Alright Sup Forums...

Alright Sup Forums, i'm sick of putting in effort at uni just to be told that i'm shit and i'm not going to be successful. What jobs require minimal academic achievements and still pay a good wage?

The president of the U.S.A

That's not how capitalism works son.

I'm not looking for a job that pays top money, just one so that i can live a decent life and provide for a few people.

This. And checked.

If you dont have the qualifications, you cant get a decent paying job.

Unless your up to testing medicines or donating blood / organs.

OP, fuck academics; go into trade school. Become a welder. No heavy lifting, not too much risk unless you're a complete idiot; if you don't mind getting sweaty or being flown out to oil rigs, you can make fucking drug-dealer money.

Not OP here, but im actually dropping out of college today. ive been programming since I was 10 so ill be good but shit. college has caused a major sleep condition and i regularly miss 2-3 nights of sleep every night. when i do sleep, it's horrible nightmares and I wake up like 5 times and my whole day is fucked. currently typing this on 4 hours of sleep for the past 3 days

i miss 2-3 nights of sleep every week * im fucked up from not sleeping

understandable offense. Low cost to start that business.

I heard it's high risk over high wage ratio concerning smelling crude oil or crushed within the oil wells.

Smoke some weed, it'll sort you right out.

This. The stuff you learn is actually useful, and the work is generally active and satisfying. Become a plumber, make bomb ass money, live the good life, even if ignorant fucks look down on you.

that's more on the guys who are actually drilling; welders are sent out to set up or maintain the rigs, and generally don't have to deal with the actual oil; since, you know, oil plus sparks equals bad. In my experience, you don't risk much unless you're an idiot and knowingly neglect safety procedure, or try to go without a piece of safety equipment.

exercise until you sweat 1 hour and a half per day and you WILL solve your sleeping problem

Anything with a solid union. Garbage workers make good pay, have good benefits, and don't have to work that long. A lot of government jobs are pretty tight, but you might need a degree or something. Try out civil service tests, and try to shit out a crap degree instead of leaving, if you can. I wouldn't judge you if you can't but it would really help you out.

I actually do both of these things daily... Maybe not an hour and a half, but at least an hour every day. only time i can sleep properly is next to my girlfriend, and I rarely get to see her nowadays so we usually just pull all-nighters together so we have more time to spend together consciously. sometimes even when i fall asleep next to her i wake up crying like an hour later. it fucking sucks


Sleep is a complicated thing; what fixes it for eight out of ten people is not necessarily going to work for you. It sounds to me like more of a psychological than a physiological problem.

>What jobs require minimal academic achievements and still pay a good wage
u say what ? stop beeing a lil bitch and work

Become a United States Postal Worker. Either deliver or clerk, its not to bad to get into and in like 5 years youll be full time. So many old people retiring

yeah... i fucking HATE academics so much. the anxiety of always having too much work, being late with my assignments, missing class, too fucking much man. also I dont feel like I can relate to a single person here

Not all work is academic; much of academics no longer qualifies one for any kind of work that's useful to anyone. Just look at all the highly-qualified Women's Studies majors out there living off mom and dad.

I'm writing my thesis on aeronautical robotics and you don't hear me bitching

there's only so long a man can spend making marks on pieces of paper, to compare to other pieces of paper to see if he did it 'right.' a man craves work that's verifiable, that's fucking REAL; when you weld something together, you know if you did it right when something hits it REALLY HARD and it doesn't break. that, my friend, is success.

cool dude. what's easy for you isn't necessarily easy for anyone else. conveniently im also at a point in my life where i need to resolve past trauma / sexual and mental abuse, as well as a pretty serious drug problem

that is what i fucking crave. couldnt have said it better myself. ive been dreaming about working at a cool startup since middleschool, dont feel the need to delay my life by 4 extra years

Fuck me that's badass. I'm starting to like this.

Academic degree is not needed. Not being a stupid weak-willed moron is.

Come to Germany, we have enough graduates already and need people who are willing to do some manual labor. German job training is top class, you'll learn all you need for a profession (and a bit more).

Agreed. Especially if you're willing to do some further training after a few years, you'll get promotions and earn more money.
Again, I can only speak for Germany, but I guess it's somewhat similar in the US.

because you have an academic degree? it's pressuring and it's hard at most times, sacrificing a shitload of time in order to make sure you keep up with the work

cut him some fucking slack you IRL n00b toilet cleaner

Spent my entire life learning about IT in order to enter the field and try to make money. After being told many times throughout that i'm worthless, yet still trying and not giving up, i'm still at the same situation i've been. No money, no future and no happiness that i was promised.

Now i'm getting off my ass and trying to fix it, you call me weak-willed? how amusing.

>Past trauma
>Sexual and mental abuse
>Pretty serious drug problem

Go to ur uni student counselor in order to adress the situation and get help; preferably a teacher you like that might now someone in university who knows the curriculum and who is closely involved in the process

There are people in your university who work in your building that have the JOB to support you, so make use of it

Seriously, the way I see it from a distance, is that those issues functions as boulders which cause you to question yourself at every step you take in academia

I myself just walked to a guy (teacher) who I knew was a student councelor and sat down with him to adress the issues and becoming more effective at work (as I'm a perfectionist in nature)

I went to my school's psychological counseling center, they literally told me, exact words "there is very little we can do for you"

i need to leave this world of shit and focus on rebuilding myself before i hurt myself, accidentally or purposefully. doctor told me that if this not sleeping trend goes on for much longer that ill be very at risk of having a stroke and that scares the fuck out of me

Au contraire - I don't have a degree (for a lot of reasons that are private enough not to discuss here), and despite this I earn a lot (as a software/security engineer).

It probably would've been easier to finish uni, but whatever, fuck easy solutions.

>Spent my entire life learning about IT in order to enter the field and try to make money
Learning about IT or learning IT? Because entry-level positions are IT are still ridiculously easy to get (at least where I live). Yes, you'll probably earn pennies at the start, but it'll pay off later.

>No money, no future and no happiness that i was promised
Money comes with time.
Future is what you'll get eventually either way.
And happiness is something that you have to achieve yourself. Earning money has not a fucking thing common with being happy. It's just correlated through "not being a loser".

>Now i'm getting off my ass and trying to fix it, you call me weak-willed? how amusing.
Ok, that's one positive trait that I find in you.

You're not wrong, my head is a bit clouded at the minute due to private reasons. I live in a relatively old fashioned area that doesn't have barely any IT based jobs, and I can't move due to money reasons.

In a nutshell i'm in a shitty situation and i'm trying to pull my finger out of my arse and figure a plan out.

Pick a trade OP i spent a total of 10K on school and i make 70$/h full benifts working for a union. Uni isnt for everyone but eduction is. i believe in you, i believe in your success.

Don't you need to already be well versed in a trade to not fall behind at trade school?

Cheers mate, really means a lot. Honestly.