My girlfriend is really depressed. I don't know how to help her...

My girlfriend is really depressed. I don't know how to help her. Everytime we talk about it I usually end up getting angry about how it won't go away. She used to cut herself, but shes stopped. She wants to start again and shes attempted suicide a couple of times. I don't know what to do to help.

Trying to save a mentally unstable woman? yeah good luck with that. Kick her ass out of your life, BOOM more spare time!

sorry bro its not possible. trust me, ive walked that road. theyre pity parties. happiness comes from within, and if she denies that possibility come hell or high water, she'll never change. youre best off telling her to fuck off and find some one stable

>Kick her ass out of your life, BOOM more spare time!
I don't know if I could do that to her. I love her too much to just leave like that. Thats why i want to help

Crazy bitches are fucking predatory and dangerous, my dude.

The easy part is getting rid of this one now that you have discovered her as crazy. The hard part will be figuring out what attracted her to you in the first place.

I've thought about maybe therapy. She refuses antidepressants but she wont take them, I don't blame her they scare me

You need to find out what she is depressed about first and what caused it

Help her by sending her to a professional.

She doesn't really know, at least thats what she says

i cant spell this out for you anymore than this, dumb-user


seriously, either you do it now and its relatively painless. or you wait, try-hard, get even more sucked in and emotionally invested, to inevitably get your heart broken and sent into your own depression.

im fucking serious


while you still can

How old are you and your gf?

I don't know if I can get anyone "better" its probably too late anyway, I've know about it for a few months now. I try my best not to get depressed about it, I'd like to say im very mentally stable

Women are available for fucking. Stop giving a shit about her depression and fuck her already. Acting like you're concerned only makes it worse anyways.

If she ain't spreading her legs then find a chick that will.

>Acting like you're concerned only makes it worse anyways.
I am concerned though

yu seem young. there is more than enough time. dont be stupid and waste your youth on a shitty relationship, holding you back, when you could be enjoying life and the things you want to do with it.

by trying to help this cunt, youre just feeding her demons. she seeks validation and youre fucking spoon feeding her gerber style

And that's where you need to adjust your priorities

Maybe I am just young and stupid, but I've grown too attached. Leaving almost seems harder than fixing it

nothing will ever change no matter how hard you try. and im starting to notice this about me helping you. if youre too blind to see this, then we're all wasting our time. shit, youre both fucking idiots. enjoy your shitty relationship. youll wake up being 30 asking where your youth went, realizing a succubus sucked it out of you

You can't even answer what means your

Call her bluff tell her to off herself

til the end of time

Haa she will back out

Im worth more. She can do that without me

what does she look like?
worth the effort?