for a short time.

>people dont want to do the lower tier jobs anymore so we need people who do them
If that was the case you could import fuckton from the Balkans
>mostly stupid because the smart ones have left long ago
>high unemployment
How do you explain that?

There are a ton of unemployed people in the EU.
The thing is it is cheaper to bring cockroaches than attracting EU citizens for jobs.

So for a few euros more Merkel betrayed her own people and the people of the EU.

What you're proposing is practically destroying nation states and creating a european superstate.

I'd rather live in an EU superstate than having the EU infested with religious fanatics from the middle east.

That's the ultimate goal of the EU, yes.

both are losing propositions for politiicians, a rock and a hard place.

Can we into EU now
Come on, we've been sitting outside for too long

>If that was the case you could import fuckton from the Balkans
We already do, but we cant force people to come here. Like I already said no one stop you from coming here.

forgott pic

Fuck the politicians.
What about the people?

Tell me what will be better for the people?

Refugee rapegangs and suicide bombers or having to vote for an EU federation government instead of your government?


Germany inverts more money in Spain than it does on France or Italy. In fact they only invert more money in the US(private investment)

>Fuck the politicians.
>What about the people?
these are empty words

Some people want that and bulgaria user too I guess. I like nations myself, a compromise might be to invest in much better railway connections and cheap housing along a unified work-visa system around europe.
That way a romanian could go and be a cleaner in Lyon on the fly and for better pay but the french do not have to pay his pension or take him in as he still a romanian subject and must return eventually.

This is what we had in mind with the turks before muh feels negated it along our collapsing birthrate. A codified easy system were many countrys interests prevent emotional undermining might make this work. Or this is maybe a shitty idea, got it in an instant, no clue.

M8 if you went out of your house you would realise that chiks here are pretty ok

>Like I already said no one stop you from coming here.
Sorry but that's not correct. Most companies don't want to bother hiring non-EU nationals because it's too much bureaucratic shit to go through for them. It's the reason why thousands from here have applied for Bulgarian citizenship instead of simply showing up in Germany or wherever.


because you live in a republic in which you vote for politicians, not in some hippy commune

here you go, thats what I told you, too much bureaucracy only exist in higher tier jobs but lower tier jobs like barkeeper, toilet cleaners, or waiters are fairly easy to get even if you are not from germany. But most people who come from the EU dont want to do jobs like that not even balkan people.

>While Spain, already a member of the EU has a 50% young unemployment and many of them with a finished degree
>nd many of them with a finished degree
this is why they're unemployed.

They got a useless paper thinking it comes with a comfortable 20h a week job that pays 3 times the national average and refuse to get any job that doesn't fill their dream of post-graduate career.
I fail to see how moving them to Germany would solve the problem.

Actually i live in a republic and the last two times i voted to make sure that certain politicians did not reach a place of power.

I have very little respect for modern political figures.
Some i hate from the bottom of my heart.

>Spanish chicks are hot.
you like unibrows and moustached women?

There are no jobs here for anyone at 18, which is why they study instead of doing nothing at home

Why is there no demand for work?
I mean.. your restaurants dont work by magic neither does the trash bring out itself, or are africans doing that?

Because UBS (United banks of Swiss) stated in their January 2016 publication called "The Future of Europe", that Europe needs
>1.4 million working age refugees annually
>From middle-east and north-Africa
>For the next 10 years
>Total of 14 million people
>JUST to compete with the rising economy of United States of America.

All this altruistic good will towards these refugees and "refugees" are founded on cold, heartless calculating efforts to boost EUs economy.

Also social engineering and malicious intents from the top.

Whatever. Let's fucking die.

>your restaurants dont work by magic neither
It is not a joke but restaurants expect the waiters to know several languages so it is hard to get a job in one.

>does the trash bring out itself, or are africans doing that?
No, but there are a lot of people working due to that, the salaries are very low so You cannot even have a decend life. Literally, you earn more with the gibs from the govermment than working 14 hours.

Spaniards have a low fertility rate.

it depends on the region. It is very common to see couples with two kids here in the south, much more common than one kid.

gibs>shitjob is also a problematic here. But the government hounds you for it in turn and we have a culture based on shame in that regard.
>several languages
Dont you have many restaurants and open service industry or why can they afford to be so fucking picky? There must be a reason why iberia is so fucked and france not.



What about Turkey?

They are pretty much literally holding a dagger at Europes heart.
Is history going to repeat itself? Is the muslim flood going to be unspottable this time?

> why can they afford to be so fucking picky?
It is because of the tourists. They want us to know several languages because of that. Restaurants earn a lot of money from the tourism.

>There must be a reason why iberia is so fucked and france not.

Iberians share race but we do not share culture. Frenchs doesnt share race but share culture. That is our problem. In fact, we had a meme reunification movement after you and the italians reunited, It is called Iberism and totally failed.

>turkey is not europe
not for long

I trust the poles will save us again and reclaim their commonwealth in the process.

>Merkel says Germany need more young people and workers
>Use this excuse to flood the country with refugees
I'm tired of this mindless meme so I'm not even going to bother beyond pointing out that all those refugees were primarily taken with the understanding they will be deported again, the entire german policy dealing with the refugee crisis has been about how to get as many of them as fast as possible back out of the country.

>While Spain, already a member of the EU has a 50% young unemployment and many of them with a finished degree
This is actually a legitimate point and question, and the simple answer is a lack of EU authority to make the necessary laws to incentive and be more pro-active about getting EU nationals, especially young people, jobs across the union. Now this isn't a simple matter, because language barriers and national laws and regulations stand in the way of this, you also can't just drain a countries entire young population into the already existing major economies because it would cripple the smaller economies in the longterm.
Young people aren't just future employees, they are also future employers, your economy cannot grow without them and draining them all out of, say, Spain would hurt the spanish future in favour of helping out germany, france etc. Not very fair either, wouldn't you say?
Its actually already a problem in some cases, where for example germany is massively draining medical students out of Bulgaria alone. Sure, thats jobs for them, but also less educated medical professionals for Bulgaria.

So the EU can hardly force people to move around and even overly incentiving it is a delicate matter. And the "option" already exists for all EU youths, literally nothing stops you from going to another EU country to work there and if you speak the local language you are likely to get a job in the sectors people are looking for employees.


>What they need is either farmers or automatization or robot workforce
Why aren't they going for robots? Much like during the industrial revolution, menial jobs will disappear due to robotization sooner or later, which means the rest of the population can be deployed in higher education fields. More people today are educated than in the past simply because the economy *needs* them. What Merkel is doing right now is flooding the country with low IQ, barely literate (most Syrian rapefugees are illiterate even in their own language) idiots who not only already barely work, but will become downright unemployable once robotization is complete. Literally unemployable. Everything they will be able to do will be done better and cheaper by robots, and robots cannot do will require intelligence beyond their abilities.

Can you get me a source on that utter nonsense? I'm not doubting the truth in your words, I'm doubting the truth of the report you're citing.

>all those refugees were primarily taken with the understanding they will be deported again

Good lord germany how many times does this needs to happen for you to learn your lesson

Now, the Eu could do more, for sure. Sponsored language training, a ccentralised job database for the EU, financial support for young people to get apartments in other EU countries. But all of these things fall afoul of national interests again. You have seen in Britain that its hardly so that populations are more welcoming of fellow europeans than EU-foreigners. Mass immigration even from within the EU would risk causing social strife. I agree certain measures could be taken to help solve the problem because the 'idea' of a common EU job market is a fantastic vision. But the problem here isn't the EU per se, but the attitude of the nations and populations which make this a very very difficult endevour

We didn't have a refugee wave like this before?
The Turks we didn't want in the first place, and frankly we never really thought they would keep word to fuck off again after working for a while in the first place, but as occupied country when murica forced us, we had little choice.
And even that can be seen as a sign of us having learned the lesson because we let the Turks choose to leave on their own, the refugees we forcefully eject from the country if necessary.

You're not even genetically Yuropean, so why do you care about Yurop, friendo?

In my opinion, and it probably is retarded because I am in fact an American, is: it's time to forget Yurop and focus on Finnish matters only.

All is lost on mainland Yurop, you won't be able to save your Hungarian cousins or Yuropean allies you hold dear.

So in my mind, it would be better to Make Finland Great Again (if it ever was great), rather than to save Yurop.

The technology isnt there to mass produce robots with varying actions yet.Neither is the industry.
Cunts like japan and s.korea will lead the way of robotical industrialization, much like how england started the industrial revolution. She had too much raw goods on her hands and required to use them fast.
Incase of, say japan, with their aging population and refusal to take in immigrants en masse they simply need robots.What will end up usefull for them is that, when england started the revolution, unemployment rose sky high inside the kingdom for a while. But since these eastern cunts already have a problem of decreasing workforce this negatives affect will be negligible.

>They are pretty much literally holding a dagger at Europes heart.
Not really, they can blackmail us only so long the EU countries stay divided and without a common border policy and real authority for frontex. If we had those, Erdogan would lose everything because locking down the Trukish-EU border is, in theory, a fairly trivial prospect.
And honestly not anymore expensive than the bribery we pay Turkey to keep their shit in.

They just don't want your worthless asses, Pedro.

They prefer flooding their country with sandniggers than with spaniards

>They just don't want your worthless asses, Pedro.
we should you ass to the jungle.

tu eres una de las principales razones por las que España esta así, millones y millones que habeis venido aquí y no os vais ni con agua ardiendo

>The technology isnt there to mass produce robots with varying actions yet.Neither is the industry.
Exactly. Low intelligence jobs will be the first ones to go. That means 90% of the jobs 90% of the rapefugees are capable of doing. Do I need to spell all this shit out to your sandnigger cunt? What the fuck do you think happens when there are literally millions low IQ, uneducated, unemployed and unemployable dunecoons in Germany that can barely read, are more inclined towards violence, utterly hate everything German or Western and see Western women as whores that ask to be raped? There is not a single benefit to this, not even a humanitarian benefit considering it's cheaper to aid refugees (real refugees) in the region than all the way in Europe.

we should deport*

christ you jumped from 0 to 100 quick even though we agreed on the issue.
Never before did someone told me ''Yes i agree with your argument you literal piece of shit''

>Explain this, please
Germans consider Arabs and Afghans to be a superior, more desirable race than the spanish.

Not far from the truth, to be honest.

>You're not even genetically Murikan, so why do you care about muirka, friendo?
Take a wild stab at it...

I'll never understand what anyone could have against spaniards, or iberians in general. They're pretty alright and not really doing anything that could piss anyone off.

shes autistic and naive and so are germans

Non-conspiracy explanation
>accepting Greeks and other Southerners won't earn those progressive brownie points
>taking in large amount of southerners will create further problems for the souther countries

She wants wage slaves.

Thread should have ended at this post tbeeh


>this pic


>that armhair

>them with a finished degree

Humanity degrees... Even sandniggers are better than this.
