
Botimi Florian Ujkani

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Okay, kam ca minuta derisa te filloj punet, ca karin u te bej pa Sup Forums?

Ku jeni shqipe

pse s'bojn noi film per iliret kta po bejn per lazaratin

Ça punësh ke t'shtunen o plak

He pra.

S'kan aq lekë noshta

sa bejn gjith kto emisioni koti kishin bej noj serial ose film te hajrit

Jezu Krisht-Shpëtim Vajtani

Ka tepër punë një shfaqje për ilirët

who is this semen demon

desha me thon emisione

Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai!

Gu kibum kelkum-ishi, burzum-ishi. Akha-gum-ishi ashi gurum.

Nuk sjell Kapital vllai, keto emisione munt ti nxjerrin her pas here kur nuk kan tjeter, ndersa filmin munesh me e pa pak derisa te lodhesh.

Lindven not Macedonia
Labaven not Greece
Shkijana not Serbia
Mal I zi not Montenegro
Mujina not Bosnia
Delmatia not Croatia
Mëzatven not Bulgaria
Dacia not Romania
Karpaia not Hungary
Lëtyria not Italy
Pruthrrem not Cyprus
Shkjanava not Slovenia
Sipërkarpi not Slovakia
Djathtasund not Austria
Araven not Poland
Skajaven not Ukraine
Acarven not Russia
Baltaven not Belarus
Lugaven not Finland
Trapaven not Sweden
Akullven not Iceland
Ujdhesa e madhe not Great Britain
Pruthaven not Ireland
Mandillan not Portugal
Vreshtaven not France
Lekaven not Switzerland
Prehavis not Spain
Tëtani not Lithuania
Tëtaven not Latvia
Labalug not Estonia
Kryesund not Germany
Lundraven not Norway
Gadicek not Denmark
Vendet e ulëta not Netherlands
Gjysaven not Belgium
Vargamalven not Georgia
Zjarraban not Azerbaijan
Krahtia not Armenia
Buburrecia not Turkey

I'm arvanite so practically I'm a direct descendant to the Ancient Illyrians

bow to me, bythesqhieri

Based Lojo Fshetani

Po ai filmi që ishte "Mthuj qi jam bos"

you are greek

Arvanites are Greeks

budallallik krejt
si me qen 3rd world


Je Epirot more Epirrot

Epirus is in my heart. I wish I lived there, in Jianena, near the beautiful lake

Oh po

do montenigger albanians count? are malësia
real shqiptars?


please post that albanian song about piramids

Of course you do my Malsor friend.


Based Torak


thanks friends

what are some good places to visit in albania? I've only gone to shkodra because it's a short drive from montenegro whenever I go visit family there

Ç'jan kto përkthime

Si ju duken*

futi nje fshirje plako

Skadar is rightful Montenegrin (Serbian) clay.

Shko Drin(nga shkon Drin). Emër krejt shqip.Serbët veç leshin marrin. Edhe serbët e Vrakës mësojnë shqip e sna çajnë bythën

Come home Serb man.

Un jam shqiptar e ktu rrij. Oh, edhe mqr fjala. Ulqini na përket Neve. Tre katër ditë më parë Tuzi u bë zonë e pamvarun. Kek, Malazezët po ju brinojnë(cuck) juve me gjith fuqin

You have lost your identity long time ago, don't let them to delude you more. That whole area was Montenegrin/Serbian land. If your ancestors migrated there from south, then you have to go back.

Ababa ik e shko te vetjaku yt kot e mos na çaj kryt

Give back Skadar.

You must have been to Velipoje then, so i suggest Durres for the tourism, though the water in Orikum, Vlora, is crystal clear.

Ta jap un' dicka po s' do te pelqeje.

>so i suggest Durres for the tourism

Ç' ki me Durresin jar?

aty ku pushojn njerzit derdhen gjith ujrat e zeza
hale me pak llafe

Pishina :^^^^^^^^^^)

A thu






Based Shtjellan Vorbullaj

Based Sypisha

Ku jeni shqipe?

good thread my friends