Hey guys what the fuck is wrong with my dick?

Hey guys what the fuck is wrong with my dick?

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what dick ?

Shit man i'm so glad right now

It's a sad goose.

Too much vacuum cleaner fucking

Is this really your dick? I need to know because holy shit, please please please, GO TO A DOCTOR FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

its a pic from a corpse, folks

Be careful around thanksgiving user.

i know it's not OP's peepee, as it's way too big, but goddamn am I happy of my good looking average sized dick when I see thing like that. Poor guy.

>uncut fags
l m a o

Try cutting about here.
Just take some scissors and go at it.

That's classed as big??

You could stop jerking to random girls and instead go to s.n.a.p.c.h.a.t.y(.)me and get anyones nudes.

I've seen many, many dicks in my life. but this ....Thing.... is ugly as fuck! I wished i where blind.

never too late to get a circumcision

What isn't wrong with your dick?


Nothing, your dick is just only in soft state


looks pretty normal, stop comparing yourself to all the giant cocks in porn that have been kosherized.

Looks like a decent place to hide your drugs tbh

Is it that bad?

Was tempted to get circumcised.

>pic related, hard

God it looks like ET's finger

your dick looks normal to anyone who isn't a jew, a muzzie, or an Amerifat.

.............You have a bogey in your poobes


pretty sure this is just bait
thebarchive.com/b/thread/670012426/ < funny dick threat in archive

without a doubt the nastiest dick i've ever seen

whats that green shit???????!

Yes, dude i have foreskin too and you didnt slip the skin to make it look ugly.
You are no fooling me .


oh bullshit that's an ancient picture and not your cock


Did this bitch glue his dick inside his foreskin? Because I think he glued his dick inside his foreskin

First, you have phimosis
Second, this doesn't matter. Your dick is fucked up, call your dad and ask questions


Medically, you need to get circumcised. That shit is cutting off circulation and has probably already done nerve damage


Well no one is going to get circumcised twice now are they?

Cutting your dick because some bitches tell you that looks better ?
Beta male confirmed.


Show the head

shh he might still fall for it


its a pic taken in a morgue, newfags

Nah it's skin, his base is very thin compared to the top. Had nothing to do with the skin. Top(phimosis) doesn't cut off circulation.

Spam these in all the rate threads pls.

Yeah, if that is actually your dick and not something you found on a medical journal, you need to see a doctor immediately.

You have severe smegma buildup behind your glans, your foreskin is too tight and will have to be removed, you probably have an infection and your nutsack looks like the testes might have already gone gangrenous or necrotic.



why is your sack so purple... did you stretch it or some shit?

Yes, that's a dead body here. Fuck you

looks like the neck/head of one of the ducks hanging up in the gook markets lolol, filthy cunt.

how do you know his foreskin is too tight unless he tries to pull it bac you dipshit, looks pretty loose to me roflmfao

Nice wart





my new favorite word


can you pull your foreskin back ?