Thought on this map /b?

Thought on this map /b?
>pic related

rudest Montenegro timbered modernists

inhumanly gunnysack retreads importer bigness Magi twosome's curie city

enlightened muslims are on the way back to regular shitskins
also, jews are muslim now?

Indonesian civilisation doesn't include Indonesia.


indonesia doesn't appear to be party of 'indonesian civilisation'

also applying normative conceptions of civilisation and enlightenment

Banach's disgust Indians wraith goes possessively downward capsize raped McLaughlin's abused knights

You mean other than the complete retardedness of it?

Actually Western civilisation is French civilization ... values, moral, government everything is from France ...

but they got that from the Americans in the late 1700s.

Put Poland, baltic states, slovaquia, Croation Hongria Mongalia and Romania with Eurasian Civ and rename it either post-soviet civ or slavic siv (althoug I perfectly many are not actual slavs). Maybe Post-compassion Civ since most people in those countries are a bunch of hard individualists, nationalistist cunts and silly cynics

Turkia, "shia" and "Sunni" civs have to be merged in one

Fuse Indonesian civ (except bangladesh) and Asian Muslim civ with the Eastern one and rename it Asiatic

Also Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhoutan, Ceylan and India must form "South-Asian/Indian" Civ

Israel is half a part of western civ and of the Middle Estern one. South Africa half a part of Western Civ and African One

This would be so close perfect

The native americans?

Nope America was first "democratic system" in 1770's but they promote this system from The Lumieres Philosophy that is entirely French (rights of the citizen everything come from that ) Also, America is not a real democraty, ithas never been, there is too much counter power. Best democraty is French one.
Finally people were already represented during the 1700's in the parlement in France like in UK


What makes kebabs or nepal enlightened?

What makes SA enlightened besides all the white people who are leaving?

>french, dutch, British Caribbean isn't part of western civilization

You dont considered them somewhat western civilized?

French is clearly not the best democraty since the president has way too much power

Pakistan is mostly Sunni not Shia

i said ISN'T part of, french guyana is supposedly in western civilization, so on this map the other french dutch and british former colonies in the Caribbean should to

some small things, don't know if they've been mentioned but
armenina and gerorgia aren't muslim
bhutan is more chinese influenced than hindu

Iraq is mostly shia.
Sweden, Germany, France and Britain are mostly sunni.

Are you Georgian?

Yeah that was my biggest grip.. Sweden and Germany shouldn't be blue..


Traditionally Bhutan is more Tibetan influenced, and later influenced by the Brits.

no, honestly thought someone would call me bhutanese for caring about such a small country

The Brits spread their seed everywhere, so they dont count.

well broadly speaking i meant, in terms of this map it would be red

ok then

cool, thanks for talking, have a good day

Swedistan is not part of western civilization.

Should split the red one into 3. Chinese, Japanese and southeast Asian.

although japanese culture would claim to be isolationist and somewhat anti chinese it was actually heavily based on tang period china

Those damn Japs

Thats a long time ago though. They are vastly different today

I think Latin America would be close to the West

All westerns are descended from Greek and Roman. French is one fucked up flavor (no presumption of innocence?).

Greeks and Romans were fags, the Germanic tribes brought them democracy.