Ylyl thread. Biiiiitch

Ylyl thread. Biiiiitch.










some OC



I'd love to know every side of this story. I can't believe somone would actually be able to say that


You've been here a long time user



Actually kekd


anyone have more of this guy

Sender is a degenerate taboo porn producer with too few boundaries, you lot would love him.

recipient made the mistake of farting openly around him, can't get far away enough it would seem since then

last one of Aspergers










Who is that?




>wow, that's neat
fucking lost




Log THESE dubs.





Stop posting the fucking andy six bullshit










>free smells

I'll pass, thanks.

God damn newfags. Andy Sixx isn't funny.

i dont get it

wtf is this new cancer?

*Blocks your path*

*lights pubeling on fire*

fucking kek












I fucking hate this guy who even is he


There was a YouTube video of him addressing Sup Forums. Looks like a punching bag but seems like a cool dude irl

Holy shit. Not a single fucking banana cancer post.





I don't get any of the log stuff.

Where is the original I need it for research and shit


She's hot.


Someone fill me in on this log meme


I love when Derek dresses up for the occassion

It's not supposed to be funny just annoying

I will rape you in the face.

It's not even that.
At least they bump the thread.

Someone never taught you guys how this shit works, so I'll help you: Giving it attention, reacting to it, that's why it's getting posted so much. You're causing it.

Damn it, lost

You're giving attention to it

no. instead we have these andy logg shitposters, which i actually hate more than the banana

I know, I think the log of shit thing is funny. By all means, keep giving it attention. I just thought you new guys deserved a fair chance.

No, some guy who thinks he's funny is causing it. I'm not responsible for how mentally-ill people behave. Somebody actually spent time making that gay shit, and he want's to show the world his low-quality and unimaginative creations. He's bumping the thread with his lame, but original material. I say bring it on.

They both bump the thread.
