>RLM doesn't like a movie
Wtf I hate that movie now
>RLM doesn't like a movie
Wtf I hate that movie now
oh man Jay is so fucking cute
i want to cuddle with him :3
no homo tho
It's sad tons of people actually think like this.
Sadly, this is the way a lot of people think on Sup Forums.
>Mike literally called anyone that liked Suicide Squad a degenerate weirdo / possible criminal
bit harsh
>Nostalgia critic hates a movie
>wtf I love this movie now.
tripfag leave
Holy shit really?
Didn't these guys say Episode VII is great?
nah that's more like op's meme than reality
But I am a degenerate weirdo and I liked Suicide Squad so I'm ok with that.
wtf im a degenerate weirdo now
everyone hates your virtual friends just as much as they hate you
He actually made me want to see it, desu. What he described was definitely more my scene than the faux-nerd shit these movies are usually associated with.
>mfw patreon extended version where mike goes on a long rant about people who liked suicide squad are a justification for hitler's final solution
>a degenerate weirdo
Shit they got me gud
Jay liked Prometheus.
I don't think they give a fuck if anyone else likes or dislikes the movies they recommended or hate.
He didn't say that, he said the cinema he was in was filled with people from 'tattoo parlours'
Leave Mike alone
He's our guy
Literally more than half of Sup Forums thinks like this.
>Mike what was worse, Suicide Squad or the Holocaust?
>Well Jay, I'm going to go with Suicide Squad because it actually happened
that was code for JUGGALOS.
joker looks like a goddamn juggalo, they all look like juggalos, its juggalo the fan film.
I wish youtube would pay me to mock the work of accomplished directors after having failing at being one myself.
ie people with tatts and piercings and probably, diseases
literally réddit
Not a thing since 2006 though
Youtube pays people to whisper in your ear. reach for the stars user.
tripfags on Sup Forums ?!??!?!
ahahahahaha no really>?
fucker you havent been to the midwest or around white trash lately have you?
there are black juggalos now. there are fat chinese juggalos. the cancer spread after MIRACLES meme, and that was what 09?
these guys...beyond terrific
Why does he always look so greasy?
Don't know man
Why does he always look so sexy ?
>These faggots STILL come here to shill their crap
He's sweating out the gay
>Not having tattoos
i can't wait until hillary makes it illegal to disagree with rlm and puts dc under the jail for good
>God creates men
>Men create RLM
>RLM calls out (((Hollywood))) the frauds they are
>Shills defend Hollywood
>Hollywood destroys itself
>Dinosaurs eat RLM
>Female SJW's inherit the earth
>Become enslaved by Islam
>Dinosaurs eat Islam
Space Cuck II, Dark insurgance vs global revenant requisition, genesys part 3
10/10, This movie tears your hymen inside out
t. - IGN
My friend got lonely and started dating a fat batch who was a jugglo about two years ago and now he's full blown down with a clown and has a kid with the girl. He was 22 in 2014 when this happened so it can happen anywhere at anytime to anyone
We can't all be degenerates. Some of us have to have jobs and make sure the world keeps spinning.
ICP still makes "music" and they still have a fanbase
So yeah it's still a thing
The DC movies are no better or worse than the Marvel movies. They're all capeshit.
rich pls leave
His skin is so greasy though
no worries :3
I will give him a tonguebath
>Literally this Generation's version of Bell Bottoms and mullets, but actually indelibly etched into your skin
You don't need to be a chef to tell someone their cooking is shit, that's a terrible argument. I do usually however find it physically painful to watch these internet reviewers create their own unfunny skits and subplots rather than just critiquing things, because a lot of the time they're prone to the same obnoxious shit that they're always nitpicking about and it's hard to ignore the hypocrisy even if it's presented as "ironic".
Granted RLM's is usually more tolerable due to their dry humour and the fact that they at least have some experience in film. I'm talking crap like Spoony with Dr. Insano and TGWTG, it's hard to ignore what untalented fucks they are while throwing shade at others.
>This generation's version of-
Tattoos have existed for centuries, fuckhead
Yeah you're making sure that big cog keeps spinning wagie. You're just a puppet
>tfw the only time you are legitimately happy is the 2 times a month your buds post a new video
Yeah, but their prominence in Western fashion is a trend, especially when most of them are predominantly fad shit like LOLSONERDYXD and the like.
>leech thinks that his pathetic lifestyle is acceptable
Don't worry all those extra hours mopping those bathroom floors will get your boss to notice you I promise wagie!
I'll pray for you user
Most movies they hate I actually like. Independence Day, BvS, and Suicide Squad Its like if you stop taking movies super seriously and just go for entertainment you stop being a cynical piece of shit