So I hired this bitch to fuck. Do you reckon ill get aids?

So I hired this bitch to fuck. Do you reckon ill get aids?

Other urls found in this thread:

wear a condom
are you retarded


No chance im going in bareback anally and vaginally

0-5 penises or 50-100? Huh, huh?! Jk!!!

just remember to act cool when the police knock at the door.


Fake ad, at least google image search lol

So your saying that im going to get murdered?


How? I haven't given her the money yet, they'd have to mug me

fake! i see the picture before, is a guy, run you bastard


its the FEDS

I'm in Australia, It aint illegal in Sydney

Are you an Arab?

>How? I haven't given her the money yet,
She shows up.. it's a catfish. You say you don't want to do it. Her pimp gets upset with you.

They begin threatening you more and more until you give up the cash.

You're out $300+ and no pussy because they just leave.

Can't call the cops because it was literally a prostitute that robbed you.

Any more questions?

na It aint that fair to travel from the innerwest

I'm in Australia and It's legal and regulated in Sydney

>I'm in Australia and It's legal and regulated in Sydney
neat, everything else still applies. You get cat-fished, threatened, robbed. The end

>So I hired this bitch to fuck
Have you asked her for proof pics yet? Ask her for them, timestamped. If she can't provide or gets angry in defense it's a catfish, the end.

Yeh I talked to her on the phone, done it like twice with different hookers before never had any problems

This goes without saying but if you do fuck we need a greentext recap & some feugo nudie pics


>Have you asked her for proof pics yet?
>Yeh I talked to her on the phone


He asked, I answered

How does talking to someone on the phone = proof?

you are going to get bamboolzed, op. Pictures on her add are from a GW whore, nina1987.

There we go, I knew she looked familiar.

No i mean, i agree he was right i was just explaining the situation

Yeh lucky i came here, not going to her and back search images every time now

She doesnt offer bare sex, only bare blowjob and that's another 50. You probably wont be getting AIDS. But if you do, you should leave her a scathing review on Yelp.

Good on you OP. /thread

I got a prostitute from CL once. She let me make out with her and gave me an hour for $100 bucks. Feels good man.

Still need to get tested though (used a condom; it broke, she was on her period, slightest of fucks given because - I understand STI rates), haven't gotten sick but I'm getting tired more often.

She was white and not on discernable drugs, FYI. Fuck you guys, lol.

Yeah they all deny offering bbfs but at least half will relent if you offer a good amount extra
admitting they'll do it gets them blackballed by lots of people and banned from lots of escort sites

> (OP)
>just remember to act cool when the police knock at the door.
Not op but escorts are legal in Australia.