What do you see when you look closely into this gif?

what do you see when you look closely into this gif?
i see a lion and a cartoon girl

I see a hidden screamer, but nice try

also can someone explain how this works pls it is so cool i dont get it
if it is a hidden screamer i swear on my mother i will post nudes of my gf with timestamp

dont look at the gif anons!
its a virus!!!

btw the video also creates mustard gases


Some kind of monster scaring a girl

I see something but not clearly

take it to its own tab and look closely

yeah sometimes you see nothing. i looked at this when i had shrooms and it was amazing

Bowser and peach?


Still pixels
it's only a spinning image what do you expect?

i see things. if you don't ok too bad for you. try it when u have shrooms or when u are high

Its there actually a hidden thing to see? Or is something abstract?

i see it like it's a lot of different pics in the same way. hard to describe...if i stare in the gif i see lines here nd there, and often the lines create pictures. really clear pictures.
but somethimes i see nothing, first time i looed i didnt saw anything but when i looked some hour lter i saw stuff.
its very cool. i want to know how it can be like this and why everyone cant see it

I see googolplex clock buck

I see outlines of an image but I can't make it out. What's it supposed to be?

abstract stuff you're only able to see when you're on drugs

Jokes on you friend I've had 2 diet cokes and 2 Tylenol so I've got plenty of caffeine and acetaminophen in me. So what am I supposed to see?

lol, drugs, ya, technically correct, but not really