I am an exactly 300 pound fat fuck, how much potential cock am I losing

I am an exactly 300 pound fat fuck, how much potential cock am I losing.

By the looks of it, all of it.


pull your fat back and check retard

1" maybe
have some tendies

Maybe a inch max

You have no cock.

Too fat to hit my pelvis sorry

it looks like you've got an inch if you lose weight

danm have there been any female mouths around that little potatoe?

>300 pounds
You're almost at the point of no return, buddy. Cut off ALL sugar drinks. Water, black coffee and hard liquor should be the only liquids entering your body. I was once 250, and after I lost 50 pounds my dick size increased by almost an inch. Don't lose hope, just stop eating shit everyday and you'll be fine.

how fucking short are you? 5' 5"?

You lose all of it, except chubby-lovers.

its threads like these that make us 6.8 inchers proud to be average

I am fat too but my cock is okay... you have other problems

im 5'5", weigh 130lbs with a 5in cock how fucked am i

How long is it now?

That is a nice cock! Would suck/10

I have literally seen a clit about the same size as your dick

you'd suck anything

Honestly don't let your current size bother you, I was 4" when I was 300 lbs and I gained basically 2-3" when I went down to 200.

All of it.