Get diagnosed with schizophrenia

Get diagnosed with schizophrenia.
They start injecting me with some shit.
My legs are shaky as fuck now.

Should i quit these drugs theyre giving me?
I really dont like the side effects.
Another side effect is problems with sleep...

How bad were you without the drugs?


posting a few random pics until somebody replies

Don't be a fucking moron, keep taking your meds.

well i didnt do anything unusual,
just my thoughts were driving me insane...
now i feel like my old self before sickness


Aripiprazole or some other anti psychotic?

Anti psychotics work but are for sure scary with how much of a difference they make in one's mood. I remember feeling robbed of my free will last time I was prescribed them.

I would say try to honestly assess your prior situation, how much taking meds helped, and are you in a safe environment in case shit goes wrong if you stop taking them. And as usual please don't take advice from image boards and consult your psychiatrist.

g i v e
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What are they giving you??? Have a schizo nephew & he's cycled through about 15 different meds before finding one that worked ok for him, but in the meantime he went through some shit dealing with side effects from medications that didn't work at all to some that made his condition worse. Hang in their user!
P.S. Marijuana works wonders for my nephew (unfortunately not legal here, so hard for him to obtain a constant & efficient amount), do you live in a legal state???

If i were you id stick with the meds then. Maybe try other ones?


oh and psychoactive medicine are drugs and when stopping them you should make sure to do it progressively (ie not quit cold turkey coz that will FUCK you up)

i do not live in a legal state but i have tried pot
it makes miracles to me ...
its hard to admit it since i will be labeled as druggie

i do not say to anyone in real life that i smoke from time to time

This user is 100% correct. I quit something as common as Xanax cold turkey & had seizures.

ok thanks, ill go see the doctor then i wont stop cold turkey, i do not know nothing about this medicine theyre giving me i would provide info otherwise

i gave into the voices
this happened:
i was thinking about something random
then my thought jumped right into the subject and i started analysing pointless shit
i was thinking alot about other ppl but now i realize i have my own life to live its all better now

You could stop jerking to random girls and instead go to s.n.a.p.c.h.a.t.y(.)me and leak nudes.

Wish I had more advice for you user, other than hang in there. Do your homework on the meds they try and give you. Lots of doctors take the "one size fits all approach" & since medication "A" worked for 10 patients with your condition, it must work for you too. No. Everyone and every case is different. Maybe you could see a different doctor and get a second opinion???

w e
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Godspeed friend, I hope things get better.

Keep at it OP. I have been through the gauntlet of drugs and I know it is rough. I have been diagnosed with everything until they figured it out. It is 20 years later and my life is normalish. I have been med free for about 2 years. Low 6 figure income, gf, house, ect. I still masterbate to the thought of raping my coworkers family members and pets in front of them, but I am functional and happy most days. It won't go away, but you aren't trying to be cured you are trying to function and live the life you want.

thanks for the kind words user,
i feel super well for the past month
the thing is my therapist wont see me, she sends another nurse just to give injection, but i need to speak about my improvement to reduce to dose,,
ill try to get her nr and call her ass


Same here.

There's a missing link in your mind that will make all the thoughts and dreams in your head make sense.

I guess humans break down like cars sometimes.


but the state of mind between dreaming and being awake is still a little bit confusing

it pops random feelings to me where i catch a sentence and i dont know what it is

now i dont even care what it is anymore but there was a time i put too much thought in it.
i hope its understandable

Email is a thing. Keep a log of daily success. Therapists won't see you early generally unless you are going to the crazy house.

Protip: My country has a double sign rule, your may be the same. Be honst with all doctors especially when you are thinking of fucking yourself up. When you get locked up in the mental ward, don't say shit. Say you are having trouble sleeping. Enjoy the drugs and your 14 hours of sleep and reevaluate in the morning. If you talk with somebody at the mental hospital they will sign the second piece if documentation and it is very hard to get out

Thanks for good advice'
seems very reasonable to say i have trouble sleeping
i aint going to the crazy house :)

Do whatever makes you feel the best imo.

Unless you do dumb shit or something when you're mental.

I hope i wont be mental anymore in my life,
ive been clear for half a year now
i have to recognize the patterns that drew me into the shit, so i could avoid them

What kind of thoughts? How were they driving you insane?

So you received an unmarked pill bottle from your pharmacist or did you just not read the side effect information?


like thoughts about the death of my dearest ones,
like thoughts about my gf cheating on me
like thoughts about taking my own life because i didnt see no stop
like thoughts about people chasing me, like spying on me or some shit.. (paranoid times)

they were driving me insane in a way like ,
'i could not concentrate on anything

took me a few years to get off the meds. i tried a few different ones but always the side effects made me feel like a zombie. cut your relapse risks (i.e. eat well, exercise, no stress, etc.) and stop the meds progressively. Preferably be under watch from someone close and have your doctor on your side as well.

OP is out,
thank you everyone for your time !!!!

Try micro dosing with decent cannabis oil, like 1-5mg doses, it might seem like a paradox but it has worked for a lot of people I know that suffer from bi-polar and severe depressive/manic behavioural issues.

give it a try, you have nothing to lose, that shit you are being prescribed is bad for you Sup Forumsro.

t. professional internet shaman

The best.

I also roll numbers that never ever happen.

OP should try the real shit.

Go fuck yourself.

yes, and look into natural ways of managing your conditions.

Not beng cute, but cut out sugar and gluten from your diet. Get on a sleep schedule so you get 8h every night. Ecercise in the morning.

It makes a world of difference. Trust.

I've got psychosis almost recovered but still hearing voices every minute i'm awake luckily they haven't diagnosed me with schizophrenia they offered my injections do they actually take the voices away?

If you cant sleep, the next day you're less of a human.

Smoke weed

Not sure, but the voices are just your internal dialogue, except you can hear it.