I'm bored and lonely and slightly attention seeking so

I'm bored and lonely and slightly attention seeking so...
Ask someone with Borderline Personality Disorder anything and everything

Hey again.
How goes it today?

Do you like being an attention whore?


Interested in chatting?

i am rapey and murdery
any chance of a hook up?

Do you spend most of your time imagining scenarios and conversations that you know won't happen IRL in lieu of having real, meaningful interaction with other people?

I know everyone does this to some extent, but I find that the VAST majority of my time is spent doing it. Just curious about your experience.

Woah this thread got people quicker than usual
Today was alright, I managed to get up and see some people today so that was fun. That helped my mood swings calm a little bit so all in all a pretty decent day today

I like some attention but I'm not a slut for everyone's attention, I don't like too many eyes on me

I'm almost always interested in chatting, I'm just not good at conversations

If you're interested in guys and local then sure

I do that a lot. A lot of the time I plan out scenarios in my head and then I'm too anxious to do them because of the conclusions I come to in my head

>all in all a pretty decent day today
Good to hear, man. I'm just waking up, so we'll see what today holds.
I'm the user who said you sound like it'd be chill to play vidya with you at the end of yesterday's thread.

Oh yea you're cool. I didn't get around to AD Mundo cos I was playing with a friend and I didn't want to piss him off. But I did play ad bard top while he played ap ezreal mid and somehow we won

>I do that a lot. A lot of the time I plan out scenarios in my head and then I'm too anxious to do them because of the conclusions I come to in my head

I know that game. Glad to read you got out and saw some folks today though. Good for you!

>AD Bard Top
How about AD Morde?


I think I attempted that once but it was in a one for all in a bad matchup so it didn't end well, I'll have to try it again in norms. You ever try AD bruiser Taric top? That shits hilarious and fun but so far I haven't been too successful with it. Still fun though.

Nah, I usually do play fairly meta.
One of the things that fucks with me is feeling like I can't control or impact anything. Even when we win, if I don't feel like I got to do anything, it feels shitty.

Do you like footjobs?

tell me, how does it differ than Bipolar PD

I have BPD too and the loneliness is killing me, what do u do against loneliness?


Yup c:

Theres is no Bipolar PD so I'm assuming you mean Bipolar Disorder. From what I know Bipolar is more of a long term thing, Your life will feel good and switch to bad the good again in a matter of days, weeks or even months and you suffer from manic episodes. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is mood swings in a matter of seconds, minutes or hours, however the disorder isn't based around mood swings (althought it plays a big part). BPD is about a lack of identity and personality, we have warped self images and our personalities are entirely based on the people around us. We act the way we feel others want us to act and we end up pretty much stealing personality traits from others sometimes. Lots of BPD patients are also very impulsive and they do dangerous things likes drugs, gambling and reckless sex with multiple partners (however I do not do that). The symptoms of BPD can be quite different from person to person and in order to be formally diagnosed you have to meet at least 5/7 criteria however I like to consider them more as symptoms

do you want to be my friend? :3

eh, awwwshit fam I must've confused myself with Bipolar Disorder and BPD!
>mood swings in minutes
>shitty self image
>steal personality
Wow and my brain thought they were the same so yeah, wow.
thanks dude.

I hate to say it but I can't say I've found a solution to this. The lonliness is what hurts the most and the thing I find is best is to talk to someone about it or try and find someone who is always there for you. This can also be bad though because we cling on to much and the moment they aren't there for us, even if its just for a second, we feel abandoned. So try and surround yourself with a circle of friends that hopefully understand what you're going through but they don't have to. If you're feeling down talk to one of them and if they aren't available, at least you have more of the group that you can try and contact instead

Don't worry dude, at first I did the same thing then I did deeper research. At first I though I was Bipolar but over time I found out otherwise

I'd gladly be your friend user :)

Glad I'm not the only one that made that mistake. Wow, this explains a lot now tbh. All that time I'm happy around friends was because I'm not the real me :')

You would fuck this ass

BPDfag here also.

How are you with having a favourite person? Do you have one? Is it soul crushingly terrible when you do something to piss them off?

It is for me lmao

How's that different from avoident personality disorder?

I would fuck that ass

Oh god I hate it but I need a favorite person. When she doesn't pay attention to me, that's when I wanna die. Whats worse is my favorite person was interested in me then one of my "friends" went full Mr Steal Yo Gurl and now shes dating him and I cry

oh fuck me i had one too! too bad i creeped her out and now she's blocked me. oh fuck that's where the dependancy comes from, we just need a shoulder to cry on at all times.

Oh dude, I feel you. My favourite person just wants to be friends and I cry lol. If he doesn't text me for a day I am in death mode. Fuck our lives.

Have you had many different favourite people?

Also you're a guy? That's interesting as it's normally females diagnosed with the disorder

Nice trips : ^)
But I can't be too sure, I've studied cluster A and B Personality Disorders but I haven't gotten around to cluster C. From a quick google search though it seems APD patients avoid social situations altogether to avoid ridicule and judgement where as BPD patients try to adapt to social groups and act the way they believe the group would want them to avoid judgement and ridicule

Yea I'm the rare guy patient and yea I've had to fluctuate between favorite people at times either because they were ignoring me or because I've had an outburst and pushed them away. From memory (and I have bad memory) I can think of two people who have been my favorite person, one of them being current. Although oddly enough when I was a youngun I realize I even had favorite people back then. If my best friend didn't turn up to school I would panic and cry and he had to move to a different area so I had a meltdown. Luckily I made a new best friend and stayed his best friend for a steady 7 years before I had to move away

Can I be your friend? You seem cute.

Is your name Sarah?

:D Absolutely

For anyone who wants someone to talk to or wants a friend, you know how Sup Forums is so I cant give you my number or facebook but my email is psychicbear21 at gmail.com
I'm most active on discord so on that I'm PsychicBear and on steam if you're more comfortable with that I'm Psychic Baby on that and my picture is of a badly drawn dragon

+1 friend is better than +0 friend :3

>I'm the rare guy patient
Uh I don't think my name is Sarah

Well new found friends, unfortunately it's that time of the night where I gotta go for the sleepys. It's 2 am here btw so I'm up a bit later than I should be. If anyone has anything more to say before I go, I'm all ears and if you wanna keep in contact look here I'll make another post 2 hours before this time tomorrow and this time I will probably stay on longer because of the weekend

Are you an Aussie too?

Need the 4 digit discord code to add you.

Ooooooh is that why everytime I tell people my discord they can't add me I'm an idiot
I'm PsychicBear#0283 hopefully anyone else ITT who wanted my discord will see this
Yep I'm in Aussie

It happens. Sent.

Anyway guys and gals, hope you all have a wonderful day and hopefully I'll get to talk to some of you tomorrow