What is it about this woman that despite knowing her music is rubish we still enjoy her music and make the daily thread...

What is it about this woman that despite knowing her music is rubish we still enjoy her music and make the daily thread excited for the new album

She's just perfect.

Too bad she peaked at her debut.


b-but Anthony fandango gives her low scores every time user

because the only people that like her music don't actually like her music, they just wish they could bang her.

and i mean dream about it most times they see an image of her.

same with most mediocre, bland, female pop stars.

I unironically enjoy her music and think she is one of the best female artists of the past few years

>because the only people that like her music don't actually like her music, they just wish they could bang her.

but how long can she pull the 60s california lets run away schtick before I can no longer enjoy her music

Me too. Her last two albums where borderline masterpieces.

Hi Schlomo

U mad?

It already got old after her first album, now she's almost 32 and her shtick is just embarassing and old.

Go make 30 more Grimes threads Schlomo

Most of her fans are straight women though???

sexual frustration

that's what you think.

not on Sup Forums

Tbh singing, production and feel of her albums are top notch. She does her thing and she's good at it

That's one of the plus sides of enjoying her music

I like that her voice is soft and soothing rather than most other pop female vocalists that do the screaming thing.

Isn't Grimes great. She's like really great. 15/10. AOTY

Oh, great, another waifu pic dump thread, which will get archived. Good going mods.