Why do boarders even exist...

why do boarders even exist? wouldn't world wide open boarders lead to a higher standard of living for everyone in the world?

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hows middle school going?

Boarders exist because one morning after troubling dreams Gregor Samsa awoke to find himself transformed into a hideous vermin so he couldn't work and help his family with the rent so they took in boarders, one of whom threw an apple at Gregor as he crawled along the wainscoting.

the world will evolve to that point. It doesnt have a choice.

The transition getting there is going to be a little rough.

We already live in a global society, money has no nationality.

Were pretty much in a phase shift right now, and either we all get our shit together or we pretty much either all die or completely lose any sort of quality of life on a mass scale

Quite frankly, I doubt anyone here had ever read Kafka.

I actually do support open borders as a concept, but there is a large difference between the two examples in the image.

Nations in Europe are on the scale of singular states in America. The border between Mexico and the USA is much more massive, and there is a greater divide in terms of overall poverty level between each side.

In Europe, everything has become more intermingled. They also have many many agreements and treaties that ensure that should someone from Holland commit a crime and enter Belgium, they will still be dealt with accordingly. There are far stricter rules once you start going outside of their agreement areas, such as the Schengen area for travel.

Yea you go and live in a country full of benighted people like mexico and you'll understand why we don't want those people.

> wouldn't world wide open boarders lead to a higher standard of living for everyone in the world?

As simple as no.

Just imagine if there were no atlantic ocean back in 1620, you would stolen all that territory from indians maybe two hundred years earlier.

That's why we need frontiers.

>why do boarders even exist?
To pay rent and supplement my income.

Borders, however, should exist to keep filthy beaner culture from destroying beautiful white culture in America and sub-human muslim culture from wrecking everything Europeans have accomplished in art and architecture. Your OP image is cute and everything, but how long until both of those countries turn into literal shit-holes because of the massive influx of islamic filth?


Not too mention the abject poverty and the rampant crime in mexico, which makes those people undesirable.

>12 year old globalist thinks he knows politics
Have fun in your middle school, faggot

OP is asking a question, not proposing an answer. chill meng


eurotards and their fucking logic

LOL at India building a fence... as if those sand niggers were any better than the sand niggers at the other side of that fence.

Go look up what the average wealth is if you factor in the whole global population. Just the fact that you are capable of shitposting in Sup Forums through your phone or PC means that you are filthy rich and privileged as fuck compared to most of the world.
And controlling their own borders and providing security for their own citizens is one of the basic things one expects from their own country.

wow people have built fences at some point in history. crazy dude. Next thing you are gonna tell me are some places have houses with roofs!

all im saying is why do i get to live a privileged life and people in Africa have to endure grinding poverty? what did i do to deserve this high standard of living?

its seems so incredibly unfair

>Why do walls on our houses even exist? Wouldn't having a wide open house lead to higher standards of living for everyone?

Because you can't have open borders and maintain any degree of social security/welfare state.

The exception to this is if you have a global or One World Government but I get the impression that wouldn't be your thing

I assumed it was Kafka because it matches what I know about The Metamorphosis.

so go live in africa

Niggers, arabs, and spics didn't do anything to earn what the west gives them. They shouldn't be able to just come over here and collect welfare while I have to bust my ass to survive. Fuck niggers, fuck spics, fuck arabs and fuck you.

ding ding ding for the correct answer.
If there was little or no difference in job prospects, welfare availability or standard of living between the US and Mexico, that border would look the same.
What champagne socialists need to realize is that it's THEIR neetbux on the line here.

You had ancestors that gave half a shit about each other and their descendants (you). Something the africans will never learn if the best and brightest among them keep abandoning their country for greener pastures. They simultaneously make both countries worse.

You are most certainly mistaken.

You nothing, your country/people/etc. They have a higher IQ on average which allows them to come up with solutions to economic problems and improve their standard of living. Subsaharan african IQs are around 70-80, whereas Europe is above 100. So niggers need to go through a harsh natural selection to remove most of their stupider peers, only then they might improve.

>Implying they dont exist

>why do i get to live a privileged life and people in Africa have to endure grinding poverty?
Because you live close enough to a rich man that fucking you long enough might get him shot. Keeping common men where they are now means they mostly just shoot each other.

That's the only reason they let you have as much as you have.

Boo Hoo, life isn't fair. Get a fucking helmet and deal with it.

>benighted people like mexico
And just why do you think that Mexico might be more benighted than, say, the United Snakes?

This guy gets it.

Open borders and free trade work when the systems are close in relation.

In the case of the USA and Mexico there is such a disparity that Mexico brings the USA down to its level more than USA brings Mexico up to theirs.

This is mostly due to the gangster style politics in Mexico where drug lords can pay off the police and federal employees.

The USA went through this growing pain back in the 30's; corrupt governments and crimminals running the country.

Don't get me wrong we still have a shit ton of corrupt politicians but they found out it is better to starve the masses than kill them out right.

lol white trash detected...always at the bottom despite all the white privileges

Your have the IQ of a nigger, write more cogent argument you stupid fuck.

Cause most of those spics have a lower IQ and don't invest on their children's education.

Gringos, gringos, über Alles.

>why do boarders even exist?
learn some economy history then

You must be a sand nigger or some of those other "oppressed" minorities that leach off the rest of us.

So uh... do you think there's a correlation between open borders and all those bombs going off on your trains?

generally speaking, yes. But you only get a better quality of life for the bottom if you cut nice stuff on the top.

and i do not want that

>why do boarders even exist?
To demarcate laws of the land, and who protects and thus enforces their rule on what territory.

>wouldn't world wide open boarders lead to a higher standard of living for everyone in the world?

So move to Africa and give away all your possessions to the Africans. Put your money where your mouth is you fucking coward.

He doesn't even know how many of those are in his alphabet.

Open borders work only if you have:
1) Similar Cultures
2.) Same standard of living

Otherwise the idea sucks.

Then move to Africa u stupid fuck.

Socialists aren't about giving away their money, mate. They're about giving away your money.

>having open boarders with a 3rd world shithole

do you have doors at your house? why don't you leave them unlocked and your windows open?

because holland and belgium are whites, whereas usa and mexico is whites and nonwhites

It will never happen. Fences and walls are forever.
As long as someone has something, they will want to protect it. That includes countries.

Oh I know.

I also know this is all bait, but it's still fun to argue about.

Trupophants and their idiocy. Inset #6 shows the two walls that already exist between the US and Mexico. Your Fearless Leader isn't going to build a wall that already exists in duplicate! He's going to pocket the appropriations for building what already exists. Fucking get a clue. You done been hosed!

Anyone who spouts "white privilelige" black privelage' "male Privelage" needs their fucking throat cut ASAP.

They exist because OP is a faggot.

This is some postmodern shit user.

You should have made sure Hillary won.

As if anyone in the United Snakes ever cared about anyone other than themselves!

You guys sound like retards some time, not today many countries have border walls.

And why the fuck should we give two shits about worthless starving niggers in africa? All they do is have kids which they can't even feed. Let them all fucking starve.

Not everyone will agree to a one world government. What happens to the people that don't want it? Are you going to force them? Fucking K to the EK.

Go live in Saudi Arabia, Sudan or Ethiopia if open borders is such a good idea you fucking naive idiot

They exist for political reasons.

Maybe in a couple thousand years there will be a one world government. Maybe not. By then we'll be battling moon colonies and possibly aliens so we'll have to band together.

one and only comment that shines light on what jr here just posted.

Public education is a part of the federal Constitution in Mexico. Their students are about two years more advanced than are those in the US even though they spend half as much time in class.

The fact that you call Mexicans "spics" shows that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Uh... source?

I agree op, borders are nothing more than a way to control our freedom of movement, nationalism itself is a pretty fucking stupid concept.

>why do I get a privileged life
Because your parents worked for it, you fucking mongo. They raised you up so you could do better than they did, as did their parents before them. This is the fun fact as to why niggers never change. Asians came over lived rough lives and made a better future for their children and further generations. Niggers bitched. Guess that's what happens when your mother is a hooker and a crackhead so your dad leaves before the dribble runs all the way down her thigh. It's literally the parents' fault that their children are in a shitty situation. All this finger pointing victim complex shit is nothing more than a lazy man's logic trying to find reason in denial.

OP seems to have been speaking Buddhistically. Or perhaps Marleyistically.

The fact that you spics can't produce a sustainable economic growth without the US suggests to me that the education provided by your shitty government is tenuous at best. Where are the fruits of those investments?

That booming education yet you live in a shit hole.

By the way, I should point out how accurate your image is, mexicans are soooooo educated that the best jobs they can aspire for here are based on physical labor.

I live in Tijuana. I also knew the Basque border under Franco. You have no idea what you're proposing. The greater the inequality, the more interesting the confluence.

This is pretty true, i came to the states when i was 9, the principal made a big deal asking my parents to hold me back one year to make sure i "catch up" to their clearly advanced education. I refused, stayed in my grade and i knew more math, science, history and geography than every kid there. The teacher hated me. I still remember her shit name Ms.Coxs, the always treated me like shit because i took her teaching degree and shat all over it by being smarter than all of her shit kids.

Anyways, its easy to talk shit about things you dont know or bother to know. I live in both places, and i can tell you that Mexican kids are much smarter than American kids, its common knowledge that US education system is shit.

As they are now, so shall ye be soon. Mexico is already deporting undesirable gringos!

Oh yea because allowing in impoverished, emaciated, benighted immigrants is such a blessing to this country right?

HAHAHAHA what a good joke.

There is a big difference in two communities getting along, and Mexico invading the US and forcing the US to inherit Mexican problems.

>inb4 Mexicans aren't the problem

I won't argue with retards who don't see facts just because they can't admit they were wrong.

Amerifag here. I've actually been to Mexico quite a bit, and it's really not that bad. It's definitely not as wealthy as the US or Canada, but I really don't get the hate.

Its literally corruption, pick up a book here and there.

(Calls for "source" on Sup Forums)
QED, dude. Or ask a fucking Mexican. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/¡Ask_a_Mexican!

Last I checked there were no dirty spics in Holland or Belgium.

What about how we fuck over Mexico with our insatiable desire for illicit drugs that we simultaneously insist must be illegal?

And who's responsible for that corruption? You people, either through your feckless inability to hold your governors unaccountable or because you directly abet them on this corruption.

>you spics
You shure won dum fuk.

>mexicans are soooooo educated that the best jobs they can aspire for here are based on physical labor.
Then why is anybody concerned about losing a job to a Mexican immigrant? Just improve yourself and leave the grunt work to them.

Borders will always exist, reddit. There never existed a time in human history where different nations and tribes casually strolled into each other's territories. It's not even a human thing either, plenty of animals have the same conception of "territories" where no outside packs are able to tread. It makes sense too, you wouldn't want a random outsider to waltz into your house and make it his home would you?

Liberals who live in their gated communities are foolish enough to believe that everyone has good intentions, but that's not true. If you want the abolition of all borders and boundaries, then prepare for your upper class suburban lifestyle to devolve into hell. There are lot of criminals outside the border who want your shit.

You don't know enough about the topic to hold a valid opinion on it. Go outside, take a walk and re evaluate your life man.

>border between 3rd world hell hole run by drug lords and America, which used to be a good country
>border between white Christian nations that share the same values

no, because niggers like you, who lack values, education, genetic fitness, and everything that is required to have a happy, safe, and prosperous community of people would ruin them. stay in your hell hole and prey that the eternal victims in whitey's country pipe down, or its going to be colonialism, the holocaust and the crusades all wrapped up into one.

I do improve myself, the problem isn't about them taking a job (trust me, they'll never get mine) the problem is them bringing their shitty culture and ideas to this country and voting for more free shit, just like niggers do here.

I live in a three-bedroom condo right on the beach in Rosarito for less than two hundred dollars a month. Electricity costs about ten bucks a month, water about three, cell phone seven. Our government is overtly corrupt while yours is still covert. So not sure what your point is.

Oh but surely you are such an erudite in this topic aren't you? Follow your own advice before quibbling and making excuses for those savages trying to infest this country.

Who are you to say that one culture is inferior or superior to another? And what ideas are those? Working hard to provide for their family? These are Mexicans we're talking about they're always busting their ass.

Ask a real born in Mexico, Mexican that works with KKK members anything.

Mrs. Cox? Did you live in Michigan?

Last year, in one day, the immigration folks rounded up more than 1,500 illegal gringos and sent them back where they came from. More than four hundred of those were flagged in the US system and went to prison for outstanding warrants. In just one day!

lol, niggers have literally spent the last 60 years blaming whitey for everything, despite the fact that US spends hundreds of millions every year enforcing its affirmative action and non-discrimination laws. niggers and spics literally don't have to pay for their education, and they get auto-hired by any big company to hit those quotas, and yet they are still marching around to the tune of the eternal victim. I'm going to make them understand what it means to be a victim, I'm going to make them earn that title.

LOL classic Benighted Guy. Watch out! Benighted Guy strikes again!

I live both in the US and Mexico and know enough about both cultures and politics to have a valid opinion.

It seems like you just need someone to either blame or be afraid of.

The simple fact that mexico isn't doing as well as the US is proof enough that our culture is superior, which by the way, culture isn't limited only to the regional foods, music and other trivialities, it also encompasses the different attitudes when it comes to how a country is ran and governed.

For a small time yes but thats not where i know Cox from.

You didn't really check, did you? Or maybe those spics washed themselves shortly before you showed up.