Lets get an Aesthetic/Feels thread

Lets get an Aesthetic/Feels thread


wow, where is that?


idk pulled it up from another thread

any lurkers?


Common guys contribute


damn, its beautiful. My friend and I are saving up to build a hydrogen airship and want to use it to go to lesser known/visited remote parts of the world.

This reminded me of that.

I just love the thought of being able to exist in a place where no one demands anything of you and you can just live.

hell yeah dude. Lucky ass hope everything goes your favour to get that



give me more aesthetics please

It's a pretty simple concept, really.
Wood, mylar/bopet, items necessary for outfitting as a living space
(TV, microwave, sinks, etc)

Its all based on a concept design from some
artist from like the 60s. This engineer was
working on it some time ago and gave up
because of a good paying job for his kids/wife

I don't have those things but I do have land and
a good job. We are just going to put our funds
toward making it and I can class it as an
experimental craft with the FFA. As long as I don't go over cities and major population areas,
stay out of commercial flight lanes and govt restricted space....

Heres another

Damn thats amazing

still its fucking cool



I wasn't saying it's disheartening. That's just the
things I'll have to do to get it off the ground, so to
speak. After that you could literally be off the grid.

I'm going to put solar thermal collectors on top.
Whole thing runs on light and water. Go to
the middle of nowhere and grow some food
or hunt and you're set

Please continue
I'm Enjoying the thread



This is the basic concept.
I've tweaked it a bunch but the premise is the same

And I wasn't trying to hijack the thread, I was just
excited to talk about this. I'll be going------>




If you ever think seriously about something like this, the hydrogen is a bitch.
I am toying with a nitrogen buffer and a catalytic converter to force ammonia creation.

Everything else is relatively easy but I'm not
just going to throw hydrogen in a mylar
sack and take to the air

I don't have anything to contribute really other than to say if any of you Bros are in too deep, please, please seek out some professional help.

And if you're just in melancholy, don't ride the wave out too far. There's always the future, no matter how bleak you see it

lets keep going but im gonna run out soon


im try to keep going warning stories coming up








bump for those in the southern hemisphere, winter is coming

also feels including smoking?


Guys i have no more maybe someone else has some please post some




good feels user

Thanks user


im gonna keep posting i found some more pictures


hope you guys are enjoying this as much as me


Feels like home.








Nice thumbnail

couldn't find a bigger image



I searched and found this after you posted the post I am replying to.

They just don't make anons like they used to.


well im sorry m8


im gonna keep posting until this thread hits image limit



This picture is amazing.

hold up i fucked that one up

It's alright but try and look first.



shit thats deep


These to are actually really cool looking as if they're going to fight one another.




linux master race

well im gonna go to sleep now anons i hop you liked what i had to show

one more for good luck love you guys

>orange street lights

is anything /comfy/er?