You know that ((global warming)) is a jewish conspiracy, don't you Sup Forums?

you know that ((global warming)) is a jewish conspiracy, don't you Sup Forums?

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no, but i do know that only literal retards, fat americans and schizophrenics are the only ones that don't believe in global warming.


Wasnt this year the hottest year ever? 2015 was 2nd, 2014 was 3rd, 2010 was 4th..

total conspiracy


I don't doubt global warming, but no, that's incorrect.


>15 of the top 16 warmest years have occurred since 2000

And I'm talking about worldwide, not just the US (which absolutely fucking nothing on a world-scale), and including the ocean temperatures which are very relevant. But ya, everyone is wrong, or thermometers are lying to us

>burger sharts have no impact on global warming

>He recycles

Im saying that because the hottest year in the US is 1934 or something like that, which americans are always quick to pull out because they live in a bubble and dont think the rest of the world exists, or that their experiences are indicative of the world as a whole.

These are the same idiots who when it goes to -20, or snows once they go "oh lol so much for global warming ehehehe"

They've only been doing these measurements for a few hundred years it's been far hotter than this in the past it's all a cycle

I actually had to double check if I was on Sup Forums.

we'll be fine

Is being retarded a sport?

ya but over the course of hundreds of thousands/millions of years, not a few decades

If repeating binary alphabet letters, kek will end global warming and chiefs win superb owl

user plz


Global warming exists.

Now please proceed to define the consequences, the scale of time, the effects that will be felt, whilst accounting for technological advances in the fields of environmentalism whilst also explaining how the opportunity cost of reverting to 'green' methods will effect the world economy and the efficiency of trading nations.

>mfw to dumb too post on the right board

How come all the ministers and believers of ((global warming)) are jewish?

Of course not, as a good Sup Forumsack I oppose all forms of Jewish Science and trust only Deutsche Physik, Flat Earth theory and World Ice cosmology.

nobody knows those for sure, but you dont have to be a genius to figure out that using coal for energy is retarded and lighting oil on fire is almost just as stupid when we have stuff like wind, the sun, water and nuclear power.

the economy will be just fine, it will self-correct just on a basis of people will always need shit, and be willing to trade goods and services for that shit no matter what they use to power their cars or their houses. The only people it will effect in the longterm is energy companies, who just happen to write all their own laws and self-regulate themselves for the purpose of self-preservation

What sport is this?

Only numales actually give a fug

If you have to actually work hard for a living then global warming is literally the least of your worries

Mental gymnastics.

>the economy will be just fine, it will self-correct just on a basis of people will always need shit

Yes yes let's just move away from petroleum overnight guys, no matter that every nations military, commuter services, and multi-trillion oil and automobile companies are completely reliant on it.

I hope this thread isn't causing your meninges to squeeze to hard

t. Straciatella Gorgonelle

posting in the wrong board

go back to Sup Forums idiot

>unironically posting in Sup Forums

What's being an inbred like?

italians used to be some of the best posters on this board and this site in general
what the fuck happened?