Why do Liberals hate truth and facts and instead focus on emotion and feelings?

Why do Liberals hate truth and facts and instead focus on emotion and feelings?

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Why do Conservatives hate truth and facts and instead focus on emotion and feelings?

Why are humans cunts?

Communist indoctrination, western education at all levels is heavily infiltrated.

Capitalist indoctrination, western education at all levels is heavily infiltrated.

Hillary said Saul Alinsky was her role model in youth.That explains a lot


Many Liberals are irrational yet arrogant to admit when they are wrong.

the fucking irony here is insane

>The far left are those being referenced. SJW's, special snowflakes and those nasty rioters.
>The far right (conservatives in particular) consist of neo-nazis, the KKK, terrorists and other extremists.

>The only excuse for believing in a god is due to ignoring facts. Lefties can also be religious, but the right has far more of these blokes.
>Emotions and feelings? I'll give you that. The whole libertarianist view is for freedom and advancement. Change.
>The whole conservative ideology involves living in the past.

Let's see how many triggered responses this post gets.

Please, libertarians are the most delusional of all. They think that if we remove all government regulation, and privatize everything that the so called "free market" will solve all of our problems.

Capitalism is voluntary exchange. The suggestion this would be taught in a communist facility funded by stolen money, called public school, is preposterous.

Right is freedom. Left is telling other people what to do. Get your basics right at least.

The right believes in personal property, beginning with your body

>your body is yours
>your thoughts are yours
>your actions are yours
>the consequences of your actions should be yours, regardless of whether these are good or bad

To balance out taxation, you'd have to find a way to tax having fun and doing nothing. Taxation is stealing from the productive and handing the result of productivity off to the unproductive.

So what you're saying is that without the government, people wouldn't want things?

Why do a ignorant people hate truth and facts and instead focus on emotion and feelings?



>Right is freedom. Left is telling other people what to do. Get your basics right at least.
>The right believes in personal property, beginning with your body

Yes, the anti-abortion party is really into the "your body is your personal property" bit.

You won't let fags contractually bind themselves to each other in wedlock

Not even unamerican cunts. Anti-american

>denying climate change despite the "debate" (petrochemical industry PR and lobbying efforts) having been settled
>denying gun problem is caused by availability of guns
>supporting politicians who get their legitimacy from making public displays of faith
>fear the muslims
>fear the blacks
>fear the jews
>fear the hispanics
>fear the gays
>abortion is murder because I say it is (screw what medical experts say)
>promoting rampant anti-intellectualism and scientific skepticism with zero subject matter authority

Plenty of ways to not get pregnant. Personally I'm okay with abortion up to 20 weeks, after that you're basically stabbing a baby and I think killing babies is wrong since a baby is not a woman's property.

I don't care about gay marriage. If gays want to get married and have the same obligations to each other as married people, that's fine. Personal choices. As long as they don't try to adopt kids, which are not their property.

America is supposed to be land of the free. Pointing a gun at someone is not an argument. It's a lazy substitute for having to explain your ideas to people who might disagree with you.

Why do faggot OPs on Sup Forums start threads with a single pic of an asian chick showing her nylon soles and fag it up with politics instead of posting more asian feet?

Plants breathe CO2 and CH4 so how can they be bad for plants? You're not making any damn sense.


I think the one thing both parties can agree on is that footfags are an abomination before god, if there is such a thing, and should be cast naked into the street and flogged for their transgressions against their fellow man.

Because glorifying asian women to which you have no access is just an excuse for not being able to get women of your own race.


Other guy says nothing of plants. Climate change will lock in heat, release ocean methane deposits, and extend already rampant equitorial desertification.

You're being stupid on purpose, aren't you?

hi Sup Forums did you remember to ask mom to empty out your piss bottles this week?

Plants breathe CO2 and Methane, which is CH4. An increase in these gasses means more plants. Plants absorb heat. The deserts are growing greener now that CO2 is on the rise. You are not making sense.

Why do you care so much about "liberals"? Stop being so emotional.

>Plants eat methane

Yeah... no, they don't. Bait harder next time pls.

Because these communists are constantly crying for tax increases and the abolishment of my rights such as free speech.

You sound very emotional about this group of retarded misfits that hold no institutional power now. Calm your tits down man.

keep proving my point faggot. Despite having close to zero subject matter knowledge, your evidently prodigal insight has revealed to you that scientists must have overlooked this one basic kink. Otherwise, how else could their learned and peer-reviewed research on the topic conflict with the world view you grabbed out of your ass after getting your talking points from someone who said things you like to hear?

I doubt you're going to read anything that doesn't agree with your half-assed position, but I posted some less-dense explanations for your benefit nonetheless




because it hurts their feelings when you present facts.

Taxes are the cost of a decent society. Clean food, clean water, and lower crime. The latter not because we've locked them all up, but because we've given them tools to not be jackoffs and they have enough of a pittance to keep themselves amused.

Faggots on xbox aren't shooting each other in the streets.

Hahah yeah your leftie articles which are written by people who agree with you aren't going to change the fact that plants need C to exist and in a CO2 starved environment, they'll get it from CH4. They'll use O2 to get the C and expel H2O. You've seriously never seen a plant "sweat"?

But they are. Welfare literally creates crime by encouraging women to become single mothers.

If by welfare you mean monthly checks to be spent however you want, i agree. If by welfare you mean free healthcare and education provided you actually need it and you actually pass the damn classes, i don't see how that leads to single mothers. Come on, free abortion -> less single mothers.

To be fair, the smartest people are usually voting towards the center. The retards are on the far left and far right.

Trumps been trying his best but Liberals keep getting in the way of success.

Hopefully the Retarded Liberals and Democrats won't get in the way of the best thing to happen to our Country, these huge tax cuts, which will make everyones lives easier

Personality disorders, they were never raised by parents. They were all in daycare and never had the time to form appropriate familial bonds at a young age.

Retarded women will become single mothers regardless of welfare. Where the fuck do you think the teeming poor of previous generations came from? Streets so thick with beggars, thieves and urchins you couldn't take a carriage from one side of london to the other without one cracking under your wagon?

There will always be a poor, stupid underclass of quasiretarded humans. Keeping them off the street isn't causing them, it's just mopping up the dross of humanity.

Free abortion = don't worry about the consequences when doing something stupid.

Free healthcare isn't free, look at the chart. Public education is terrible. Common core was literally designed to "destroy white privilege", in other words to dumb people down. Hundreds of billions have been funneled into these black schools with no results whatsoever. If people were able to choose their own healthcare and education like they used to, costs would be much lower and results better since people wouldn't be forced to settle for bad services.


>Capitalism is voluntary exchange

What kind of purposely misguiding graph lumps unemployment in with social security?

lmao. The only thing that liberals "got in the way of" was the whole 'Muslim ban', and that was mostly due to the constitution not approving of it. All of his slip ups are his mistakes, not Obama's, not the left's, not the constitution's. Stop pretending like he can do no wrong.

In a Socialist society, you need a LOT of people to track who is entitled to what.


Are you retarded...? Trump has both the House and the Senate.
Don't blame Democrats for his total inability to get shit done when Republicans dominate the legislative, judicial AND executive branches of government...

Go eat some tendies.

You are the one crying here lad. Are you on your period or what? Man up ffs.

I understand the fact that "free" healthcare & education are not really free cause they are paid for by taxes, i'm not retarded. Do i have to spell it out every single fucking time i talk about them? Cause it's annoying.

And yes, public stuff in the US sucks. But look at it in first world countries where it's the norm. England, Germany, France. Hell, even a failing state like Italy. Public education and healthcare works. Americans are just doing it wrong when they try it.

Please, nice fucking excuses to try and blame Trump.

This is exactly why people don't like you Liberals/Democrats. Please, just stop typing

The constitution does not apply to foreign countries.

> president and supermajority in congress
> no dems to stop us
> eat ourselves

Liberal = arrogant, egoistic and irrational person thinking he is always right even when he is wrong.
Example: Bill Maher Jon Stewart Bill Nye John Oliver

This is you right now.

you do realise you're focusing on emotion and feelings by generalising like that right?

That doesn't explain why you need a purposely bad graph to make your non-point.

Socialism works but it fails wherever it is implemented? How does that make sense? Soviet Russia, 100+ million dead. Venezuela, people are now dying in the streets because the government nationalized the grain farms.

How does public education work for anyone except the state, which gets to decide what kids learn? Where do you think all these crazy SJWs come from?

Probably for the same reason OP'S mom swallows so much cock

What is wrong with the graph and how?

It was the Liberals and Democrats who blocked things like the Muslim Ban you dumb fuck. They're constantly blocking Trump and his team from doing anything intelligent to improve our way of living.

You dumb fucks have no room to talk. Hillary would have been worse, she would have gotten us into WWIII and much MUCH more. You can't trust someone who leaks and corrupts people through their emails

>Liberal = arrogant, egoistic and irrational person thinking he is always right even when he is wrong.

> not our army of talk radio blowhards

>England, France, Germany

try harder next time.

if you took the time to learn anything about this topic, you might discover that plants are only able to absorb 20% of current-rate CO2 production (which will continue to increase for decades as third-world nations industrialize).

Do you automatically claim that everything you disagree with based on feelings (because you have no scientifically-defensible argument to make on this topic) is a political position? Because where I'm standing, it simply looks like you just refuse to accept scientific facts because they force you to change your political position (which comes bundled with an entire set of political positions that you tribalistically identify with).

This skepticism finds a home in a political ideology that preys on mentally-diminished people, who feel persecuted by contemptuous academics. Creating a duality between science and non-science isn't helpful for solving problems, and it isn't a sign of healthy democracy.

Lumping together social security and unemployment for one.

Lack of intellect.

Lol are you serious? You can't tell the difference between a mostly capitalist country with national healthcare and education (like every western european democracy). and a communist hellhole?

Snuff it, cuck

Right, so no arguments then?

>It was the Liberals and Democrats who blocked things like the Muslim Ban you dumb fuck. They're constantly blocking Trump and his team from doing anything intelligent to improve our way of living.

It was a fucking judge that did it. Because you can't "block muslims".

Government can't act against you merely because of your religion.

It's one of those cornerstones of our society.

No it's not, we weren't blocking muslims just countries you dumb fuck.

I can't wait for Trumps team to shutdown the Government and restart it fresh and new without Liberals and Democrats

The constitution does not apply to other countries.

My argument is this: You canìt tell the difference between communism and a capitalist democracy with a bit of social state.

I see a future communist hellhole in the making as politicians are in a race to promise the most stuff to the poor they create.

In France, Melenchon and the literal Communist party members garnered 25% of the total votes.

LMAO who do you retards always post articles that someone printed out and highlighted and then rescanned? So dumb.


Public healthcare and education in europe have been a thing for... i dunno, almost a century. Communism sure is taking his sweet fucking time to take over, isn't it?

>No it's not, we weren't blocking muslims just countries you dumb fuck.

Judges don't exist in a vacuum. If you tell people you're blocking muslims over and over, then submit a nice "pls block countries not because mudslimes tho thx", it's not going through

>pointing to an editorial article as a matter of fact
found your critical thinking problem sport

You can find Rules for Radicals very easily.

But here, a literal KGB agent tell you how the KGB infiltrated the West as part of the Soviet conversion program:

Rights are rights, kid. The government can no more murder off foreigners than citizens.

And if you let it, when it comes knocking on your door, I don't want to hear you bitching.

so a woman should not abort her baby because it wouldn't be her property

but gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt a kid
because they're looking to own property


High on chromosomes, you say?

white guilt and the idiots that perpetuate it

Did Saul Alinsky not say those things? Are people not waving Communist flags on American college campuses?

Comrades join the revolution, we are Americas worst nightmare and will destroy the country from the inside by overthrowing the government and noone can stop us because we have diversity!

You're a liberal congratulations

Gays are mentally ill. All life seeks to reproduce. That's how genes work. Except the gays. Why would you willingly subject a child to the mentally ill? I wouldn't let single mothers adopt children either. It's not a good environment for kids to be in. It ends with transgender kids who more often than not become oversensitive to everything and end up killing themselves.

Fellow revolutionaries please like and share on social media to end fascism!

Together we can stop the evil Drumpf!



You're not making sense. The government constantly uses your tax money to kill foreigners. Like all the time. Obama for example, has been at war EVERY SINGLE DAY of his presidency. That's what the travel ban was for, countries which Obama bombed repeatedly.

Foreigners don't have a right to come to America. They are not citizens.

I'm not gay and I don't seek to reproduce. Children are fucking cancer, and life is shit. Who actually thinks they're doing a child a favor by birthing it?

>Because these communists are constantly crying for tax increases and the abolishment of my rights such as free speech.
You dont have a right to free speech if you use it to spread nazi hate by saying you support Drumpf.

Once you cross that line into violent speech we are legally allowed to use any means necessary to stop you.

Not an argument.


I'm sure all the giant corporations are going to use their tax cuts for the betterment of society.
Good thing we can finally stop paying lazy poor people xD


Right? Either all speech that doesn't directly incite violence through a call to action is free, or none of it is as the boundaries are subjective.

Disagreeing with feminists is now hate speech according to feminists. Look at what an all-feminist government looks like in Sweden.

If you don't agree with a corporation, don't use their services and don't buy their products.

>Disagreeing with feminists is now hate speech according to feminists.
Because its sexist you sick fucking freak. Intolerant nazis like you are the same ones who caused over 6 millions Jews to due during the holocaust just for being Jewish.

So do you not want kids or did you decide not to have them because of the shit situation you're living in?

Both are fictional creations; the real Trump is an oligarchic swine that somehow hoodwinked an entire country into believing he had their best interests at heart.

Tired of winning yet? LOLOLOLOLOLOIL How's that wall coming along? :D