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how do you feel about donald trump

trump is a manchild

worryingly globalist so far

i'd like to hear more

god emperor



because attacking a country in the name of liberty while denying its citizens access to yours is *mildly* hypocritical as both hillary clinton and his daughter have already mentioned.
I swear to god if he starts talking about controlling syrian airspace
I'd prefer we return immigration limits per year period regardless of the country of origin.
and maybe not continue to overthrow the governments of sovereign countries.

like if france invaded the US colonies and started slaughtering the british and british sympathizers for what was in honesty a minority of US citizens, I doubt they would be remembered fondly since they were killing the same people
nor would we see the following government with serious legitimacy.

i cant wait to depose kim jong and destroy sk with the refugees


given it's been three months of a 4 year term, syria thing was a mistake but he hasn't gone back on much else and i dont think he ever ruled out syrian airstrikes.
it will be interesting to see how the supreme court plays into politics now.
thats just strong posturing.
that kind of shit is how we won the cold war without killing everything.
its up to NK whether they want to start shit, but it has been for the past several decades while they've been starving their own people

moar or sauce?

just enjoy this

A vacuum cleaner would make a better president


I'm just going to say that american merkel would have been worse.





Why do you think so?

no "muh refugees"



the ruling elite of nk will concede as little as possible with the understanding that any level of obsequiousness would only lead them more quickly to the destruction of their iron comfort

hildog probably would have been a very acceptable prez


but it's not like they don't understand what they're doing to nk and internationally

thicc af



"Blue handkerchief in the back of my pants
Sir, you’re lookin' like you go for the boys with the antlers"-futret

do you think the US is bullying the NK?


i'm mostly frequently not quite sure what the white house is trying to do

NK is the same shithole its been for decades, its not like anything has changed in the last 2 months. the oompa loompa in the white house is just screaming about them now hoping that people stop noticing how incompetent he is



Come here queer deer.

hey dude

what up


but also yea nk is a shithole that nobody cares about anymore and if they misstep they will be destroyed completely

my dicc, dat boi.

you a pervy nigga aintcha

He's an inept jackass. Our country deserves better from both political parties, and, that said, it's partly the Democratic Party's fault he's even in office given how unelectable Shillary Clinton was.


what that from?

boku no pico

it's almost entirely the democrats fault for choosing to ignore what their constituency wanted

Which is why the world should just stop acknowledging NK completely. If it falls it falls, if it attacks SK it will be destroyed. But Trump suddenly crying like a baby over something thats been a problem for decades, trying to act like something needs to be done right now and creating more tension within the US and between the US and China is more of a problem than NK itself is. Obviously he would like NK to be a sudden problem to distract from the fact he can't do anything

and forgetting that they built their party on blue collar workers, becoming a party of academia instead.
democrats in the rust belt and trumps /slightly/ proposed economic policies while on campaign is 99.9% of the reason he's in the white house.



They constantly threaten the US with nuclear war and test nuclear weapons against the wishes on the UN. The international pressure North Korea is feeling from the US, China, and the UN at large is completely deserved.



he's also putting a lot of political pressure on the north koreans, that in itself could also be a large bargaining chip in chinese negotiations should they take place.
its in nobodys interest to go to war against NK, and 100% of why the NK still exists (us and sk pushed them back right to the chinese border at one point) is chinese involvement in the war, they still see it as a communist buffer against the capitalist west, even while they're making more and more moves toward centralized capitalism themselves.


both russia and china lost interest in nk as a buffer state by the 90s at the very latest.

wiggling around in your tummy, never thought about that feeling before

I wonder what it feels like

ever had bubble gut before


a strong us ally literally on their border is the last thing they want, it stopped being about the spread of ideas yes.
especially one already that close to their capital.

There was a woman whose only platform was being female and pc, a man was only valid claim to presidency was stereotypical traits of being a man, and a wise old soothsayer who never actually explains how opening our chakras will save the rainforest.

its the same reason why russia immediately took control of the west slavic states but not direct incorporation, having a buffer zone.

wrong link

no I don't think so

i bet it feels like that. with a biiiig release at the end.

with a more consistent and less insane president, nk wouldn't be in the news.
russia is far worse news than china at this point, and why trump is trying to redirect attention to se asia.

it makes sense politically if you take economic negotiating factors into account.
not just reducing potential NK sanctions but lessening the pressure on their internal political situation.





has trump ever struck you as an altruist

which end do they come out



o wow



I always wanted to be the one that wasn't but also was but was before the one that came after I never saw what happened but it was awful and I hated i t and i hatec ity anad i hated it but also when they didn't they came to me and they said "why is it like this all the time? Isn't there somewhere else somewhere else somewhere else for them to be? Isn't it a wonderful little mechanism that seems to be also fit into the general perception that it will never be the same? how could it how could it be the how could it be the same when how could it I always wanted it. always wanted it before but now i never wanted it because i wanted to see what would happen if i did not and i also did.

what in tarnation.



when in the world did the one that they wanted be the one that they needed? it will never it will never be the one that they seeded or they readed or they bleeded when i when i wanted to see you you never came. you were always the one to blame. you never see in the light when i did and i also wanted to blame you but never saw that you were not the one to blame. you never wanted to see that i wanted i wanted blame. you never wanted to see that iw anted to ber that i wanted to see. you never did want to see what i wanted and did you see that you did??. dili gusto sa pagtan-aw apan sa pagtabang kanako. اللعنة لي نيجر
alllaenat li nayjr



what beautiful cartooning, rick griffin

Nice carrot hole.

*(Now) jobless groundskeepers*


what attraction do you have to manpussy?

I think Rigby went on to become a man-whore.

No, but he does come across as a successful business strategist, it wouldn't be out of concern for nk or china but a stronger bargaining position for the US should that take place.

I fucking wish

all the way through!

Didn't think Rick Griffin did porn per say. Let alone of dudes. Neat


That's gay.