I constantly forget how fucking Big Moose are. These things are taller than horses by a foot or two, and twice as large...

I constantly forget how fucking Big Moose are. These things are taller than horses by a foot or two, and twice as large. What other animals surprise you with their size?

Other urls found in this thread:


your mom

OP's mum, obviously

Fuck off fag..
>degenerate hunting thread

Wow did he manage to kill the moose only using a high powered rifle?! What a hero. The size of northern Americans gets me every time.

This isn't a hunting thread you silly cunt. It's an animal thread, and you may not have the looks of an animal, but you got the brains of one.


What's the deal here? Why so aggressive. I literally just googled a picture of a man next to a moose and people are getting all apeshit.

What people don't realise is how dangerous moose are. Anyone who visits Canada and goes out in the wild get shit scared of bears. Its actually moose they really need to look for. Those fuckers kill more people than any other animal there.


Pigs and wild boars. They're fucking huge.

Holy fuck. Those digits.


Also don't worry about them OP. I support your thread. Full grown male African elephants are can grow to freaking huge size. Like two story house huge.

Cause they're carnivores or cause they kill for fun?

It's almost crazy to think that with all these animals towering over us, we rule the planet in this age.

what should he do fucking wrestle it?

I live in a dairy town and people are always surprised by how large cows actually are. They can easily be over 5 feet tall and easily weigh 2000 pounds.
Personally, sharks always surprise me by how large they are. Great white can easily be 6 feet tall and 20 feet long, weighing over 5000 pounds.


Not really we simply evovled differently
Brain and thumbs beats brute force

Apparently they are always angry AF. They walk into outlying suburbs and freak the fuck out charging people, wrecking cars and kicking dogs brains in.

Also they're stupid too and often stand in the road.
> Country road
> driving 100kph
> turn corner
> hit moose
> everyone dead
> repeat every other week
> end of year 000s dead Canadians

It just doesn't go outside enough so seeing something impressive that's physical gets it confused and angry.

Well, these animals don't know how to use a gun. Anybody can rule the world with that.

If some aliens came to Earth at some point and gave us guns to hunt and defend ourselves from wild anmals we'd probably still be stuck in the stone age cause life would be too easy and there'd be no reason to actually invent shit and progress.


They're territorial as fuck. So if they see you in their territory, or where they want their territory to be, they'll be aggressive as fuck and charge you. Most people tend to get hurt when something that big rams into them.

It's called intelligence. Yours is overrun by your youth.

So do they only behave like that when they enter civilized areas or do they act the same in their natural environment in the woods, wrecking havoc among the wildlife? Maybe they get angry because you invaded their kingdom and so they try to destroy everything humans built.

Getting hit by a moose is like getting hit by a car going like 20mph right?

This fat cow's ass

Give a toddler an AR, I'd like to see if he can kill a bear.


swans are startlingly large

you think ducks, they're kinda small
you think geese, they seem kinda big, compared to the ducks
you might think the farm variants of either instead of the native waterfowl kind, and they're even bigger

but swans man, huge
their necks are as thick as and adult's arm and from standing position they can flap their wings as high as your head

and these fuckers fly


You could stop jerking to random girls and instead go to s.n.a.p.c.h.a.t.y(.)me and get anyones nudes.


they can be as fast as 60kmh but i dont know the effects of weight and material compared to a car

I get the feeling you'd be endangered in the vicinity of a kitten.

Are you retarded?

>Oh fuck, I got proven wrong...
>I Know! "You're a little bitch!"
What is this logic.



I'll think about this next time I make a tuna sandwhich...

> moosies r scare
> touris plez go home

well they fuck up more people in alaska than black and brown bears combined

This. I'm used to seeing average sized dogs everywhere and then I see a full sized wolf and it's like holy fuck, we took those huge beasts and made rat fuck chihuahuas.

Have u heard of sarcasm, dipstick?

Yeah, if you like to watch documentaries you don't really notice how big they are because they're out right next to something so much larger 80% of the time.

Okay, they do look bigger on two legs.

Degenerate kek
Probably shoves MCFaggit in his mouth every 3 days
Just because other people kill ur shit doesnt that mean ur a fine boi u hypocrite
And don't tell me youre a vegan for 10 years this is /b

Degenerate kek
Probably shoves MCFaggit in his mouth every 3 days
Just because other people kill ur shit doesnt that mean ur a fine boi u hypocrite
And don't tell me youre a vegan for 10 years this is /b kek

sounds more like some hunting is evil kind of faggot to me


i rode an ostrich in south africa once, they're like real life chocobos but not nearly as cute

Take a kick from one of these bastards..

Right? I have a boxer that I'm told is pretty big, I guess as far as boxers go and she only reaches my lower thighs. Then I see an wolf and it's easily up to my stomach, like a can take that fucker for a ride. Really makes the thought that we took that and tamed it into one of the most loyal of companions all the more impressive.

Have had a swan freak the fuck out at me one day by the lake. Not ashamed to say for a moment I literally feared for me life

No they are just retards. Always angry. Some species are like that; hornets, snakes, African elephants

Canada is huge and less than 1% is urban area. Moose have got heaps of places they can go to get away from civilization

Am I too late to say op's mom? I also vote for op's mom.

Do kangaroos have their own secret p90x program that we don't know about or something? Seriously, I've rarely seen a roo that wasn't completely fucking jacked.

Canadian here, can confirm. When I was 12 I saw a moose walk out of a forest, across a highway and charge a 53' truck trailer parked at the truck stop I was at. Fucking tipped it on its side and the bang of it landing spooked it into bolting back into forest

Wow, you're truly lucky to have seen something so impressive!

Fucking leopard seals. They get up to 11.5' and can weigh over 1'300lbs. Absolutely no fear of humans, either.

canadian here as well: we were taught to not worry about humans because they could be reasoned with or at least defended against.. Moose, on the other hand.. if you annoy one in the wild you're pretty much just fucked. they're ever more dangerous than bears, they're probably up there with big cats tbh


Your mum.

Lol bullshit.

Good god, I don't think I could wrap my arms around that thing.

I ate moose cooked on a bonfire when I drove through Norway.
It is easily the best meat I have ever had in my life. You'd expect it to be extremely gamey and powerful, but it was velvety and juicy and just really fucking good.
Now I want to breed moose and eat their spawn.


"The idea of the moose domestication did not get much traction in Czarist Russia. However, it reappeared in the 1930s’ Soviet Union; it was suggested at the time that moose cavalry could be efficiently used even in the deep snow. In 1934, the Soviet Government's Nature Reserve Committee ordered creation of moose reserves (zapovedniks) and moose breeding centers (лосиные питомники). Experimental work, initiated by Petr Alexandrovich Manteufel (Петр Александрович Мантейфель), took place at a number of locations: in Yakutia, at the Serpukhov Experimental Game Farm, and in the Buzuluksy Bor Nature Reserve (Бузулукский бор) in Orenburg Region. This experimental work included mounting pistols, spikes, and shields to the antler's of a moose, as well delegating moose labor to tasks of hauling cannons and long range artillery."

>This experimental work included mounting pistols, spikes, and shields to the antler's of a moose.

In soviet russia moose shoot you!

>le stronk white amerikan hunter
lol fucking faggot

Angler Fish

it always surprises me how small hunter's dicks are.

I was just watching a thing about whales, some whale had a 3 metre long dick.

That's pretty fucking big

Kinda related I'll green text a story for you. Did not happen to me, but I spoke to this guy. He's legit. Happened in a place called Kaikoura, NZ- the sea there is full of all sorts of freaky shit

> snorkelling for paua (abalone)
> wild ocean
> rocky area, only about 6 metres deep, its close enough to shore you don't need a boat, just dive in
> be careful of strong currents, only 300 metres off shore is a trench. Drops straight down 2kms.
> have collected a good haul, just treading water
> not best visibility, never is because kelp
> decide one last dive
> perfect, gotta resurface and swim to shore
> its all good, only about 10 mtrs from land
> head out of the water take a breath
> wtf, killer whale right in front of me, looking right at me
> so close I could reach out and touch his face
> staring right into its eye
> he's between me and the shore, I'm probably fucked.
>wait for a chomp or to be dragged under
> nothing happens
> its just sitting there looking at me
> realise how big its head is. Similar shape and size to an old vw
> someone calls out from shore, sees what's going on and starts screaming
> that's prolly not gonna help mang
> killer whale snorts, head goes under
> I look down, see its big black mass slowly moving under me
> feel a bump against my leg, only the fin. Has all the force and power of a bank vault door slamming
> nope the fuck out of there
> wait a week before I get back in the water.

I glad you're safe! Must have been terrifying. I can't even imagine seeing something car sized so close to me. Especially in water no less, don't know if I'm alone here, but I feel so vulnerable in water.

Not denying it would've been scary but I don't think wild killer whales have ever attacked a human.

> going about my daily business
> serving customers at Wendy's
> 20 minute lunch break
> hits me
> Moooses be huge ya'll
> doesn't believe how I keep forgetting this shit
> goes home
> blows brains out due to over stimulation

Guess the size of Moose is a common knowledge. Your story did make me laugh though!

Bruce Lee kangaroo

I'm legitimately curious as to what your first language actually is.

> have collected a good haul, just treading water
What was he collecting?
Also orcas are fucking cool, but if I bumped into one, I'd probably just mildly shit myself and pretend I had lived a good life up till then.

fucking bisons. ridiculously large

Holy fuck! And here my dumb ass was thinking they didn't any bigger than a basketball

Pigs, big fucking pigs, you get the impression if one bumped past you your knee or tibia would break.

Oh no mate. Not me. A friend of a friend I've been to the spot and seen orcas and pilot whales from the shore

> aren't they biologically big dolphins?

> paua
Its a kind of shellfish. Tastes meaty and salty AF. But people pay good money for it.

The fagget.

Just googled it. Looks like a pretentious pride parade oyster. Is the meat really black? Would like to try it, just for the novelty.

Absurdly large fish spook me, like tuna or marlin, but also fish that I never expect to be large, like that ugly motherfucker.

It's the big males, once they reach a certain age they stack up to compete for dominance, same deal as mature Elk/Moose etc growing big fuck off racks. Also they're pretty intimidating in person when they stand up and they're 7' and the same weight as you.

They basically fuck whatever they want as well. It's not uncommon to see two kangaroos fucking and a third bigger on tryinh to get in on it.

This is a mandrill alpha male. He's here to fuck your bitch

Those fuckers get pretty big, suprised the hell out of me when I went on a safari one time

Kangaroo's are badass!

>you're in the club and this guy smacks your girlfriends ass

your dead moose meat Cx

I fucking love monkeys and apes (please don't compare them to niggers), but mandrill and babboons are fucking scary.

And in cartoons they draw them the size of an average dog too. Imagine getting attacked by three or four of those fuckers. I understand why people used to be so afraid of them.

I mainly like the idea of you several times a day searching Moose pics and being constantly surprised. For me it's Wombats.

Angler fish are tiny. That's a monkfish.

big snakes and big cats. you never get a sense of how big they are until you get up close and personal

Doubt you saw a mandrill on safari considering they live in countries you wouldn't want to visit and in rain forests.

Buffalo...they're tremendous irl...

>used to be so afraid of them.
>used to be