I just saw a black kid eating ice cream, ask me anything Sup Forums

I just saw a black kid eating ice cream, ask me anything Sup Forums

any anime recommendations?

did you tell him to get back to work?

How do you steal ice cream?

op is fag

Did you notify your local police department?
If not dubs says you have to

Nope, I was too scared

Excuse me?

I sent sos and shot a flare gun

What were you doing in a low income neighborhood?

Most likely

Nigga, I live here

Oh my God I am so sorry. Stay safe.

I don't watch anime, rick and Morty is s good cartoon tho

It used to be whites only neighborhood

grapefruit icecream, i guess

The Boondocks

Did you cup the balls when you blew him?

...Did like a KFC open nearby or a welfare office?

Well I'm from Europe and my gay ass country thought we should take some refugees in...so we may say welfare office

did your daddy molested u?

How do we save the white race?

We don't :(

Nah, wbu?

We have to